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MEETUP: New York City, NY Meetup '06 - Pics on Pages 30 And 32-34!

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Doesn't sound too hard, and at least I'll have some holiday money to spend damn, I need a job bad.

So, I'll bring my Wii if I can, and that would include Red Steel and Excite Truck. Unfortunately, only 1 controller, but I also have a classic. If we do go to MoMA, or any museum for that matter, do you know if they have student discounts? That could be a big help, some places will even let you in for free.

Now, I'm still a maybe, but if anyone else from LI plans on taking the train, I could probably, maybe meet up? At least it's someone to talk to on the way there...

Food: (7+15+7)+??

Transport: (7+15)

Fun: (5)+??

Minimum cash to have on hand at meetup: $56

Seeing pixietricks and/or zircon slap Katsurugi for trying to hit on her in real life: priceless



About the Wii, I have Zelda & Rayman, and 2 controllers & nunchucks.


Bah, we need DBZ.

Although I can't help the feeling I'm not going to be able to go. Everyone knows it, when parents make that last-minute decision, and change their minds? Oh, well. Best of luck to myself, I suppose.

ed]Doesn't sound too hard, and at least I'll have some holiday money to spend damn, I need a job bad.

So, I'll bring my Wii if I can, and that would include Red Steel and Excite Truck. Unfortunately, only 1 controller, but I also have a classic. If we do go to MoMA, or any museum for that matter, do you know if they have student discounts? That could be a big help, some places will even let you in for free.

Now, I'm still a maybe, but if anyone else from LI plans on taking the train, I could probably, maybe meet up? At least it's someone to talk to on the way there...

I wouldn't mind :D. Wait what part of LI are you from?


Update, put me down as maybe bringing a friend. It's going to be the only way I'm allowed to go. My mother thinks your all druggies, drunks, and cult members. I understand she's looking out for my safety, but I'm fucking old enough to make my own decisions, and quite honestly, she should just step off. No offense meant to you guys.

ed]Update, put me down as maybe bringing a friend. It's going to be the only way I'm allowed to go. My mother thinks your all druggies, drunks, and cult members. I understand she's looking out for my safety, but I'm fucking old enough to make my own decisions, and quite honestly, she should just step off. No offense meant to you guys.

It's aight man we understand.

Eh, I'm a grad student of mathematics at a top 15 school, and some others here have great credentials too (zircon is best techno artist of '06!). Not sure how we're druggies/hippies but alright...

Yea and I go to some really really high quality engineering school (or at least everyone keeps saying so), which Katsurugi also went to, so at least two more are good dudes.

NOTE: Katsurugi I haven't seen you since I realized that you were this dude on OCR.


Yeah, well, what are you gonna do? I just don't like the feeling of being a "kid", at least in my parents eyes. I should at least say, I can tell the difference between (somewhat) regular people, and serial rapists. Well, I hope I can, the situation's never come up before...

EDIT: By the way, I keep forgetting to ask, whats the deal with overnight plans?


I thought of something "fun" we might want to try, if we have half an hour or so to spare. I had an all-female A Capella group come to my school, and now we have about three different A Capella groups starting up, including me leading a video-game themed one And, yes, I have seen that Nintendo A Capella video, so don't bring it up. What if, for, like I said, half an hour, maybe, less maybe more, we set up shop on a corner somewhere, and sand mario, zelda, or something? I remember when I went to Nintendo World's "Mario DDR" tournament lost in the second round!, me and about three or four of my surrounding spectators started singing along with one of the Dr. Mario themes. Fun, it was. Try, no? Thoughts?


^Are you sure you didn't mean to post that in the Nintendo DS topic? Depends on what they are, but I'll take them off your hands for free. You can't get better than that, right? A free service? :wink:

^Are you sure you didn't mean to post that in the Nintendo DS topic? Depends on what they are, but I'll take them off your hands for free. You can't get better than that, right? A free service? :wink:

Yeah, I'll be giving them out at the meetup is what I meant to imply there...my internet connection was limited like hell since I broke the 750 MB/24 hour period limit two nights ago.

i still am pissed that i can't go to this AND mag.

Don't worry. It will be well documented for posterity. (But you don't get any free DS games. :wink:)

I guess we could do a capella stuff. I haven't sight read in a while... :? In Super Mario Sunshine, the puzzle stages (without the water pump ones) is a good song to do a capella but haven't found it transcribed anywhere... and I don't want to do it myself since I don't have access to properly tuned instruments. It would probably take me several years anway...


Er... maybe I should have phrased it more like, "Something gamers would get, something most everyone would get, and something that would sound cool either way". Still, if we would, we have only about 20 days to practice, and I know for some people without too much free time, getting it down asap would be best. Anyone else have suggestions? Then again, we dont have to do it.

...Then again,

Ooh, a cappella! Sounds fun.
Being able to hit on Pixietricks in real life: priceless

Might be a good idea to go with it, no?


If we do decide to do an acapella on the spot, I vote in Grand Central - it's huge, and got lots of people going through at that time of the year.

Anyway, looks like we have some pretty good plans here, so keep'em going and make sure to keep the thread alive (and most importantly, not forget!).


Well, here's a thought. It's not my ideal, but what if we made a little Mario "?" box, with an open lid. In a big place like Grand Central Station, tips might put a big dent in something like food costs. We'd just split it. But like I said, spirit of the season, and I don't think I'd feel right to just take money like that.

And one other thing. Why do we have three music stores (Sam Ash, Manny's, Guitar Center) on our list? I'm not a big musician, with my Baritone horn and Accordion, but do three different stores really offer that much variety? I think getting some time in for another spot to visit would be better. But that's just me.

And believe, me, I'm full of ideas right now. This thread ain't dyin' no time soon.

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