Kai's Bloodfang Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 especially Alva...if that's her name HATED her But I got used to them -except this one in NG2...thevolcanobearcowthing Quote
The Coop Posted July 2, 2010 Author Posted July 2, 2010 I'm giving my old thread a little bump. I was browsing through YouTube when I stumbled upon this... I love shmups. They're by far my favorite genre. But uh... fuck that. Bullet patterns are fun, and manic shmups and even some bullet curtain ones are enjoyable. But this is just nuts And just to make everyone feel like shit, here's someone getting through that form of the boss without dying (they died twice on the last form though)... Quote
Mirby Posted July 2, 2010 Posted July 2, 2010 Coop... how many bumps have you given this thread? I mean, it's 8 years old. There must be quite a few in here. Also, holy crap that is one sadistic boss... Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted July 2, 2010 Posted July 2, 2010 I thought I posted them a while back. Nonetheless yeah even I wouldn't touch that again... Oh hey it's available on the 360, didn't know that. Quote
The Coop Posted October 17, 2010 Author Posted October 17, 2010 A long overdue bump. After finding a nifty little clearance sale at a local Target, I picked up a copy of Wolfenstein for the PC. I know, the game got mixed reviews, but for $4.95, and being a fan of the previous games, I couldn't pass it up. So I'm playing through and get to the end. What do I find? A familiar face from RtCW, and a big mother fucker all decked out in some serious hardware... and he wants to play. The first phase of the battle involves getting through his shields and doing enough damage to him. As you do this, there are large rotating pillars that are your only cover from his gunfire, and of course, are the only sources to recharge your medallion from. Add to this that he blows some of them up, reducing your amount of cover, and yeah, there's a lot of running, hiding (or at least trying to) and firing. After what seemed like a stupid amount of damage, and a pretty cool explosion, you enter phase two. With what you were standing on in tatters, it becomes a game of hide of seek. The boss is able to time shift and run quickly all over the place, resulting in only brief moments of being able to hurt him. And when you hurt him enough, he leaps into the air and begins raining little rockets down on you. When you finally get him hurt enough, the third phase begins. Once you fall a long way to a small encampment, you have to run up a long path. All the while, the boss continually fires rockets at you from above as those freakish little experiments that run on all fours come at you. When (if?) you make it to the top, you finally get a little break with another game of hide and seek that's a little easier than the first one. Perhaps I just had the wrong weapon upgrades, perhaps I just suck. Either way, that was a long, tough battle with a lot of deaths and restarts. Quote
DMaster Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Anyone mention the one from Final Fantasy (I can't remember which one) that has 50,000,000 HP yet? Quote
Kenogu Labz Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Anyone mention the one from Final Fantasy (I can't remember which one) that has 50,000,000 HP yet? Yiazmat from FF XII? From what I've heard, he's actually not necessarily all that difficult; it just takes a looooooooooong time. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Yiazmat from FF XII? From what I've heard, he's actually not necessarily all that difficult; it just takes a looooooooooong time. Everything in FFXII is auto-pilot if you prepare correctly. Quote
Kenogu Labz Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Please, let's not get into the gambit/gambitless argument. The game's more fun if you use gambits sparingly, anyway. Assuming you didn't use gambits, you're in for a long session of monitoring, marked by some points of furious scrambling to juggle healing between current and backup parties. Quote
Iggy Koopa Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Probably some boss composed of aggregated diamond nanorods would be the definitive "hardest boss". Quote
BeaTStrykerRX Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 lol hardest boss? id say, ATM, the wingly magician Faust from legend of dragoon. not only is his magic supreme, he gets like 3-4 turns in a row sometimes.....unbelievable Quote
EC2151 Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Cloud of Darkness in FFIII can be one heck of a tough boss. But that's mainly due to cheapness for the most part. I've already made my posts about difficult bosses earlier and still generally stand by them, but I've been playing more games so: -Phantom from Mega Man Zero. No elemental weakness, attacks frequently with lots of damage, and it's MMZ1- it's not like you have any good fucking equipment to actually stand up to his attacks at this point. Or any point. The bosses of Neo Arcadia (outside of pussy X both forms) are pretty tough too. And I will admit I could never beat Piastol after a certain point in Skies of Arcadia Legends. As well as just about every fucking extra boss. Fuck the IxaTaka Sisters. Quote
Jonnas Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 And I will admit I could never beat Piastol after a certain point in Skies of Arcadia Legends. As well as just about every fucking extra boss. Fuck the IxaTaka Sisters. Did you try facing Daikokuya the Wealthy? The sisters should cower before him. Off the top of my head, more hard bosses that I remember... -That pair of Frankestein Monsters in Castlevania: PoR. Outlasting the timer is not a victory, as far as I'm concerned. Which means I still haven't beaten those bastards; -Beating the A-Path's final boss in Valkyrie Profile: CoP can be easy once you get a New Game+. Beating it without a NG+ takes much, much more skill. (It's cool that the "Good Ending" is the hardest thing to obtain, though. It fits with the theme of the game); -Fefnir is the hardest boss in MM Zero, for me. Predictable, but so hard to dodge; -Jumpin' Jack Flash and The Anthem are the hardest songs in Elite Beat Agents. Considering we're facing Aliens and a Golem, they count, right? Quote
EC2151 Posted October 19, 2010 Posted October 19, 2010 I tried facing every single extra bounty boss in the game but I couldn't fucking beat ANY of them outside of Piastol a couple of times. Maybe it was my inexperience with that particular RPG or something, though. One of these days I'll have to see where I stand now. Quote
Jonnas Posted October 19, 2010 Posted October 19, 2010 I tried facing every single extra bounty boss in the game but I couldn't fucking beat ANY of them outside of Piastol a couple of times. Maybe it was my inexperience with that particular RPG or something, though. One of these days I'll have to see where I stand now. The thing is, your characters have incredibly cheap moves and the game expects you to use them against the bounties, which are some the hardest fights in the game. They even level up along with you, so grinding doesn't work. But Daikokuya takes the cake. He's fast, has competent bodyguards (that he can revive) and a move that nearly kills your party and confuses the survivors. I hate that bastard. Not that Piastol was easy, either. Quote
The Coop Posted April 16, 2011 Author Posted April 16, 2011 Not so much a bump, as it is a rear end collision. But... Not too long ago, I "found" a copy of Broken Thunder, the horrendous Thunder Force spiritual sequel. I was excited, as I knew the history of this ill-fated game, knew how fast it was panned and yanked off of store shelves in Japan, and knew it vanished into obscurity. But nonetheless, I found it, and played it. The first four stages are unimaginably easy. The bosses are ridiculously bad in design and "animation" (if you can even call it that), and the only redeeming factor was the music, which was pretty good (done by the man/band who did the music for TFV, Blast Wind and Hyperduel). Then I reached the final stage, fought through the first four bosses again, and met the last boss... and was promptly handed my ass. It starts out simple enough. Some tracer bullets that are fired at where you are, a small spread of pink bullets, and a spread of thin lasers that criss-cross which are easy enough to dodge, despite how well they blend into the background. The next phase ramps up the difficulty by firing a blob of blue bullets at wherever you are, a quick moving spread of blue bullets in random directions, and then three big lasers that cross the screen. After which, it moves to the other side, and repeats the process in the opposite direction. Then it gets really pissed. It begins firing thick spreads of pinks bullets above and below it, with six wide lasers that leave a large opening in the middle, with lots of thin blue lasers that slowly move in your general direction. There's a lot of squeezing into tight spaces here, and if you survive this, the boss blows up... ... and then comes back as just the upper half. This parts first attack is a big web of thick lasers, leaving spaces for you to dodge the small pink tracking shots that came at where you are. Then comes the rapid fire tracking shots that do the same thing. After that, big greenish-yellow orbs that follow you for a while, which are fired in a steady stream. After that, a spray of fast moving rapid fire blue bullets that are shot out continuously. After that, a steady spread of pink bullets while large lasers are fired at wherever you are in rapid succession, which stay on the screen for a time. After that, a blue bullet spread followed by a spray of fast moving thin blue lasers. Then a spread of the thicker lasers, more greenish-yellow orbs that follow you, more fast blue bullets... it just never ends. This isn't a manic fight like DoDonPachi where you make tight weaves in and out of intricate bullet patterns, it's just a mass of shit being thrown at you willy-nilly until you die. And you will die. A lot. It's the kind of final confrontation that just screams of cheap pattern creation that's not designed, but rather thrown sloppily together, and the end result is dying again and again and again, while burning through continues. Quote
fricotype0 Posted March 27, 2017 Posted March 27, 2017 My hardest boss was probably from the King of Fighters arcade machine. Whenever I went to the laundromat and was waiting, that's the game to play for me. I could never get past the 4th or 5th person though. Quote
fricotype0 Posted March 27, 2017 Posted March 27, 2017 I'm glad noone said anyone from the Uncharted games.lol. just run, crawl, roll, and shoot. Quote
The Nikanoru Posted March 27, 2017 Posted March 27, 2017 For me, it remains Sephiroth from the first Kingdom Hearts game. I've beaten gigantic creatures, Weapons, big ships that go pew-pew in every direction, things I can't injure, things that don't die like they should when they should, but this particular Man in Black is truly a monster, IMO. There is something ridiculously intimidating about his movements and the reach of his weapon. I remember that he had four or five attack patterns depending on the level of his health; I really disliked how the game dangled hope by finally letting his HP bar go down after hitting him a bunch of times, then changes his attack pattern to completely throw your timing off. Of course, I know HOW to beat him - like most bosses, it's about adapting to the pattern, memorizing the motions, and eventually relying on instinct and muscle memory to get you through it - but lining everything up without screwing it up has eluded me so far. I have never spent as much time trying to overcome a boss as I have on this guy. Quote
Lalalei Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 I made an account just to post in this topic. The hardest boss I've heard of is but never fought is probably the Demi-Fiend from SMT games. The hardest bosses I've fought but never beaten are the Life Keeper from Chocobo's Dungeon 2 (not technically a boss, but I've never been optimized well enough to kill him and he's given me literal nightmares), The Dark One from Arc the Lad II, the Death Egg Robot from Sonic 2, and the final Bowser from Super Mario 64. The hardest boss I've fought but actually beaten is Zophar from Lunar 2, who took me 15 years and hundreds of failed attempts to beat. Once you get to his dungeon you can't go back and buy stuff; you're stuck. His first form isn't so bad, but his final form scrunches your party members into an enclosed space so area attacks affect multiple members, he gets around 4-6 attacks per round via his separate hands, is insanely fast, and if you kill one of his hands or take awhile in fighting him, he gets angry and can do an attack which hits for over 7000 damage when your max HP is 999 (you can survive it with a 60-MP protection spell when your max MP is about 240 at level 57 for the fastest character), and you pretty much need to do that because one of his hands heals the others and his main body. One of his attacks hits the whole party, others can drain HP and MP, and he can also heal himself. All of his parts have a load of HP, and each hand has different weaknesses and abilities. Before you start the second form properly you have to fight the invulnerable first form, forcing you to waste turns defending or buffing. And both forms have unskippable, lengthy cutscenes in between them. When I finally beat him, the unloseable phase 3 took a while because I was completely out of magic, MP-healing items, and HP-healing items. By the end I just kept swinging until he finally, FINALLY fell. Apparently the Sega CD version of him was even worse. Rahu from Custom Robo for Gamecube was also really difficult; when I won I had 2 HP left. Quote
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