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well if i could give him something to drink then i would have! All he was interested in was showing me his fiery balls.

Hey, my fiery balls are bigger than Drac's anyday!

If I were a "Boss" in ANY game, I'd be the HARDEST,

PERIOD !!! :twisted:

(don't I sound full of it?)


Mother Brain in PS2.That stupid hag would beat me with two shots.

Ahhh...now THAT Mother Brain was a chore! The SNES

Mother Brain was a who---.....ah, nevermind! :roll:

By the way, have you seen my "guiltiest" pleasures?


If you still have the game AND the save file of where you left off, I strongly suggest you take a picture and send it in! If however, someone has beaten it in UNDER 2 hours, then I'm sorry. I haven't heard of a quicker record yet, but I can beat it in under 3:30. And yes, Samus looks GOOD !

This site has a video of someone beating the game in 38 minutes on the game clock.

First time fighting Death in Lament of Innocence was pretty bad, wasn't even expecting the fight, so I used everything up fighting Walter. So with sub weapons useless against Death as well, he pretty much kicked my ass.

8O .......Damn! I'm a retard compared to those speed-demons!

They must have hit their wits end after accomplishing those


...I'm not worthy......How could you do this to me, Hamster?


If you still have the game AND the save file of where you left off, I strongly suggest you take a picture and send it in! If however, someone has beaten it in UNDER 2 hours, then I'm sorry. I haven't heard of a quicker record yet, but I can beat it in under 3:30. And yes, Samus looks GOOD !

This site has a video of someone beating the game in 38 minutes on the game clock.

First time fighting Death in Lament of Innocence was pretty bad, wasn't even expecting the fight, so I used everything up fighting Walter. So with sub weapons useless against Death as well, he pretty much kicked my ass.

8O .......Damn! I'm a retard compared to those speed-demons!

They must have hit their wits end after accomplishing those


...I'm not worthy......How could you do this to me, Hamster?


Haha, awww, poor Shen_long...They make me look really bad too. Lowest I ever got was like 5 hours. But I'm proud of my 1:30 in Zero Mission :).

I prefer to take my time and enjoy the game.

Suffice to say, I rarelly get good times at games.

Amen to that. Haha. I had like...13 hours I think on Metroid Prime. Talk about taking your time to enjoy a game. Haha.

I prefer to take my time and enjoy the game.

Suffice to say, I rarelly get good times at games.

Amen to that. Haha. I had like...13 hours I think on Metroid Prime. Talk about taking your time to enjoy a game. Haha.

That's long for you? I'm at almost 19 hours, and I'm not even at 90% completion yet.


I've actually been having to replay through it. Damn insufficient memory card space...haha, I transfored my game over to my brother's card, because I had no room left on mine to play some other game and he erased it.

I haven't had a chance to play it on Hard Mode. I need to work on that sometime.


Hard mode makes regular easy.

Oh no, five beetles at attacking.

"hits A"


Err... 4... no wait 3... err 2...

Oooh look at the little critter, so cute... I wont kill it.

For god's sake, the chozo ghosts used to be chalenging.

I have to act stupid for them to be dangerous.

Hard mode made me a great player.


Heh, yeah I'll have to admit that on regular, Metroid Prime was fairly easy. I mean, compared to Super Metroid, and below, where you had NO FREAKIN IDEA where to go, and you had to figure it out yourself. Now that...that is hard. Haha.

Bowser in Tetris Attack, on the hardest mode

I wonder what your highest speed rank is in

Vs. Mode? By the way, even if you beat Bowser, there's still yet another difficulty level (Very Hard) to play. Also, my mother plays Tetris Attack ALL THE TIME ! She can beat Bowser on Hard (word to my moms!). She's beaten me a few times, and I can beat the Very Hard level ! Take advice from me, the CPU is at its best, almost better than any human can possibly be! But if I could beat it, then so can you. Just practice!

I can beat the Tetris Attack V.Hard computer... relatively consistently. It usually takes me a few tries to beat Kamek/Bowser, but I can do it.

Great, now if only I could find out where you are hiding, so I can show you who the REAL T.A. master is! Or better yet, I'll pit my "mom" against you !!!

Muh huh hah hah hah hah !!! :P

maybe you kids should stop bitching about the hard bosses and go and get better at the game. Something is only hard if you want it to be. If your a true gamer no game is truly that hard unless it is a glitch or something

Sonic Heroes comes to mind. Still though, people here are sharing about their toughest challenges and boss fights. Anythings tough the first time you encounter. But after a few (or more) tries you learn how to overcome your obstacles. We're just talking about our "obsolete" challenges. Right now, my obstacle is trying to figure out what you're doing here?!?


Has anyone else here gotten to the end of Gradius 3 (SNES)? Holy crap, I wouldn't have gotten that far without the rewind key on ZSNES, but damn! You beat 1 boss, you think you're good to go. Another comes up, and you're like, okay, a double boss. A third pops up, and you get suspicious. Finally, boss four shows up, and you just... just burst into flames. Or tears. Whatever suits you best.

maybe you kids should stop bitching about the hard bosses and go and get better at the game. Something is only hard if you want it to be. If your a true gamer no game is truly that hard unless it is a glitch or something

Who said we're bitching? We're not bitching when we comment on something someone made a topic about. Actually, you're the one who's bitching. So sit down and shut the fuck up. :)

Has anyone else here gotten to the end of Gradius 3 (SNES)? Holy crap, I wouldn't have gotten that far without the rewind key on ZSNES, but damn! You beat 1 boss, you think you're good to go. Another comes up, and you're like, okay, a double boss. A third pops up, and you get suspicious. Finally, boss four shows up, and you just... just burst into flames. Or tears. Whatever suits you best.

I loved those games. Gradius and R-type are way up there in the gameplay scale. Gradius 3, just keep steady and avoid the obvious hazards. Yeah, multiple bosses can be a trip, but if you feel you might lose control on ANY shooter, pause! Take some deep breaths and relax, until you're ready to continue. Never play games without breaks!

maybe you kids should stop bitching about the hard bosses and go and get better at the game. Something is only hard if you want it to be. If your a true gamer no game is truly that hard unless it is a glitch or something

Who said we're bitching? We're not bitching when we comment on something someone made a topic about. Actually, you're the one who's bitching. So sit down and shut the fuck up. :)

I second that.

hey-- maybe i should stop wanting those horrible cheerio beams to be hard

maybe you kids should stop bitching about the hard bosses and go and get better at the game. Something is only hard if you want it to be. If your a true gamer no game is truly that hard unless it is a glitch or something

Who said we're bitching? We're not bitching when we comment on something someone made a topic about. Actually, you're the one who's bitching. So sit down and shut the fuck up. :)

Oh, snap! Hey Scuba, I hope P.I. doesn't take that the wrong way. You are right about the point you made, but why such harsh words?

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