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TANGLEDEEP: 16-bit golden age dungeon crawler, now on Kickstarter!

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Tangledeep is now on Kickstarter! 

We're raising money for extra animation polish like walking & attacking animations, plus special guest composers like Hiroki Kikuta (Secret of Mana / Seiken Densetsu 3) who is already onboard!!! If you want to get access to pre-release builds after April, get the digital soundtrack, Steam key, or immortalize yourself in the game, check out the campaign!


It's a 16-bit, FF/Square-inspired dungeon crawler. A true roguelike that takes inspiration from classic western games and JRPGs alike. Tactical turn-based combat, procedural generation, deep customization, lots and lots of loot, and monsters to battle. I've been working on this for over a year now and I'm about 40% done - your feedback is appreciated! The game is playable on Mac and PC right now, but eventually will be on Linux and possibly consoles/mobile too.

I'm doing all the code & design for the game (along with music, of course) while @OA is doing beautiful UI, environments and tiles, and a couple other artists doing characters, battle FX, and items. We're hoping to release the game by the end of the year!

As of now, though the game is definitely shaping up, it's still pre-alpha with some placeholder art and lots of content yet to be made (and balancing to be done).

Tangledeep Discord: https://discord.gg/4q5kjUm

Bug Tracker: http://git.impactsoundworks.com:617/isworks-andrew/tangledeep/issues

Twitter Devhttp://twitter.com/tangledeepgame

Full Dev / Change Loghttps://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=57600.0

WIN: http://tangledeep.com/builds/Tangledeep-LatestWinBuild.rar

Today we have a wide spread of new art, polish, bug fixes, balance tweaks, and content. The biggest game experience changes are that you now start in the town, and you now have a permanent 'town portal' item that can be used anytime to return to town. You can then take a portal back to where you were. We're also experimenting with walking sprites - starting with the Hunter - which look pretty amazing, in my opinion! 

The current cast of characters, monsters and NPCs. Some new art + palette improvements here!

A snapshot of the world as it looks now. Improved grass, trees, better lighting, better fog of war.

Walking animation!?


This is looking pretty cool. I was (and still am every now and then) making a procedural generated Roguelike, but it certainly not as nice looking as this. Gonna have to give this a try later.

  • 2 weeks later...

Any sort've feedback your looking for on the builds? Here are some quick'n'dirty thoughts i saw while playing. I didn't make it very far, nor did I play for that long.


 - Why doesn't a weapon break when its durability hits 0? It just stays in your hand with no general change, maybe the damage goes down? not sure... either way; should be an alert or something to notify for a broken weapon.

 - Is it possible to aim/direct abilities with just the keyboard? seems like a mouse is required.

 - On windowed mode with smaller resolutions, sometimes the ability text and 'combat log' intersect - they are both white text with no backshadow, so they overlap and become nearly impossible to read.

 - On windowed mode, sometimes my mouse will not activate certain skills. hovering over the 'ability bar' does nothing. clicking there forces a move, as if i am clicking 'through' the bar.

 - Would like to see 'i' open the equipment screen, as a PC nerd, I'm used to pressing it for inventory.

 - I feel the skill screen is pretty confusing. It took me awhile to get my bearings. Like, when i purchase a skill, why is there a small x next to it on 'learned skills' ? Also, can I ever only gain 8 skills? Also, when I go to learn new skills, I see the ones i've already learned - why? Would i waste JP if i learned these skills that I already have?

 - Why do I randomly get an extra turn?

 - I've had some really odd interactions with 'Hold the moon' sometimes enemies can attack me from multiple tiles away, as if i haven't really moved after using the ability.



Yes, feedback is extremely appreciated! That's the #1 reason I'm posting these builds. It's still very early on but I nonetheless want the game to be polished and bug-free.


Why doesn't a weapon break when its durability hits 0? It just stays in your hand with no general change, maybe the damage goes down? not sure... either way; should be an alert or something to notify for a broken weapon.

This is a bug, I must have caused it in a recent build. What's supposed to happen is that the weapon breaks, is destroyed, and a message appears saying its destroyed. It should be totally removed from your hotbar, equipment, inventory etc :P


Is it possible to aim/direct abilities with just the keyboard? seems like a mouse is required.

Oh you absolutely can, just use the arrow keys / numpad keys. The game can be played entirely with keys - that's how I play it. 


 On windowed mode with smaller resolutions, sometimes the ability text and 'combat log' intersect - they are both white text with no backshadow, so they overlap and become nearly impossible to read.

The UI scaling needs some work - this is an area I'm the least experienced with, so this is noted and it will be fixed. 


 Would like to see 'i' open the equipment screen, as a PC nerd, I'm used to pressing it for inventory.

Agreed, and also I know the equipment/inventory screen needs work. Almost all the UI is programmer placeholder, and I'm not an artist...


I feel the skill screen is pretty confusing. It took me awhile to get my bearings. Like, when i purchase a skill, why is there a small x next to it on 'learned skills' ? Also, can I ever only gain 8 skills? Also, when I go to learn new skills, I see the ones i've already learned - why? Would i waste JP if i learned these skills that I already have?

Sorry again this is just my shitty placeholder UI which means it's not nearly as informative as it should be. It's also not actually a complicated system, but the in-game help / tutorial is also not as good as it should be. Let me explain:

  • Every job comes with 4 core abilities.
  • To take an ability to another job, you have to spend JP. Once you do this you "Master" the ability, and you'll have it even if you switch jobs.
  • So for example if you start as Sword Dancer and master Flame Serpent, then switch to Brigand, you will take Flame Serpent with you. If you don't master it, you'll lose that ability when you switch jobs. 
  • Right now you can master any number of abilities.

You should be able to scroll the skill list with the arrow keys. If that's not working then... oops!


 Why do I randomly get an extra turn?

The game uses a Charge Time system. When you hit 100 charge you get a turn. But you can also gain more than 100 CT per turn - various effects and abilities can influence this. Thus when you accumulate 200 CT you will take a turn, and then another turn. Your character sheet (C) shows your current CT and CT gain.


 I've had some really odd interactions with 'Hold the moon' sometimes enemies can attack me from multiple tiles away, as if i haven't really moved after using the ability.

This is probably a bug... If it happens again and you stop playing, can you send me your game log? On Windows I believe it's in users/____/AppData/LocalLow/Impact Gameworks, something like player.log or similar. 

  • 2 weeks later...

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