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And uuhmm FF8 i beated that witch with LV 99 (cheats ofcourse) and it still was hard............

I thought the final boss of FF8 was damn hard! I've completed most of the FF's, never with cheats, but I found a demo cheat disc with FF8 on it and I used it!

You poor saps that can't junction. I had all status and doom protection (Ultima) Then I had Life as a defense, and some other spell as an attack....

Then you use Cerberus, Aura*3, then you use the Holy war item.

Once the 3 first forms are dead, you reuse anlother holy war, or you just pummel the boss.

Well thank Gamefaqs for that tactic..........


What? I thought the SA-X was easy as hell! If you go down to the bottom floor with it, and get into a certain timing with your jumps, you can dodge every attack it makes. I was able to beat it without taking any hits at all after the second or third time I beat it... No hard feelings though, I've had plenty of fights where I made a boss more difficult than it had to be (Ridley from Super Metroid, for one...)

The hardest boss I can think of at the moment is Krool from DKC2, or just about any boss from Mega Man 2-3. Mind you, these are far from the "Hardest Boss", but at the time I was playing them (Age 4-9) they were pretty freakin' painful.

And uuhmm FF8 i beated that witch with LV 99 (cheats ofcourse) and it still was hard............

I thought the final boss of FF8 was damn hard! I've completed most of the FF's, never with cheats, but I found a demo cheat disc with FF8 on it and I used it!

You poor saps that can't junction. I had all status and doom protection (Ultima) Then I had Life as a defense, and some other spell as an attack....

Then you use Cerberus, Aura*3, then you use the Holy war item.

Once the 3 first forms are dead, you reuse anlother holy war, or you just pummel the boss.

Well thank Gamefaqs for that tactic..........

Nah, I experimented with junctions, I leveled up, got 99 ultimas time 3, 99 auras time 3 and all the spells at the highest my patience could last, then I just blasted my way to ultimecia. Mind you, my goal was the Omega Weapon... which creamed me...


Hardest fight ever? Would have to be the battle with (ultro's friend) the sneezy guy in the FF6 colloseum. Let see, the weapon to bet would be the 'Striker', and the prize would say '?????'.

I couldnt resist that offer, could '?????' be the ultimate weapon in the game?

So a friend and I spent DAYS battling that damned thing. I mustve had Terra up to lv.99 with a genji glove, gauntlet, and the illumina+atma weapon, and he would keep fricken sneezing her away!

Then we finally beat it, but were very disappointed when the prize we got for betting the Striker was ..... a Striker. :x

also -- 4 Fire Shields + Merton = Ownage.

And uuhmm FF8 i beated that witch with LV 99 (cheats ofcourse) and it still was hard............

I thought the final boss of FF8 was damn hard! I've completed most of the FF's, never with cheats, but I found a demo cheat disc with FF8 on it and I used it!

You poor saps that can't junction. I had all status and doom protection (Ultima) Then I had Life as a defense, and some other spell as an attack....

Then you use Cerberus, Aura*3, then you use the Holy war item.

Once the 3 first forms are dead, you reuse anlother holy war, or you just pummel the boss.

Well thank Gamefaqs for that tactic..........

Nah, I experimented with junctions, I leveled up, got 99 ultimas time 3, 99 auras time 3 and all the spells at the highest my patience could last, then I just blasted my way to ultimecia. Mind you, my goal was the Omega Weapon... which creamed me...

How long did it take to beat the game?

Lol Chocobo quest...not even worth to try..Ride a Chocobo ok fun but when you want to get off he runs away..soo..whats the point?

When you get chocobos from all the forests, you can go to the secet chocobo forest, and then hitch a ride to a secret card game area... or so I heard :P

Although I only have one more to catch, I brought the game back to my friend. I still have the save on my HD (it was the PC version)


When I think about it, Omega weapon from FF8 would be a pretty damn good contender. The max player level is 100. The first thing Omega does is cast level 5 death. That's a pissoff.

Boy am I late, but I must say, I've never ever ever ever seen a boss harder than the final boss in Shinobi for PS2. If you've played him, you know what I'm talking about. That guy is freaking ridiculous.


*curls up into a fetal position and cries*

Same as usual, 50 hours on a first go.

I have yet to see a game that can be finished any shorter if you want to do all the side quests... (although... I still have that freaky card player quest and the chocobo quest to do.)

Eh, I wanna say I beat Wild Arms in under 40, and I took down every secret monster and got all the good stuff.


Golden Sun TLA: That blue wizard guy with the regenerating balls.

Chrono Trigger: Dark Gaia was hard if you didn't have Luminair, Flare, or a triple tech.

Terranigma: Bloody Mary, the queen bitch of evil bitches.

Of course, the hardest boss ever would be the FIRST BOSS of the most difficult game ever: Super Smash TV. I dare anyone to beat that game on the most difficult mode. Common, try it.

I WOULD list the Wolf God-Beast from SD3, but if you have Hawk as a ninja in your party he is the most pathetic thing Square ever coughed up. Speaking of the game, I nominate the Black Rabite for the Hardest Boss award along with Super Smash TV's first boss.


Not that he was really insanely difficult, but Johnny from the end of Testaments story game in Guilty Gear X2. Starts off the battle with all his coins, which makes his mist finer (damn good screen clearance and fast as shit) a 1 hit kill.


I'm not sure if this one has been mentioned before, but Blaster Master, level 5. That stupid crab that shot bubbles. I had infinite lives with Game Genie, and every so often, my brother and I would give that game another shot, and we'd spend hours on that crab and never pass him.

Chrono Trigger: Dark Gaia was hard if you didn't have Luminair, Flare, or a triple tech.

You are joking, yes? Flare is good, but you could do this without, Luminair was a load of crap especially considering how much MP it used, and you could do way way more damage to anything in CT with a dual tech and a single because the triple techs did crap all.

All you had to do was keep the hands down, LOL. Hell, as long as there was at least one of them down it was easy enough.


Ok, I'm currently playing Metroid Prime, and I want to know, how hard is Meta Ridley, really?

I know that "Beating Meta Ridley" won the "Harder than College" award in the 2002 Nintendo Power Awards, but, is he really that hard??

Please give advice, I want to finish the game, but not if I will need to try fighting 1 boss 278 times.

Is there some pattern or something, so I can beat him on my first, or even second try? (I know that's probably not gonna happen, but I can always hope for the best.)


If ya don't want to fight a hard boss in MP, then stop before you reach Omega...argh. That boss is only fun if you happen to love the sound of Samus dying.

Meta ridley, on the other hand, is a friggin pansy. If you can dodge his bombing runs and his lunges he can't do anything. And super missle first form > wavebuster second form. Plasma works just as well.



Wavebuster locks Ridley up in his pain anim when he's rearing back for an attack, which allows for an assload more damage, but unfortunately at a steep cost to your missles.

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