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Star Wars, Episode VII: The DoD Awakening

#1 Claude D. - Star Wars - Boozin' in Mos Eisley - good +0.05 
#2 Ivan Hakštok - Star Wars - Sidious - good -0.39 
#3 Shipluss - Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Life in Space - good -0.45 
#4 streifig - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Her Battle Meditation - above average +0.43 
#5 Boroda-kun - Star Wars - Death Star Drakkar - above average +0.35 
#6 Sagnewshreds - Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - You Must Become a Shredi Master - above average +0.18 
#7 Hat - Star Wars - The Band - above average -0.01 
#8 Daniel Alm - Star Wars [JVC] - That Wookiee Boy Ain't Right - above average -0.48 
#9 The Valley Kings - Star Wars [JVC] - Your Princess is in Another System - average +0.48 
#10 pingosimon - Star Wars - Imperial March - average +0.27 
Voters: 17

New Year is here and finally you can see the epic conclusion to this December saga. Congrats to Claude D(arth)., Ob-Ivan Hakštok and Imperial Starshipluss! And to everyone who entered, the force is strong with all of you. Thanks to everyone who listened and voted!

Check out the updated songs:

At the Month Page: http://dwellingofduels.net/duel.php?dir=15-12-StarWars&month=Star%20Wars&img=15-12-StarWars
As a .zip pack: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/15-12-StarWars/15-12-StarWars.zip
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8gbAdBgHQUYzvzknEAPOtBzWlLQGPbVS

Okay, enough with Star Wars puns, next month is...

Collaboration Month!


It's a free month with one condition: NO SOLO ENTRIES! You have to collaborate with someone. Or bring your band. No entry should feature a single person, because this is Collaboration Month, period. In the spirit of the theme, the banner was made by a group of Anonymous DoD Artists.

The listening party is gonna be held live at MAGFest 2016! Get to Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland on February 18-21 and join us at the celebration of all things VGM. Gonna be fun.

The songs are due: February, 16th, 11:59 AM EST
Send your entries to dodsongs@gmail.com

23 minutes ago, Chernabogue said:

I like that theme. I'd like to enter. :)

The theme is awesome. And I hope we get some more OCR people. People who can't play an instrument could now collab with people who can. :D

Btw, I talked with streifig a bit and we had the idea for some sort of "artist matchmaking" thing to help people find collab partners. So, if you have great arrangement ideas but need someone to record guitar, help you with orchestration or do the mixing, we might be able to help.

I'll post more details once we figure out exactly how it's gonna be done.


Would be rad to see more OCR folks submit entries for DoD! I'm really excited for this month. Got some big ideas floating around, but competition is always stiff for MAGFest month...that doesn't matter though! It's not all about winning :D

I'd encourage everyone to enter and at least collab with someone. I might be looking for a buddy to do mixing/production type stuff on my entry because arranging/playing are my strong suits but I'm new to studio type stuffs.


Hell yeah!!!! This is mad exciting. I really hope everyone from OCR who's gonna be at magfest enters at the very least. Ideally I would really love to see a bigger OCRemix presence in DoD but that's just wishful thinking. Anyway, I can't wait to hear what my OCRemixer comrades come up with, and can't wait to see you all at magfest and at the DoD listening party. Love you! <3333333333

  • 1 month later...

The songs are up!

Duel page:


Youtube playlist:


You can join the live listening party at MAG, tonight at 1AM, or the online listening party on 8bitx at the same time. Feel free to write some reviews and vote: http://dwellingofduels.net/voting/ (send the votes to dodsongs@gmail.com).


The results are coming out today after the main concerts! 

Don't be discouraged by your placement.. that's the main piece of advice I can give anyone. Because for one thing most of my entries end up becoming DPs on OCR, or at least they pass. Not a gloat. I'm just telling YOU as an artist, not to put that much value into your numerical placement. The DoD crowd wants a specific type of straightforward metal, and the in-person votes during MAG are worth more than online votes, and most of the people are drunk and being goofy instead of taking it seriously. The in-person votes are worth more because (1) there's more of them usually, and (2) they're much more unfairly cast. Many 0s, many max scores. It's like Amazon reviews. It's not valuable to you as an artist. 

Not even scratching the surface of debate on production or arrangement quality, it's less important on DoD than it is at OCR. That's just a fact, and you will see examples of that when the results come out. 

No disrespect, I mean it has caused me to not enter DoD quite so often, because the feedback isn't quite as valuable as it should be. But you can still use feedback you get from there if it seems reasonable. But the fact that you have to question whether it is reasonable makes it less valuable. On OCR you will get valuable feedback. 

Sorry if I offended anyone. 


For the most part Brandon, I'm with you.  I've heard stories of people doing silly things in the DoD listening parties at MAGFest, which is one of the main reasons why I hadn't taken part in one in the past.  As for the whole 'straightforward metal' part, it's not so much a test of arrangement or production values, but rather the performance quality that gets taken on board.  You can be as artsy as you want, as simple as you want or even as full of innuendo as you want; but as far as I'm aware, the highest scoring entries often had the live components of the DoD performed exceedingly well.

In other words... killer studio chops?  More like killer stage chops, am I right? :P


Yeah, DoD has another focus. I've gotten some pretty good placements there and my production quality is definitely not standout! It's still fun to compete there, just for the sake of making a remix in a somewhat limited time (which is why I haven't written an arrangement there for a looong time, I'm relegated to supporting Ivan haha).


Resuuuuuuuuuults (if you haven't seen them already):

#1 Robby V, finbeard, Snappleman, Tina, Maiko, Monte, Sagnewshreds - Ninja Warriors - Daddy Mulk as performed by T-Shizz - good -0.36
#2 Russian Attack (Affection State, Boroda-kun, Claude D., Commander_Doyle, creepue, GamBit, GearX2, Harmsing, Inrudiment, Jean Sugui, Shipluss, SJ Van Damme, streifig, TwoJan, Zubareus) - Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos, Rush'n Attack, James Bond Jr., Jackal, Ninja Gaiden - Radio Dendy - good -0.42
#3 newip, BLOBER - Thunder Force 4 - Rynex - above average +0.4
#4 Sagnewshreds, Brian Westbrook, Mike Dreher, Tony Barhoum - Final Fantasy 6 - 6 Feet Beneath the Veldt - above average +0.32
#5 Harmsing, Sofia Taro - World of Warcraft - Forest Tavern - above average +0.29
#6 Ivan Hakštok, Wake, Sixto Sounds - Sonic 3D Blast - 3Fast5You - above average +0.2
#7 Brandon Strader, Cheryl Norfair - Xenoblade Chronicles - Beyond - above average +0.04
#8 Affection State, SJ Van Damme - Ninja Gaiden 3: The Ancient Ship of Doom - A Heart that Wants to Save the World - above average +0.02
#9 LONELYROLLINGSTARS (Ailsean, Mega Beardo, Chris Dlugosz, norg, finbeard) - Solstice - Merging Black Holstice - above average -0.19
#10 clansmaneddie, Josh Kay - Venture Kid, Retro City Rampage - Cityscape - above average -0.19
#11 Moiré Effect (BluuMonk, SuprMelO)  - Chrono Trigger - Give Lavos a Chance - above average -0.32
#12 TwoJan, Creepue - Battletoads & Double Dragon [NES] - Game Bar - above average -0.34
#13 Shipluss, Claude D., Olga Gosteva - Bioshock Infinite - The Song in The Sky - above average -0.42
#14 Kyle Hoke, Epic Game Music, The Blast Processors - Final Fantasy 4 - Face Your Fear: Zeromus - above average -0.47
#15 Steel Samurai (Katamari, JawN, darmock, Parvenu, Jason Farrell) - Shovel Knight - Hit the Dirt - above average -0.48
#16 Czyszy, EmpireAnts98 - Burning Rangers - Angels With Burning Hearts - above average -0.49
#17 Electric Sex Toy (zykO, Greeny) - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - The Biggest One (ft. drunk kylO ren) - average +0.41
#18 Marshall Art (streifig, jmr), Cory Johnson - Undertale - MGLV: The Easiest Enemy - average +0.21
#19 Chernabogue, Furilas, Sbeast, tibone - Kingdom Hearts 2 - The Xemnas Imperative - average +0.14
#20 Quaz, Bean - Starcraft - No Rush 20 - average +0.11
#21 Old Man Wizard (pingosimon, zangderak, Francis Roberts) - Savage - Savage Title - average -0.07
#22 Ailsean, Flik - Suikoden - A Large Gathering of Mice - average -0.13
#23 Trap Fanatic, HoshiHearts - Undertale - Detemmienation - average -0.44
Daemon9623 Mega Man X - Swing Chameleon 
Inrudiment, Harmsing Robocop 3 - Robocop 3 Title
Sofia Taro, creepue Lineage 2 - Shepherd's Flute
Harmsing, Albina Captain America and The Avengers [NES] - Cap Funny Symphony "Villains' Violins vs Avengers' Guitars"


New theme to be announced when streifig gets back home.

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