Pavos Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. Learning how to make good mixes isn't a matter of weeks (or months). We could teach you how to mix, of course, but I don't think you'll be up to OCR quality when we're about to end this project (I realise that's still a year - or more - away). That and the fact that Magix Music Maker isn't exactly mixing program #1. But I must admit I gave up that program real quick. On the note of the judges delay being an advantage because other mixers would have time to finish their songs... the other mixers also have to let the panel judge their mixes. And what exactly did you mean by it all being techno?
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 25, 2006 Author Posted October 25, 2006 I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. Learning how to make good mixes isn't a matter of weeks (or months). We could teach you how to mix, of course, but I don't think you'll be up to OCR quality when we're about to end this project (I realise that's still a year - or more - away). Well, then, we have the time, don't we? Besides, nothing is ever not worth trying. That and the fact that Magix Music Maker isn't exactly mixing program #1. But I must admit I gave up that program real quick. Just running through it for a few minutes, I can tell it isn't the best. But like I said, I wanted to work with what I have. Then again, I also said I would be willing to go out and buy a new program, if need be. On the note of the judges delay being an advantage because other mixers would have time to finish their songs... the other mixers also have to let the panel judge their mixes.And what exactly did you mean by it all being techno? Well, if mixer "A" is done, and mixer "B" isn't, the judging panel delay gives "B" a period to catch up, without worrying about dragging behind the whole project. And, doesn't a rave describe itself? Think of it as an intro into the volume 2, which I plan to do around that genre, more industrial techno, rave, and electronica. A 15-20 minute long mix, but full-on quality, so that only a video game fan would be able to tell the source music. Not everyone can recognize a song from Mario 64, but everyone knows SMB, see?
KyleJCrb Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 ed]Hey! Dont look at me, I only know what I pu said. Not my fault! Not my fault! *sigh*... the Summoning of Spirits project mixers are sending their tracks to the judges to be well... judged of course. I know that they're not doing it as a whole project (but most of the songs are being judged first). That's why the idea was to make that a rule at this project. Every single mix being judged by the panel first beofre they're accepted into the project. I, for one, think it's a good idea. It would surely boost the quality of the project. Don't know what you guys think, though... I'm not quite sure DJP and/or the judge's panel would allow that type of flood. If everyone on the project just decided to submit their song on their own, that's one thing, but using the judges as a measure of quality for an entire project? There's a reason why each project has its own directors, and part of their job is to create and adhere to their own quality control standards within their project. It's not the job of the judges or DJP to do this for you. And to clarify: SoS is only allowing whoever wants to submit their tracks to OCR to do so before release; we're not using the judges as a gauge of what is allowed on the project (as you said, pu, but it seems that Pi misinterpreted it the other way later), since some of the remixers involved have no intention of submitting their works, either for technical or personal reasons.
Pavos Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 ed]Well, if mixer "A" is done, and mixer "B" isn't, the judging panel delay gives "B" a period to catch up, without worrying about dragging behind the whole project. That's true, but then when "B" is finally finished, he also lets his own mix being judged by the panel. That delay will delay the whole project since the rest is already done. If it then turns out his mix is beneath the needed quality there's even more delay. That IS a problem that needs to be considered. I'm willing to wait if it boosts the quality. But we should definently think about it. And perhaps you could PM Darkesword if it's even possible to let all of the mixes being judged. Kyle has a point if he says the flooding may be too much for the judges. EDIT: Well at least you got the will to mix . Well I don't know much about Magix, I know Fruity Loops is used very much, but it is a bittle simple (easy to learn, but you'll be able to tell it's a FL mix) and Reason has way more possibilities. I just think you need to read a 1,325,634 page tutorial to fully understand it. I only work my my electronic piano to mix, so hopefully someone can explain things to you. And I didn't see the techno/rave thing was about the final megamix, hence the question. Sorry for the stupid question
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 25, 2006 Author Posted October 25, 2006 Well, the wait is worth it. I'll repeat myself, that even if "B" does hold up the line, that allows time for art, website design, and a whole mess of other stuff. About Fruity Loops, I just downloaded it, and am going to try to get permission to run it on my school computers, cause my home one sucks. I guess we can always see where things go from there.
Anorak Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 Wow, I've never even heard of Magix before... You definately have a better chance of getting some help with mixing if you're using FL, but a downloaded version doesn't let you save, if I remember correctly. For what it's worth, the program I'm using, Buzzmachines, is freeware. It drives many mixers mad though in that you have to program with numbers and letters instead of clicking little tabs. But if you know how to use it, it's pretty powerful and non-linear. I could help out in that case, but I don't recall a thing about using Fruity Loops. Somebody else would have to help with that. I'm not sure if you could learn to mix with any program in time for this project, but it's possible, since everyone learns at their own speed. But remember that the standards for this site are very high- I very often think my own CtC mix will not be up to snuff. Still, remixing is certainly a skill worth aquiring and you should definately give it a shot if you have the will and the means.
avaris Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 If you download the demo version of fruity loops, you can export your songs in midi format I believe. So what you can do is finish all of your arrangeing by exporting and importing your midi file whenever you wanna work it, and then once ur finished hand it over to someone to put some good instruments over it and the mastering and production. Also when u import the midi to work on you can just put some basic instruments over it just to see how everything sounds together, and then when ur done working on it for the day just replace the instruments with midi and then export it as a midi file. If you just concentrate on the mixing, composing, and arrangeing ur goin to be better off and have a much better chance to succeed.
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 25, 2006 Author Posted October 25, 2006 Thanks for the support, everybody. I honestly don't think I'd be up to par on a mix, either, but after a while, it's not like I couldn't be a prominant mixer on OCR itself (I hate emoticons... grr...). Oh, well. Like mlo said, I'm not sure if you could learn to mix with any program in time for this project, but it's possible, since everyone learns at their own speed. And, what, you think after me carrying on about this project kicking ass, I'd let my own crap filter through?
Jimmy Jazz Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 Pi_R_[]ed Ok, I like the idea of the mixing Sector X in, but I can't really promise anything. Andross's theme has to be dominant for at least 50% of the mix, right? Well, I really wan't to put some starwolf in as well - I really wan't to start it with a certian bit from Starwolf theme, And I really wan't to end it with another bit. However, as Andross's theme doesn't exactly show a huge amount of variety, I could probably use a bit Sector X's theme in certian places just to give it a bit more.... variety, I suppose. Now I'm promising Anything, but I quite like this idea.... And As for the submitting the mix, I really think you should give it a try. There is still a lot of bosses that need themes remixed, And we should give you a chance, see what youre capable of. If you post a WIP, we can really give you a few pointers. I'm a bit of a remix n00b as well, remember mlo I still haven't got an MSN acount. I'm setting it up.... now! EDIT - And Now Ive Got One! its just
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 26, 2006 Author Posted October 26, 2006 Well, it has to be the majority. I think, if you are really worried about it, you can do 40% Andross, 35% Starwolf, 25% Sector X. Well, my laptop just died. Sad, really, as my uncle gave it to me, and now I don't know what to do. That was where I did all my work, and now I have to stay anchored to my home computer. Besides that, my laptop ran on a wireless connection, so after three months of high-speed bliss, I'm back down to dial-up. Damn. Besides that, my laptop was unusually better than my home computer. So besides a huge download time, you may have to wait for any kind of mixing prowess on my behalf. To be honest, I was more interested in regualer mixing, rather than for the project. Anyone who checked the ReQuests forum recently (I still like to go back, it feels like home, thats where it all started, isn't it? Well, no, that was in the site guidelines page...) will know I like the Harvest Moon series, I was thinking of trying the Winter theme from 64. Either way, mlo, I'm checking out Buzzmachines, I just hope the peice of junk I'm working on now can handle it.
Anorak Posted October 26, 2006 Posted October 26, 2006 It should. It starts with zero CPU usage, and ups that as you add synths/effects/etc.. So you can customize the program around your computer. I can hook you up with some tutorials and extra help if you decide to keep it. Just give me a ring. almighty-tallest, I added you to MSN. Whenever you're free and want to go over that track, let me know. I'll try to keep it open whenever I'm at my computer. Oh, WIP at the forum.
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 26, 2006 Author Posted October 26, 2006 I take back what I said, I fixed my laptop. Very, very relieved. Alright, then. Back to work. Maybe now I can really try that program out. I'lll let you know if anything happens.
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 26, 2006 Author Posted October 26, 2006 I approve of widening the definition of remix projects with this. Some sort of piano performance for the final Bowser fight in SM64 would be awesome. Just a suggestion for variety beyond the obvious villian choices, but I guess that's up to the remixers and all involved Way, way, WAY back from the first page of this thread. Just thought, y'know, maybe something to think about. I have to ask, is it just me, or does something seem... wrong? For some of the WIPs, it seems like you know where you want to go, but are having trouble accomplishing that task. I don't want to name names, so I won't mention which. But go listen to a few (not just applying to my mixers, but everybody that reads this), and tell me what you think. Know, it may just be me, and it may just be because they are WIPs. Then again, I might just be completely paranoid...
leepmeister Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 Where are you going with that? I know I am still unsure of where I am going with my song, but that's to be expected after only a couple weeks. I'm still playing with adding, subtracting, and rearranging parts. I have had lots of ideas but it takes time to figure out where/how some of them will fit. Give everyone time, remember the earliest official WIPs aren't due for 4 weeks...this early stuff is just bouncing ideas around and helping each other out
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 27, 2006 Author Posted October 27, 2006 Alright, I guess that can be expected from only WIPs. I was just expressing concern, some of them just sound a little slapped together, you know what I'm saying? Maybe if someone who wasn't on the project ever bothered to comment, and we got a few different opinions, maybe we could know what we needed to fix, on a wider scale.
leepmeister Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 True, perhaps everyone should be seeking opinions of their tracks individually in the rest of the OC Remix forums. I bet the "outsiders" don't feel like digging through our thread. I posted a new WIP. More fleshed out and transitioned, plus a few new elements you might appreciate. Still no updates to guitar or drums, but they will be coming.
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 27, 2006 Author Posted October 27, 2006 Yes, I suppose it is time for an Official Announcement *Trumpet Fanfare* All mixers with works in progress, please place a copy of your current version on the "wip: oc remixes" forum here at OCR. That does not mean stop updating at our other site, but it is to be done, to collect feedback from the community. Also, a note to mixers on the project, that have not yet completed a WIP: "What'ja waitin' for? Get goin', ya lazy punks!". No, relax. I just want to remind everybody that procrastination is one of the worst habits possible. I realise I gave you a while, and some of you gave "no problems". Well, then, get moving!
Jimmy Jazz Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 ed]Also, a note to mixers on the project, that have not yet completed a WIP: "What'ja waitin' for? Get goin', ya lazy punks!". No, relax. I just want to remind everybody that procrastination is one of the worst habits possible. I realise I gave you a while, and some of you gave "no problems". Well, then, get moving! No problem. I'm gonna do a lot of work with Sector X and Andross's theme today - I know exactly where I wan't to go with Starfox's theme, but these two really need some serious planning. With Andross's theme, its just the aranging - I'm not sure what instruments and samples I'm using yet, And with sector X its simply figuring out what bits to put where. Any particular parts of Sector X anyone want to hear in it?
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 27, 2006 Author Posted October 27, 2006 Uhh... the good part?(The xylophone, mostly) And, thats Sector X from Starfox 64, not sector X from the SNES one, OK? I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what your planning, but I know that if it's got Starwolf, it's gonna kick ass. By the way, music from Venom would count towards Andross's theme. And leepmeister, I CANT WAIT!! GET THE GUITAR IN ALREADY!!! While it's never a good idea to rush things, I really, really want to hear it, almost to tears. Its going to be amazing, I can tell. Every album has one or two tracks that really stand out, and I can tell, if things keep heading in the right direction for you, this is going to be one of them. ... Which is just more incentive for everyone else to work harder. Not that they aren't doing good, but, MAN, is it good so far. Work on the guitar, already! By the way, if anyone needs a guitarist, they can contact me, I have someone lined up...
leepmeister Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, I can't make Thanksgiving get here any faster, and until then my friend is 680 miles away. So, all in good time Just for's an example of something he and I did a year ago: It's also a good example of something where I took the time to program different beats and fills in the drum part.
Jimmy Jazz Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 ed]Uhh... the good part?(The xylophone, mostly) And, thats Sector X from Starfox 64, not sector X from the SNES one, OK? I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what your planning, but I know that if it's got Starwolf, it's gonna kick ass. I kinda know what I'm doing. Ive found Ultamite Andross's theme, It seems a lot easier to get notes for than penultamite Andross's theme. I might use that instead, but I'm not sure. Anyone got any opinions on the subject?By the way, music from Venom would count towards Andross's theme. HAHAHAHAHA! Aha! ha! ahahahahahahah! hahaha! heh heh! no. I'm currently trying my best not to end up writing a meledy for the whole bloody game, OK?
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 27, 2006 Author Posted October 27, 2006 Just for's an example of something he and I did a year ago: It's also a good example of something where I took the time to program different beats and fills in the drum part. Why... why do you taunt me...? ed]By the way, music from Venom would count towards Andross's theme. HAHAHAHAHA! Aha! ha! ahahahahahahah! hahaha! heh heh! no. I'm currently trying my best not to end up writing a meledy for the whole bloody game, OK? Hey, I never said you HAD to use it, it just seemed like you were having a bit of trouble deciding where to go with it, and I was offering a bit of help.
Anorak Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 Well tallest, you could actually use Corneria's theme, as Andross' influence extends across the entire- Kidding. (oh my god stolen smiley) Also, way to blow me off on MSN, Pi. Or something. I tried to talk to you and you just logged off. Twice in a row.
Pi_R_Squared Posted October 27, 2006 Author Posted October 27, 2006 I swear, I was framed! No, I have a very spotty connection, so, I apologize about that. I hope you took no offense, and believe me, I would have no reason to do that on purpose. I can talk now, if my connection holds. Otherwise, Ill be unavailable for the next 3-5 hours. Ill go sign in right now... EDIT: aaaand... you aren't on. In fact, no one is on. Whoop-dee-doo.
Pavos Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 ed]All mixers with works in progress, please place a copy of your current version on the "wip: oc remixes" forum here at OCR. That does not mean stop updating at our other site, but it is to be done, to collect feedback from the community. Ehh... isn't that a little early? I mean, we haven't even had our first WIP deadline. We're still trying things out. Perhaps later on it would be a nice idea (not sure if it boosts the image of the project though), but too early to post mine anyway. Besides, it's not really a invitation to post new WIPs at our forum if we know we have to post them at OCR's WIP forum aswell
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