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Heart of a Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata - History

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One question, can we have more than 1 remix of the same song/series???  My 2 ideas were Melee's Menu Theme and Smile and Tears from Earthbound.


I prefer to keep the project somewhat small due to the time constraints, as well as present an even coverage of all the games. One per series, please.


What's the ideal deadline for this? 3rd quarter, 4th quarter? I'd love to make something from Wario Ware but if you're looking at like a month or less I can't. If you're looking at longer, put me down for a claim from Wario Ware - I'll pick a specific source later.


EDIT: you know, it really helps when you read page two of a thread. I see someone already asked to take WarioWare, so I guess I'm out.


I'd be happy to collab with someone though, if they want :D


If support is still necessary, I would like to offer help. I have absolutely no experience in remix making, but I do have an ear for music so that could be useful. Dunno bout that one though. I'll be honest, I just want to see how remix albums like this are built firsthand, as I feel the experience could be worth something. What, I don't actually know, but whatever.


I mean, I may not be well known, but to be well known I gotta start somewhere. This seems like as good a place to start, at least for me.


I ain't got no problem with that. If you feel that a peer critique will help get a better remix sooner, than so be it.


If support is still necessary, I would like to offer help. I have absolutely no experience in remix making, but I do have an ear for music so that could be useful. Dunno bout that one though. I'll be honest, I just want to see how remix albums like this are built firsthand, as I feel the experience could be worth something. What, I don't actually know, but whatever.


I mean, I may not be well known, but to be well known I gotta start somewhere. This seems like as good a place to start, at least for me.



It would be a good learning experience and you can take the blame when I forget to show up for three days ina row. :<


Mostly, it will just be taking over if I can't respond right away, and helping out with reviewing the quality of the remixes. I also like having someone that will be willing to disagree with any stupid decisions I make.


I ain't got no problem with that. If you feel that a peer critique will help get a better remix sooner, than so be it.




It would be a good learning experience and you can take the blame when I forget to show up for three days ina row. :<


Mostly, it will just be taking over if I can't respond right away, and helping out with reviewing the quality of the remixes. I also like having someone that will be willing to disagree with any stupid decisions I make.

Sounds good to me! By the way, what should we call this album? I created a name, and I wanted to pitch it. "Thanks for the smiles." Fits Iwata real well, at least in my opinion.

EDIT: If you need better contact with me that's reliable, tell me in a PM and I'll give you my Skype so we can do this more efficiently. Plus, it will make a hard to mistake noise.

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