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Nemo's online right now.

The new rule above is now called "bypassing," and will be a truer assessment of reports. Remember when I just eliminated players if they got reported? It'll be the same way here, but you have a replacement match.

EDIT: Rules have been changed to streamline 2-point reporting as a byproduct of severed bypasses. Check the first post for more informations.


dPaladin plays against Arek the Absolute, under the bypass rule: eppy has left the active list.


Okay, no no no, bad, bad Kamoh!

Please understand that you just ennumerated 4 awards for the same stat - wins. Which means on any given week, one person wins the first three (*coughchokeJDcoughgag) and then on special weeks, one person wins all four. This is dumb.

:D Award #1: Most wins for the week (with an added bonus if that player went 100% that week, and played all scheduled games).

8O Award #2: Most improved player has the highest differential of wins this week minus wins last week, divided by total games played.

:P Award #3: Dark Horse winner is the lowest ranked player that week to have at least 1 win against a player in the top 5 (3?) (2?) of that week.

:oops: Award #4: The anti-award is given to the person with the lowest differential (presumably large negative number) using the same stat as Award #2, or Biggest Fall Award.

There. Now that I went to all that trouble, Kamoh won't use 'em.

Oh, uh, the All-Star idea seems pretty shiny to me, though.


vs Nemitor 1-0:

Game # 2 will be played later. Both of us were in a shitty mood and staring at the board wondering if we remembered how the pieces moved.

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: uranus_4444

;Black: nemitor_atimen

;Date: Sat Jan 06 03:45:16 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 e7-e6

2. g2-g3 g8-f6

3. c2-c4 f6-g4

4. h2-h3 f8-b4+

5. c1-d2 b4xd2+

6. d1xd2 g4-f6

7. b1-c3 d7-d5

8. f1-g2 d5xc4

9. a2-a4 o-o

10. g1-f3 b8-c6

11. o-o-o e6-e5

12. f3xe5 d8-e8

13. e5xc4 a7-a6

14. h3-h4 b7-b5

15. a4xb5 a6xb5

16. c3xb5 c8-f5

17. b5-a3 h7-h6

18. f2-f3 c6xd4

19. d2xd4 e8xe2

20. g3-g4 f8-d8

21. d4xd8+ a8xd8

22. d1xd8+ f6-e8

23. g4xf5 e2xg2

24. d8xe8+ g8-h7

25. h1-e1 g2xf3

26. e8-e7 f3-f4+

27. c4-d2 f4xf5

28. e7xc7 f5-a5

29. c7xf7 a5-c5+

30. c1-b1 c5-h5

31. e1-e7 h5-g6+

32. b1-a2 g6-c2

33. f7xg7+ h7-h8

34. a3xc2 h6-h5

35. g7-h7+ h8-g8

36. e7-g7+ g8-f8

37. d2-e4 f8-e8

38. h7-h8++


Games against dama are worth going over again. Hopeless position in the 2nd one until he blundered. Im not pretending to be humble but i should've resigned the 2nd one as i really didnt feel like playing it after my mistake.

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: uranus_4444

;Black: damathacus

;Date: Sat Jan 06 05:42:11 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 d7-d5

2. g2-g3 c7-c5

3. f1-g2 c5xd4

4. g1-f3 g8-f6

5. o-o b8-c6

6. f3xd4 e7-e5

7. d4xc6 b7xc6

8. c2-c4 f8-c5

9. b1-c3 c8-e6

10. c1-g5 e5-e4

11. d1-a4 e6-d7

12. a1-d1 o-o

13. c4xd5 d8-b6

14. g5xf6 g7xf6

15. a4xe4 a8-e8

16. e4-f3 c6xd5

17. c3xd5 b6xb2

18. d5xf6+ g8-h8

19. d1xd7 e8xe2

20. f3-f5 c5xf2+

21. g1-h1 b2-c2

22. g2-e4 e2xe4

23. f5xh7++

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: damathacus

;Black: uranus_4444

;Date: Sat Jan 06 06:17:44 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 g7-g6

2. e2-e4 f8-g7

3. g1-f3 d7-d6

4. c1-g5 g8-f6

5. c2-c4 f6xe4

6. f1-d3 e4xf2

7. e1xf2 o-o

8. h1-e1 h7-h6

9. g5xe7 d8-d7

10. e7xf8 g8xf8

11. b1-c3 b8-c6

12. e1-e4 f8-g8

13. d1-e2 g8-h7

14. a2-a3 f7-f5

15. e4-f4 d7-f7

16. h2-h4 c8-d7

17. a1-e1 a8-e8

18. e2-d2 c6-e5

19. f3xe5 d6xe5

20. d4xe5 g7xe5

21. f4-f3 f7-e7

22. f3-e3 e7xh4+

23. f2-g1 h4-h2+

24. g1-f1 h2-h1+

25. f1-e2 h1-h5+

26. e3-f3 e5xc3+

27. e2-d1 c3xd2

28. d1xd2 h5-g5+

29. f3-e3 g5xg2+

30. e1-e2 g2-c6

31. e3-e7+ e8xe7

32. e2xe7+ h7-g8

33. b2-b4 f5-f4

34. c4-c5 a7-a5

35. d3-c4+ g8-f8

36. e7-f7+ f8-e8

37. f7-h7 c6-g2+

38. d2-c3 f4-f3

39. c4-f7+ e8-f8

40. f7-d5 d7-c6

41. h7-f7+ f8-e8



I won my second match against Jack. We were even in material, down to five pawns, two rooks, and one knight each, and then I took his knight in a straight-up gain. He resigned. I don't know how to save move histories on Playchess though.

Edit: Nevermind.

Johnderrill (1579) - Damathacus (1468)

Rated game, 12m + 12s Children's Room, 06.01.2007

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 c5 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Bc4 Nf6 7.Ng5 Be6 8.Bxe6 fxe6 9.Nxe6 Qe7 10.Nxf8 Qxe4+ 11.Be3 Rxf8 12.0-0 0-0-0 13.Nc3 Qg4 14.Qxg4+ Nxg4 15.Bg5 Rde8 16.f3 Ne3 17.Bxe3 Rxe3 18.Kf2 Re5 19.Ne4 Kc7 20.Rad1 Rxe4 Johnderrill resigns (Lag: Av=1.16s, max=3.0s) 0-1


0-2 against dPaladin, in a bypass match. I feel I played better then I have recently (which isn't very good), but he just outlasted me both games.

If you do add me to the bracket my AIM is surfer_otaku.

I don't want to add you if you don't actually go on AIM. We've had enough problems in the past with ghost players who disappear after signing up.

Anyways, you've been added, and you can play halfmatches immediately. You will be added to the active schedule on Monday morning.



Hey you guys...

I've made several changes, notably taking margo and rainman off of the active schedule. Loning said he wanted off as well.

Unfortunately, when I made the schedule, I made two circles - one of 14 players, and one of 6. This is the circle of 6 that is now only 3.

Snerrak, Setz, and Falchion have a round-robin with eachother now, and these three guys actually appear on AIM so there's a chance.

Week 9 ends tomorrow, everyone.

ALSO - with the end of unmod (the little-known but totally true origin of the OCRCL) the forum is swamped. Trust me, we'll get more exposure, but the thread needs to get bumped often - if you don't see it on page 1 please bump it...I assume that unmodders are going to exploit the time zones and go nuts tonight.....and all get banned in the morning.


Reporting ended at midnight - I've only gotten one report in since then (longebane on Bahamut) and I think Longebane tried to report him earlier.

Reporting phases will always end Saturday 11:59 pm Pacific Time, 24 hours before the end of the playing week.


I think that we'll have the tri-series idea come into play in a couple weeks (probably replacing week 12 or 13).

I'd love to see team-play in action, mainly to see if it would actually work as the normal way of doing things in the OCRCL - a while back I had the idea to split the league up into 4-6 teams of 4-6 players each, and while the idea really didn't fly with a lot of people, I thought it would be a very interesting way of developing the league and might encourage more participation. I'm a team-sports kinda guy first and think that, with team play, everyone gets a legitimate chance at winning a tournament.

And not by pity or butt-kissing (thanks for the hoilday tournament title, everyone :D)

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