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He's beatable, but he's cheaper in tactics than he was in Double Impact. To beat him, you have to use either upper cuts or round houses to knock him out of the air (Dragon punched and the like only get you hit as your landing), trip him (this works a good 50% of the time for me) after which you throw a well timed fireball to nail him as he gets back up, and occasional jump kicks (followed up with a "trip and fireball" attack).

Going nuts with supers on him is useless. Ya gotta stick with the basics. Again, he still isn't easy, but he's beatable.

Beatable with Hugo? :P I almost beat him one round yesterday. But then he took out 70% of my life in fifteen seconds.

And here I thought Rugal '94 was difficult...

Some of the bosses that annoyed me include: FinalHazard(Sonic Adventure 2),

Sorry man. He's easy in both matches. :lol:

I think the hardest boss in anygame I ever played was Event match 51 in SSBM. Giga Bowser, Ganondorf, and Mewtwo. Everyone says you can only beat it with Jigglypuff. But I did it with fox. It was hard the 1st time, but now I can do it just about every other time. :wink:

And here I thought Rugal '94 was difficult...

Rugal in KoF '94 was hard. Hard as bared nipples in an Alaskan winter. He wasn't much easier in '95, or in '98. Hell... Rugal has always been a cheap bastard, regardless of what game he's in (even Capcom vs SNK). As much as I love the KoF series, I HATE Rugal.


The F#%&ing Mana Beast at the end of 'Secret of Mana'...I only ever beat him once, and it took me almost and hour to do...I hated casting Lv 8 Barrier everytime he charged at me...drained every walnut I had...but you'd have to have played the game to understand what I mean :D

Rugal in KoF '94 was hard. Hard as bared nipples in an Alaskan winter. He wasn't much easier in '95, or in '98. Hell... Rugal has always been a cheap bastard, regardless of what game he's in (even Capcom vs SNK). As much as I love the KoF series, I HATE Rugal.

You freakin' kidding me?! Omega Rugal 98 was a WIMP! I beat him the first time I got to him! And he wasn't that hard in '95. Saisyu Kusanagi was much harder than him.

Also, he's a wimp as God Rugal, CvsS2. His moves do take out three times the normal amount, but once you know his pattern, he's easy. :)

You want hard in KOF? Try Igniz. He's not -that- difficult, but he can juggle you and take out 75% of your life.

I wonder what Eolith has in store for us in 2002...

The F#%&ing Mana Beast at the end of 'Secret of Mana'...I only ever beat him once, and it took me almost and hour to do...I hated casting Lv 8 Barrier everytime he charged at me...drained every walnut I had...but you'd have to have played the game to understand what I mean :D

Are you serious? All you have to cast are the mana spells on the sword and heal spells. If you had the time to level up Barrier to level 8 then you are obvously strong enough to survive the little charge attacks. The beast was a cakewalk.

Saisyu Kusanagi was much harder than him.

Saisyu Kasunagi?!?!?! Hell, I whipped him like a red headed step child (no offense to the red headed step children of the world :D ). I had no problem with him. Rugal kept knocking me out of the air 90% of the time, and kept using the same moves to keep me back on the ground. He also jumped over damn near every projectile shot.

Maybe it's because I keep the difficulty setting on 4 for the KoF series.

Are you serious? All you have to cast are the mana spells on the sword and heal spells. If you had the time to level up Barrier to level 8 then you are obvously strong enough to survive the little charge attacks. The beast was a cakewalk.

He just didn't know about casting Mana Sword to revive it I guess...one of my friends didn't know about that and kept charging to level 8 sword attack. Took him about an hour to win. And anyway, you don't need Mana spells levelled up that high for Mana Sword - it's automatic 999 damage for each sword hit anyway.


Here's one that probably only a few people have gotten to try. The entire final stage of Gradius II.

I know, bosses, not stages... but hear me out. The ENTIRE last stage of Gradius II is just boss fights. Bosses from LifeForce, the previous Gradius, and a new one or two... one after the other. I believe you have to go through about seven bosses before it's finally all over and you move on.

God help you if you killed, because you are SERIOUSLY screwed at minimum power and the slowest ship speed... as you start from the beginning of the stage 8O ! Yep. You die, you gotta go through them all again with the weakest weapon and a painfully slow ship.

Doesn't it just sound like it oozes fun?!

Here's one that probably only a few people have gotten to try. The entire final stage of Gradius II.

Konami's EVIL.

Try playing all the way through Axelay, making it to the final boss in hard mode, just to spend HALF AN HOUR shooting at it and not even fazing it.

And this was seven years ago, in a real console. Christ, I hate Konami. >_<


Not that I've played the hardest games on earth, but in my opinion, the hardest boss I've fought (and I know this is not an RPG) would have to be Epyon from the Gundam Wing game on the Super Famicom. Hard Difficulty, obviously. Hell, I have a tough time with him on easy! RPG-wise, however, I'm gonna have to say Arch-Demon from Seiken Densetsu 3. I don't pride myself on being a good RPG player, but that took way too much thinking and considering moves to beat (and that was the FIRST stage). And then when he got into the second phase, I just said "I'm screwed." and kept fighting. I won, after a few tries, but I just thought he had it in for me. But that's just MY non-experienced RPGer's opinion, lol.


Konami's EVIL.

Try playing all the way through Axelay, making it to the final boss in hard mode, just to spend HALF AN HOUR shooting at it and not even fazing it.

And this was seven years ago, in a real console. Christ, I hate Konami. >_<

I don't know about EVIL, but they can be damn mean sometimes. Death in the first Castlevania ("hard" is an understatement for that boss), trying to see the full ending in Rocket Knight Adventures (on Hardest... which makes the final pig leader FUCKING hard with the "one hit and your dead" setup), handing over the Contra name for the two Playstation episodes <shudder>. But, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have the Castlevania series. Back to the topic at hand...

I agree though, Axelay's last boss on Hard is a vicious little son of a...


A blast from the past. Anyone remember Hellfire in the arcades or on the Genesis? Anyone ever get to the end end boss on the "Yeah... right" difficulty setting? If so, you know what I'm talking about. If not...

Imagine a large robot. The top half looks like a futuristic knight in armor, the bottom half looks like a hover ship. He has a lance that he thrusts out at you, which fires about a dozen bullets in all directions once it's extended... which happens about once every five seconds. His ONLY weak spot it his head, which is blocked by a very large shield over half the time. The Hellfire missle (your "bomb" in the game) does little to him. He takes a lot of hits before he goes down, even more (like A LOT more) if you wind up dying and having to fight him with the weakest weapon level.

I beat him, once, on that setting. Not a fair fight.


Well, I'm sure someone'll disagree, but I'd have to go with the final boss of Terranigma. The advent of the 'save state' feature mad him (somewhat) easier, but before then, he's nearly impossible. Get this, he launches these myriad attacks at you, each doing obscene amounts of damage. Then he launches an attack that is impossible to dodge and drains away half of you hitpoints for a long time, eventually bringing you down to one hit point, regardless of how many hit points you've got, it is also one of the few times that you can hit him.. To top it off, his defense is so high that you can only do 1 or 2 points of damage to him on a hit, so you have to sit their pounding away for a good hour before he finally dies. Oh well, I guess if it were any less difficult I'd be disappointed.


Hardest boss?

Mishaela from Shining Force.

you fight through her minions, you get to the bottleneck leading up to here, you get her surrounded and start pounding on her... then she casts level 2 bolt and takes half the life from about 10 members of your party.

Of course, you have plenty of others, but then she starts whacking people around for 1/4 health a pop.

Funny thing is, she only has about 60 health.

Man, what a bitch


Well, throughout my videogame experences, the hardest boss I've ever come across was: The Egg Viper in Sonic Adventure. The 1st time I faced him I almost went insane. Finally did beat him, and at about 4:20 AM if I recall correctly, and I have gone back and beaten him many times again since.

Hardest boss of ALL TIME is that RETARD AOIFAHAARRHHGHHHH SUPER R TYPE 3 LAST BOSS. No way in hell you can beat it, try, seriously.

Damn blue orbs....damn them to hell.

I have R-Type 3 on my ol' SNES. I have yet to get to the last stage, but now there's a little voice in my head saying "Go on... you know you wanna get there so you can get your ass kicked too!". Guess I need to up my medication dosage :D .


AHA! None of you probably remember me (or my much earlier post in this thread), but after months of frustrating gaming I have FINALLY BEAT MR. BIG!!! The NES version of NARC sucks, and I've given up on it since it makes you use 2 buttons for 5 commands. Damn that's annoying....

Anyway, I have found a pretty cheap way of beating Mr. Big in the arcade version (but do what works, right?)

Collect every missile that you can in the game and save them all for the last fight. You should have 99 of them by the end. After you destroy his 3 wheelchairs, his sunglasses, and all the flesh on his head, make sure you have a couple of lives left. Let him kill you once. Then, on your next life, during that precious few seconds of invincibility, walk up as close to him as you can and empty as many missiles you can at the base of his spine. Each time you do that, you should usually get enough points for another life. That may be really cheap, but it's the only way i know to get rid of him. Shooting anywhere else seems to be ineffective, and it's impossible to get close enough to clear shot of the base of his spine without his huge freaky skull biting you, and the tongues. OH GOD, THE TONGUES!

After a few turns, his head should start spinning and debris will fly everywhere, until his skull explodes and comes off of the freaky purple head-transportation thing.... Then big cockroaches fly out of the skull and try to bite you. Yuck.

You now have access to his secret room, which is filled with lots of 24k gold bars, and is guaranteed to get you enough points for the number 1 high score. Then you get some lame-ass ending:

"Congratulations! You have completed your NARC training mission.

Contact your local DEA recruiter."

How freaking stupid is that?

Now I'm trying to beat the last boss in NAM-1975. And when you die, the world explodes or something and it's automatically Game Over.



I can't beleive I found the willpower to trudge through 20 pages of this.. I am tired, so I won't take any detours.

I agree with most bosses posted here, and I wish to add another game into the mix : Y's III on the SNES.

I might only be my young age at the time, but two bosses where pratically impossible for me at the time. The fire snake-dragon thing in some caves, and the last boss. I don't remember much, except that I have waisted a sizable chunk of my time on those two.. I think the fire boss is near the middle of the game, though...

Gah, me iz too tired to think anymore. I'm off to bed.

I can't beleive I found the willpower to trudge through 20 pages of this..

Is a serious read isn't it? 300 replies, over 10,000 views and 21 pages. I can honestly say I never expected this thread to hang on for so long. I guess that just shows you the power of a vicious boss battle... you never forget it and you never forgive both the boss itself, and the programmers that made it :wink: .

Here's another boss. I dug out The Terminator for my Sega CD (yep... it's still going 8O ). I was doing quite well, until you come to the part where you have to lure the Terminator's endoskeleton through a large factory, find the right path to get the weapon to blow of its legs, and then lure it towards the crusher. One wrong turn, you're dead. Miss the weapon, you're dead. So much as glance the endoskeleton chasing you with a thread of your clothing, you're dead.

I eventually wound up cheating and using the stage select so I could get back there and find the way the kill to bastard again (I hadn't played it for about a year or so). Cheating? Yes. But I did it :D .


I don't know if you'd really call him a boss, but what about Scissorman. That dude's a real pain in the ass when you're trying to LIVE! Senario 2 is hilarious though (hide in the pantry from scissorshmoe. He comes in and leaves. Leave pantry, look around. Open pantry again, and oh my god, it's scissorshmoe out to gut ya. Now that sucks!


I dunno... the votes for the hardest bosses in RPGs would have to go to...

A) The end bosses in Valkyrie Profile (the ones in the Seraphic Gate)


B) The Dark Aeons and Penance from Final Fantasy X International


But overall, I'd say the final area in Might & Magic VII (the one with all the little droids running around firing particle beam weapons at you, just as you enter the starship) was ungodly insane. The new version of Chaos for the FF1 Wonderswan is no joke either; they gave him two new attacks. A Kefka-ish Fallen One style attack, and a Death To All attack.


I just remembered a boss I never, ever have beaten in my life...

Is any of you familiare with the Parodius series by Konami ? Well, in Parodius 2, there is this secret level you sometime stumble into ( for no reason that I can tell ) where you're flying around this big ship covered with Maoi heads while the March of the Valkyries blares in the background. Anywho, the boss of this level is a giant Maoi head, femal, who spits out these pahlic shaped green heads. I never was able to beat her. Good thing you don't have too..

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