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Posted (edited)

TRAP... kinda cool, but I just don't have a great framework for evaluation, relative to the source.

We'd need a new title if it gets approved.

- djp



remixer name: GARLAND

real name: Spike Arreaga
user ID: 54586
Submission Information:
Game title: Pokemon Red/Blue
track title: Lavender Town Remix
song remixed: "Theme of Lavender Town"
Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
  • 2 weeks later...

This takes the basic theme and builds an entire trap world around it. The source itself is really basic, so the choice to wait for the melody to come in until the track had a lot more time to develop was good, as it kept things from getting repetitive too quickly. It almost gets to the point of being overly repetitive, but it ends before things get out of hand.

I do think a section where the arpeggio drops out for a bit would be a nice reprieve, but otherwise there is a lot of care put into the various drum parts, and the vocal clips add some mood without getting overused.  


The arrangement of the source is basically a genre conversion, but when a lot of the interest of the song is contained in the new parts, it is substantially interpretive to me. 


Some of the kicks get a little too boxy and boomy, considering the busier patterns, but otherwise the production is on point. Overall I think it clears the bar.



  • 1 month later...

I do think that overall this is a bit close to the bar due to there not being too much in terms of source change in itself. As Andrew says, the trappings (get it?) around the source are really what make this, but the source itself is pretty straightforward. That being said, I do think this does clear the bar in terms of the interpretation and style change, as well as the personalization that's going on here. 

I'm down with this one.


  • DragonAvenger changed the title to 2015/02/07 - (2Y) Pokémon Red Version 'Lavender Town Mix'
  • 2 weeks later...

It's a cool track, but I'm going NO at the moment. Production-wise, it's very muffly & muddy during the densest parts (e.g. 2:09-3:01), the phasing/skipping from 2:09-2:54 sounds like a rendering mistake instead of a feature, the voice/SFX clips are too lo-fi (a minor point), and 2:09-2:48 sounds as if the melody was simply sampled directly from the Game Boy audio.

Arrangement-wise, there's definitely some things in the right direction of the Standards, particularly the bassline being an arranged part of the source, and the rhythmic adaptation to trap. That said, the chippy lead sounds so much like the original, and there's not much interpretation of that. This does some good things in the adaptation to trap, I just felt there should have been more melodic interpretation, and also less direct sampling of the original audio.



Lots of good attention to detail here.  I should disclose that Trap really isn't my thing.  At all.  But I can appreciate the complexity of the rhythm and backing parts you put together for this.

I agree with Larry's crit on the track getting cluttered a little after the 2 minute mark.  Also, agreeing that the melody line at that point sounds like an effected rip from the original audio.  To that end, I'm not 100% sure the backing arp that plays through isn't also utilizing audio from the original that's been sped up.

Also, the track ended really abruptly without much of an outro or much of a resolution, which was a bit disappointing.

This much reliance on the original audio may make this an auto-NO, but beyond that I would like to hear some tightening up on the production side and more personalized interpretation.

NO resubmit, please

  • Nutritious changed the title to 2015/02/07 - (2Y/2N) Pokémon Red Version 'Lavender Town Mix'
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not feeling the production work on this one, to be frank. The way the 808 is mixed and the sample that you're using sounds wimpy and doesn't really anchor the track like it should in a trap remix, and the rest of the instruments feel muffled and lo-fi, like Larry pointed out.

Use this track as a reference: 


Obviously this is a professional production and we're not expecting that level of quality from every mix, but compare how the 808/kick sits in that mix. It has a great deal of presence and helps fill out the low frequencies much more fully than the sample you're using, which is essential because the rest of the instrumentation in most trap music is pretty sparse. Right now, your production seems very hollow and just not where it needs to be, even if your aim was for a more gritty, lo-fi aesthetic.

Another thing to compare is the transitions - in your track, a lot of the transitions just feel weak or not strategically-placed in the arrangement. For example, the drop at 2:10 feels like it's building up to something big, but the section that follows does not ramp up the energy level compared to the previous bridge, so it ends up falling flat and not contributing much to the arrangement. There are several other similar issues throughout the track. 

The cutoff ending is disappointing. The vox samples are too low-quality, I can see how that might have been intentional but it's a bit distracting. 

On the plus side, you've got some very energetic drum patterns employed here, which help keep the excitement going even when the track gets melodically repetitive. Lavender Town's melody really does work great in this style. Overall, I feel like you've got a great concept here but the execution is not up to par. 



Trap is not an easy genre to remix songs into, due to the relative simple structure of the genre's popular staples.  As such, I think you did the right thing in not trying to stick too much to whats expected of a trap song, and used the genre as something to build upon rather than a strict guideline.

I have to echo some of the other judges' concerns regarding the mix though.  Even though I prefaced my vote noting that this isn't a straight run of the mill trap song, and as such it doesn't have to stick closely to what we expect from the genre, I agree that some of the elements, such as the 808 kick, lack presence and character.  In trap this particular element is very important as it acts as both your sub and your kick, and sets up the basic groove your song will follow.  I find that the 808 kick doesn't sit very well in the mix, and its also not full enough to cover the lower end of the frequency spectrum of your song.  It's very hollow sounding and it appears to be layered with a bass synth of sorts that just doesn't work very well.  Generally, you want your 808 kick to have presence in your mix, and this one just falls short.  Put more emphasis in getting this element right in your mix.  It is VERY important.  Make your kick less hollow and give your sub more presence and stability.  They are your base to build onto.

I don't have many issues with the general mix levels, however I wasn't a big fan of the sound design in this one.  The section at around 2:09 more like an inexperienced use of the samples rather than an deliberate decision.  This also goes, to a lesser extent, to the section at 1:31.  These sounds have no release time, and also end before the next beat, which is ruining the flow.  As mentioned above, the bass that accompanies the kick is not sitting well along with the kick and I think a more neutral sub bass could work better. 

This remix shines, however, in the drum sequencing department.  There was a lot of detail put into this.  I was happy to hear details like the pitched snare at 03:07 and the use of triplets in the drum fills to be executed well and true to the genre's style.  The dark, lo-fi atmosphere also fits this VERY well this theme as it's an infamous theme with a dark urban legend behind it.  I know I was disapproving the way some of the samples were used, but I can't deny they contribute somewhat to the unsettling atmosphere.

The arrangement, although not very expansive, I find it hits the right cues, and given the genre it does what it needs to do and nothing more.  It's conservative but substantial enough for a pass.  Trap music is generally light on melodic content, and I find this track does enough with it to be passable.  It's a good adaptation.  The abrupt ending also fits, in the context of an intentionally scary remix.

Overall I think that with the above problems solved this could get a yes from me, as the overall track is heading in the right direction.  Right now I find the mixdown hurts the enjoyment of the track by a substantial amount and some of the sounds, although spooky to fit the atmosphere, also end up being too awkward to fit properly.


  • Sir_NutS changed the title to 2015/02/07 - (2Y/4N) Pokémon Red Version 'Lavender Town Mix'

This is straight-up cool.  I'm loving this.  The other Js have pointed out some of the odd choices in instrumentation and sampling, but I feel like it all works to tell a very creepy yet groovy tale.  Dem drums, they are tasty.  This arrangement and even the distortion-heavy mixing makes me think of what a Redg mix would sound like if he suddenly produced trap. :-D 

I wish there was more source in here than mostly just the backing arp, with just a couple of short sections of melody, but this source use is working for me.  Is this the original game audio?  If it is, it is sped up and distorted so I'm not sure.

I really do like this track.  The mixing is just too much on the muddy side at the moment though.  I suggest looking at all the very good crits from the other Js and cleaning up the mixing as much as possible.  Also, your mix is only hitting a maximum of -5db, so this feels like a pre-master.  When you send it back, how about mastering it properly so the max is 0db (without being squashed of course).  Please fix it up and send it back quickly!

NO  (resub please!)

  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2015/02/07 - (2Y/5N) Pokémon Red Version 'Lavender Town Mix'
  • Liontamer unpinned this topic
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