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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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Welp, Nintendo just announced an untitled Pokemon game for the Switch is under development.




Guess that's it for the 3DS. It was a good seven years, little buddy.

Let's hope Ultra Sun and Moon are good enough to tide us over until Left Joycon and Right Joycon editions come out.


I was hoping this thread would include a video of every time Ash ever told Pikachu to use thundershock in the anime. 

But man...childhood me would be so excited about Pokemon Go. Adult me is excited too. But adult me has to catch up and learn about all of the new Pokemon that were added after Gen 2 so I don't get totally wrekt. 


Picked up the Build-A-Bear Pikachu while at Magfest because my curiosity was piqued.  Not sure if the card it comes with is a preexisting one with a symbol added or a new one.


I saw the title of this thread and thought it'd be one of the greatest remix albums ever. Then I read the actual post. :P
Anyways, I've played Pokemans Yellow, Stadium, Snap, Colosseum, Mystery Dungeon (Red Rescue Team, I think), FireRed, and Platinum. I have very fond memories of going head-to-head against my brother, although unfortunately he was always a more focussed trainer than I was, so his level 100's always clocked my level 70-80's. Then several years later, we started doing level 50 matches. ...Aaaand I still lost, although not nearly as much as I had before. But I still had Mewtwo, so my fragile ego was satisfied.


I've been playing since about early 1999. I didn't know about the series until early that year.

But, I did just start a job. My first real adult job. First paycheck came in, saw I made a relative fortune over the last two weeks, the first thing I bought was a brand new GameBoy Color... and a game I heard some friends talk about called Digmo- nah, just kidding, it was Pokémon Red.

Well... we know where that led to.

I've been collecting the games since, though I haven't always been able to get all of them. I'm missing quite a few, as you can see. But I've made up for that with the manga, Pokémon Special (aka Adventures) as well as a small amount of plushies and some other little collectibles.


Then we have that whole Missingno Tracks thing. And the various other Pokémon related stuff I've been involved in over the years. Some podcast stuff, interviews, hosting minor events like a trading and battling tournament at the local anime convention... lots of things, here and there.

I've been a fan of the games for a long time, and sometimes I wonder where it will go, how it will turn out. I hope it avoids the pitfalls of its brethren. Mega Man used to be one of the greats, and now it's all but abandoned. Sonic used to be the mascot of Sega and was the character of the early 90s. Now, he's a most famous for a string of bad games, and his guest appearance in Smash Bros.

I hope that instead, it will continue to keep evolving (no pun intended) into better and better games. The progress from 1996 to 2016 hasn't been as great as some other games, but it has been consistent. Each generation has taken the better traits and applied them to the next. The series has slowly but steadily grown, and it looks like it's going to keep doing so for the next few years.

Thank you, GameFreak. I hope this year is as good as the last 20!


Well, the direct is over... and it's official, Sun and Moon are coming out this holiday season (likely Novemeber) 2016.

Only other thing of note was that you can use the 3DS VC versions of Red/ Blue and Yellow with Pokémon Bank to transfer your pokémon to Sun and Moon when it comes out. Finally, first gen transfers to... 6th gen? seventh gen?

Yeah, they didn't address that at all. "We're making a new game!" "Cool! Is it continuing the XY/ORAS generation, or is this the start of a new set of games?" "NEW GAAAAAAAMMME!"

Also, couldn't help but notice that they said "with Sun and Moon versions" and didn't mention anything about the current games. Just... ignore those for now.

Lastly, not from the video, but from people that have gotten their special 20th anniversary N3DSs with the game on it, the Yellow version has the Pikachu surfing mini-game on it, and you can use any Pikachu, regardless of it knowing Surf, to play it.

Welp, I guess we'll hear more after E3 when the next Nintendo Direct.

EDIT: Awesome. So, in case you didn't know, there were several methods to glitch the old RBY games to get certain pokémon to appear. Namely, Mew.

Well, the glitches are still there. Combine that with the announced Bank compatibility in the future, and we'll have tons of Mews floating around before the end of the year.

7 hours ago, The Damned said:

Well, the direct is over... and it's official, Sun and Moon are coming out this holiday season (likely Novemeber) 2016.

Only other thing of note was that you can use the 3DS VC versions of Red/ Blue and Yellow with Pokémon Bank to transfer your pokémon to Sun and Moon when it comes out. Finally, first gen transfers to... 6th gen? seventh gen?

Yeah, they didn't address that at all. "We're making a new game!" "Cool! Is it continuing the XY/ORAS generation, or is this the start of a new set of games?" "NEW GAAAAAAAMMME!"

Also, couldn't help but notice that they said "with Sun and Moon versions" and didn't mention anything about the current games. Just... ignore those for now.

Lastly, not from the video, but from people that have gotten their special 20th anniversary N3DSs with the game on it, the Yellow version has the Pikachu surfing mini-game on it, and you can use any Pikachu, regardless of it knowing Surf, to play it.

Welp, I guess we'll hear more after E3 when the next Nintendo Direct.

EDIT: Awesome. So, in case you didn't know, there were several methods to glitch the old RBY games to get certain pokémon to appear. Namely, Mew.

Well, the glitches are still there. Combine that with the announced Bank compatibility in the future, and we'll have tons of Mews floating around before the end of the year.

And possibly Missingno., which raises the question of what happens if you send it to Pokemon Bank.

4 hours ago, Mirby said:

Wish they'd shown us the starters, but I wouldn't be surprised if Magearna is the first of these new Pokémon.

It'll probably be an Event Legendary.


I must sadly admit that I have not played any Pokemon games since Diamond and Pearl. I am picking up a 3DS soonish though, soooo...slightly off topic, what would be the "best"(subjectively speaking) 3DS game to hold me off until Sun/Moon?


I have a theory about this. There was an old interview with Masuda that came out shortly before ORAS. In it, he mentions that they're always looking to surprise people. Hence instead of Gray in Gen5, we got BW2. And instead of Z or XY2, he counts ORAS as those.

Now here's what I think. Zygarde just got a bunch of new forms. Volcanion was announced recently, and is following Magearna. Not only that, but AZ's Floette still remains in game with its special move Light of Ruin unreleased. There's also those train tracks in Couriway Town that lead east and that weird totem that you can get in XY that remains, well, mysterious. What if Sun/Moon aren't Gen7? What if they're a new adventure in PokéGermany just east of Kalos (PokéFrance) that takes place at the same time, or a few years after, XY? Also, there were so few Pokémon introduced in Gen6 in comparison to literally every generation before it... what if we didn't get them all?

I think that Sun/Moon continuing the storyline even further and expanding upon that part of the Pokémon world would be a great idea. And maybe, just maybe, after we finish the game we can return to Kalos from that region, paying tribute to G/S having Kanto fully explorable? It would be a great way to pay tribute to that feature that's quite celebrated from those games, and fitting for the 20th Anniversary games.

I could be completely wrong, of course, but it could happen. I just think there's still so much left undone that was introduced in Gen6 for them to just move on to the next generation already.


XY have the newest mechanics, and that whole trainer customization thing.

ORAS has some nice features, like flying around on Latios/Latias, and Secret Bases... but nothing that new compared to what you may have played in the original Ruby and Sapphire. in fact, the Battle Frontier is gone from Emerald, and I don't even think there's a Battel Tower anymore.

Honestly, I'd say XY has ore to offer in terms of new stuff, while ORAS has more to do post-game (that whole Delta storyline).

Coin toss, I guess.


ORAS also has the Poke Radar thing.  Another thing, the National Pokedex stuff comes earlier in ORAS after you defeat Groudon rather than having to wait until you beat the Elite 4.

10 hours ago, Pipez said:

And possibly Missingno., which raises the question of what happens if you send it to Pokemon Bank.

Seriously the thought of having Missingno in a modern game makes me so excited. I hope they count for that edge case in their programming and just let people use Missingno :) Like it really wouldn't be that big of a deal to do, and I doubt they'd just forget about that possibility.


Well I'm assuming that it'll pull your currently active PC box from RBY into Pokémon Bank via the PokéTransporter, and if the PokéTransporter detects a Pokémon that might be illegal or hacked in some way it'll prevent that Pokémon from being uploaded.

Likely if someone tries that it'll just be like THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS POKEMON SORRY CAN'T UPLOAD IT


New Pokemon! Yay!

Here's hoping that this time around they actually make some substantial changes to the game formula rather than just shoving a bunch more forgettable Poke designs down our throats and yet another ridiculous sidegame that nobody really bothers with (Pokemon Dream World, anybody?)

... Who am I kidding? It's still Game Freak. I shouldn't expect anything major at this point. And I'm probably still gonna buy it out of sheer fanboyism :<

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