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so i got this thing when i was preparing for a trip, and i haven't really used it. the games it came with more or less sucked. i won't get a lot of games for it anyway, but i'd like to know a few that are really worth it.

i like platformers, rpgs, adventures, that sorta stuff.

the one game i'll get is persona 4, heard too many good things about it. other than that, i got nothing.


Pretty much all I have on it that isn't a classic PS1 game from the online shop is nothing but RPGs.

Disgaea 3 and 4 are great choices, if you like Etrian Odyssey try Demon Gaze. That game was pretty fun. Y's: Celceta wasn't too bad. If you like Monster Hunter type games try out Toukiden, they just released a new version with all the old content plus new kinda like Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate on the Wii U. I picked up the Hyperdimension Neptune: Rebirth games and have been enjoying those so far. Ragnarok Odyssey: Ace wasn't bad either. Conception II was a boring mess but you might like it.

That's what I have so far, saving up some cash to pick up some more games. If nothing else it's nice to have some of the classics from the store like Legend of Dragoon and the Parasite Eve games on the go. If you decide you want to tap into the Online store grab Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions from the PSP shop. And Classic PSX games you can't go wrong with Suikoden I and II, Final Fantasy VI - IX, Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon.. Wild Arms I and II. Slew of good RPGs out there.


i only had a PS2, so PS1 titles that are absolute must play in your book are fine. but it has to be really really good. i get a bit lazy with older games that have shoddy handling and such.

i'm specifically wondering if this is more of a retro handheld or if there is a lot of new shit that's worth considering. i mean, persona 4 is a port as well.

i played some monster hunter on ipad, really liked the idea but found it too repetitive. watched a couple videos and the endgame seemed like soo much work, so i stopped way before.

so i could give toukiden a try, but if it's just as much work as monster hunter then i'm not sure. i've kinda moved away from games that amount to todo lists.

that's why if we're talking rpg, i'd rather play something unusual like persona, because i get a good story with the grind, at least.

thanks for the suggestions, anyway!


As for vita only titles, Gravity rush and Tear away are worth looking at. Both are adventure platformers but gravity rush is 3d and tear away is 2.5d. Tales of Hearts R if your a tales of fan. Ys: memories of celetia if you're into Ys.

But that's it for vita-only titles, as for ports and whatnot:

Persona 4

Dragon's Crown


Binding of Isaac: rebirth

Jet Set Radio

All dem ps1 games

PSP games like Dissdia, Megaman X, Legend of heroes: trails of the sky.

My recommendation is grab PS+. The free games make up for it in spades. Maybe not this month as it's Killzone: mercenary and MonsterBag. Which I don't know too much about them.


I never bought a Vita game, but I got a ton of them for free through PS+ including Dragon's Crown, you gotta just grab the free games per month when they're available.. a lot of them have crossplay Vita/PS3/PS4 so you get a lot of good games, not to mention you can do remote play with your PS4 and play your PS4 games on the Vita too.... mine came with Walking Dead and I think Uncharted + Sly Cooper when I bought it... never really needed to buy a game for the vita.. but I've heard Persona and Gravity Rush is good but there's rumors both games are getting either new sequels or remakes (Gravity Rush) on the PS4


PS Vita Recommandations? Yeah Ive got one, cash it in for the new 3DS XL

Seriously though, I heard Titan Souls wasn't too bad, like SotC only 8-bit. Walking Dead is mostly on point. Tearaway got high marks too. Dragon's Crown was fun and it seems to be the popular option here. I can't recommend many, you might have to look at the downloadable games, not too much love for the hard copies, didn't think the Vita was even still kicking to be honest...

Posted (edited)

i sort of liked the machine aesthetically, was an impulse buy. but you guys seem to agree that the exclusives aren't so hot.

so i will have a look at PS+, i looked at it but couldn't imagine it being something cool so i passed. free surprise games now and then sounds neat.

3DS, ehhh, i'm just not a huge nintendo fan anymore. too few games grabbing my attention there, as well. i had a normal DS and never got into it.

i can believe it's got a better lineup than sony though.

to the vita owners, don't you think it's a neatly designed machine? it could be really good with some great games. apart from the fact that the firm software sucks. what a convoluted interface.

edit: gravity rush looks interesting!

Edited by Nase
Posted (edited)

Just out of curiosity, I checked the Metacritic top Vita games of all time. Persona 4 Golden at the top, then the only games in the top 30 that aren't ports or multiplatform games are Velocity 2X/Ultra, Tearaway, TxK, and Sound Shapes. If you also take out all the arcade-style quick games, the whole list is pretty darn sparse. Technically even Persona 4 is a (remastered) port.

i had a normal DS and never got into it.
Wow, that's harsh. Including its GBA backwards compatibility, I think I've gotten more use out of my DS than any other game system I've owned since I got it. Castlevania, Mario & Luigi, Zelda, Advance Wars, Kirby, FF Tactics Advance, Pokemon, plus all the re-releases... one hell of a library, and that's just the franchises. I'm still working through it. Edited by MindWanderer
Just out of curiosity, I checked the Metacritic top Vita games of all time. Persona 4 Golden at the top, then the only games in the top 30 that aren't ports or multiplatform games are Velocity 2X/Ultra, Tearaway, TxK, and Sound Shapes.

LBP Vita is neither a port nor multiplatform. Just sayin', you missed one.

Sound Shapes is multiplatform, FYI. Velocity 2X as well.

Factor in the PSP library and it's a different story.

LBP Vita is neither a port nor multiplatform. Just sayin', you missed one.

Sound Shapes is multiplatform, FYI. Velocity 2X as well.

Factor in the PSP library and it's a different story.

All the LBP games look the same to me... and IIRC user-created content is shareable across versions. But fair enough.

By "multiplatform," I wasn't specific enough, I meant those games which came across every platform they could manage, not just PS3/PS4.

And I did forget that downloaded PSP games could be loaded on the Vita. When it came out and I was researching it, that feature was still a work in progress, and it was useless for UMD games. That's definitely a substantial library if you're not a bargain hunter.

Wow, that's harsh. Including its GBA backwards compatibility, I think I've gotten more use out of my DS than any other game system I've owned since I got it. Castlevania, Mario & Luigi, Zelda, Advance Wars, Kirby, FF Tactics Advance, Pokemon, plus all the re-releases... one hell of a library, and that's just the franchises. I'm still working through it.

i had a gb micro before, so the GBA era wasn't entirely lost on me. no, specifically the dual monitor thing didn't really grab me. dunno why.

if i found my old micro, i'd probly pick up some GBA games on the flea market.

Posted (edited)
If you don't play Jeanne D'Arc I'mma punch your head.



please reason why a threat is in order! i don't know this game. i'm not a round based buff but i make exceptions.

LBP was the 'big' game in my starter package. i failed to download it for like 5 times. is the port good?

or maybe i'm asking, is LBP good...cause i don't know. i just knew it's super AAA but that doesn't get me psyched by itself. it's a 3rd of my complete memory, anyway, and the service is kinda slow, over here atleast. as in, my internet isn't fast (1.2 MB/s DL), but i'm getting a fraction of that with the vita over wlan. the whole no-cartridge thing has been a lukewarm experience thanks to that, so far.

Edited by Nase

Velocity 2X is absolutely incredible -- get it right now. It's somehow both the best platformer AND the best shmup of 2014.

If you do RPG's then I highly recommend you buy the FFIV Complete Edition that was originally released for PSP -- the graphics are all redrawn in HD by hand, and it includes both FFIV: The After Years and a connecting game only available to that edition. It's the definitive release of the game IMO, and it's only for Vita / PSP.

For Vita specifically, OlliOlli (and the sequel) are really spectactular for short gaming sessions. Otherwise the console is best used for indie games (Rogue Legacy, Spelunky come to mind) that you _could_ do elsewhere but feel at home on the Vita.

What he said.

Also, LBP isn't a port - the Vita game is exclusive to the Vita, at least for now.

It's also my favorite of the series.

well then i have a download to finish before i buy anything. with any luck it might finish in 2 days...

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