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Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History

Drawn by Dai

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14 hours ago, Trism said:

We have the ever-wonderful and super-talented @Chimpazilla assisting us in that regard. Once you're completely finished with your track we'll ask you to render it into WAV stems to be sent over for mastering :)

Stems? Wouldn't that more-so be used for mixing?

When I get music mastered, I am used to giving a single, mixed down track with 6db of headroom, and the mastering is applied to that. 

I'm OK with the idea, just surprised is all. :)

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Cool thanks, that's what I had imagined. :)

A couple more questions, if I may:

1.  What is the policy regarding original material in the remix, such as original melodies not found in the source?

2.  Are elements from tracks in the game other than the one we are remixing fair game as elements to add to our own? For example, if a reference to the main theme is mixed in at some point? Or would that be sort of stepping over into the territory of other mixers?

I ask these because my source song is only 30 seconds so I'll need to be creative! :D

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38 minutes ago, Jean Of mArc said:

Cool thanks, that's what I had imagined. :)

A couple more questions, if I may:

1.  What is the policy regarding original material in the remix, such as original melodies not found in the source?

2.  Are elements from tracks in the game other than the one we are remixing fair game as elements to add to our own? For example, if a reference to the main theme is mixed in at some point? Or would that be sort of stepping over into the territory of other mixers?

I ask these because my source song is only 30 seconds so I'll need to be creative! :D

Unofficial answers, but answers nonetheless:

  1. Because it's an approved project now, I'd expect the regular OCR guidelines need to be followed (e.g. at least half of the tracks should be OCR postable). With regards to original material the guideline to use is that at least 50% of the track length should be recognisable as source (so that leaves about 49% for original stuff if you really push it to the limits :P)
  2. I expect it to be okay. I regularly sneak in references to other tracks from the game OST (working on 2 Final Fantasy tracks that have strong references to the prelude), but keep in mind that the main source should be prominent.

As to just having 30 seconds of source, that's usually enough to work with. My last posted remix was a mix of 2 short sources (this one and this one), just means you can get really creative with the arrangement and structure ;) 

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Yeah, pretty much what Jorito said, except for overly implementing other tracks from the album, because at that point you're verging on making a medley, and also could well be stepping on other remixers' toes and negating the claims process (that's how I'd see it if it was me). IMO a limited source does actually give you MORE freedom, because you can use it at least two new and different ways, being: 1- using it as the core structure of the track with interesting harmonies, chord structures and instruments, or 2- going completely off the map and using it solely as the bridge and/or chorus sections. Either is fine, as long as it's present in at least 50% of the track.

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Hi everybody. Been busy behind the scenes as ever. So July 1st brought in another deadline for some of you guys, most of them have been submitted. Sounding great, cheers! The upgrade to OCRA has seen a lot of excitement. Those of you who haven't submitted have pretty much all given reasons, and that's very cool of you. Cheers for that too, looking forward to hearing what you bring to the table.

For others of you, the next deadline is August 1st. But you know that because I just messaged you, reminding you as such :D . The positivity is awesome, and this clock seems to be pretty well oiled, I must say (touch wood). Keep up the momentum guys.

So... July 1st also brought another milestone. 6 months since the inception of the project. Happy half-birthday mofos! I've decided to put a cut-off point on the claim process, to keep the ball rolling and to maintain the growth of the project. As we stand, we have a total of 34 tracks on the album split into 3 discs with the themes "Rest", "Quest" and "Battle". Currently 29 of them are claimed 24 of which are completed or have evidence of work in progress. If by September 1st we don't have 30+ tracks being actively worked on, it'll be split into a double-disc instead, with the titles "Light" and "Darkness". Which side will your track be on, I wonder???

As I say, this is purely to keep the album rolling smoothly. 8 months is a decent point, methinks, and we can't keep the recruitment process open forever... That way lies development limbo. Besides, It'll actually be very cool to move on to the next stage!

Here's a list of the remaining unclaimed tracks for any who may want to step in:

European Town
Call at a Port
Southern Rhythm
The Castle of Dragoon

Anyways, as ever, great work so far peeps. Keep it up. Really delighted with what's being brought to the table so regularly and consistently. This album is shaping up to be epic, eclectic and emotive across the spectrum.

If you haven't claimed, but would like to, don't be shy! Drop a message here, or hit me or @Trism up in a PM.

Take it easy, lads and lasses!

Odai out

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hi peeps. I've been on holiday/vacation the past week (in fact I still am) but I've found a little time to drop in here... Always thinking of you guys... *sniff*

Nothing much to say! One week til a swathe of new update submissions, everybody seems to be ferreting away at their works. Great stuff. Even a couple new claims! Oh, and the completed tracks are mounting. Keep going, and hit me or @Trism up if you need anything.

Cheers peeps!

PS, if you think this project is missing anything, post below. We can discuss it right here.

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I'm sick! Bad tempered snot factory right here...

In other, more positive news, things are going swimmingly with the album's progress. We're down to 4, that's right - count 'em, 4 unclaimed tracks! 

OK, it's only one less than my previous post, but since it comprises of one dropped track ( :( ) and two newly claimed ones, I'm happy. Also there's a total of 16 tracks which are 100% complete and mastered, awaiting mastering or applying finishing touches & tweaks. That's over half, and the rest are chugging along nicely.


September 1st's a submission deadline for some of you. But youse guyse know about that, I've PM'd you. :D  As mentioned in some previous post, Sept 1st's also the cutoff for claiming a track. That's just shy of a month. Any more for any more? Here's an updated list of unclaimed sources should they tickle your fancy:

XXX Call at a Port XXX CLAIMED
Southern Rhythm

 Let's fill it up and complete the album, hey?

Cheers folks!

Right. Time for some medicine and complaining about how lousy I feel.

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Hey, it's been a while! I'm glad that the project is still going on smoothly :)

I've got one question: what will happen to the unclaimed tracks passed Sept 1st? Will they not be part of the album? I've got plenty of time so I could relieve you from one track. I know I'm not the best around here, but I could give it a try! I've already done an underdog with Yomi, so Southern Rhythm would be perfect to continue on this path :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Odai is on holiday! I be runnin' this 'ere ship now, me hearties! Splice the mainbrace! Keelhaul that filthy landlubber! Yar!

Ahem, anyway. There's not a great deal to report to be honest. The next deadline is fast approaching as well as the cut-off for the last few track claims (that's September 1st for any of you who may have missed the glaring message in the thread title or in my signature). If anyone fancies pulling an 11th-hour save for any of the remaining sources now's the time!

Other than that everything is ticking along nicely. Considering that I've seen album projects on this site sometimes takes years to gain any kind of traction I'm amazed that this one is moving along so swiftly. Thanks to everyone for their continued hard work.

As ever; if you need anything please hit myself or @Odai up via PM. Peace out motherlovers!


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