Gario Posted February 21, 2017 Posted February 21, 2017 ReMixer name: Arvangath Real Name: Andrés Márquez Email address: // Your website: User Id: 33696 The song file is attached to this email. Name of the game(s) arranged: Street Fighter 5 // Street Fighter III Third Strike Name of arrangement: A Reflection of Tyranny Name of individual songs arranged: "Crazy Chilli Dog" or "Urien's Stage" - applies to both games in which different versions of the song appear. Link to the original work and information about the composer: The tracks for Street Fighter: 3rd Strike were composed by Hideki Okugawa, and the pertinent track would be Track 20 - "Urien Stage -CRAZY CHILI DOG" with a duration of 2:33, as indicated by the information found about the aforementioned game's OST official release under the name "STREET FIGHTER III 3rd STRIKE ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK" (1999) - Voice samples from VA Lawrence Bayne used in this arrangement. Source: Recently, Urien came as a Street Fighter V DLC character, and showcases an Orchestral arrangement that has its unique qualities, but pays due homage to the theme from 3rd strike via the main chord progression used. Inspiration and reasons behind this arrangement: I've always been in love with Fighting games and their music. Where I live, one of the few entertainments were arcades, and when I was really young, I used to go there with my brother, and I vividly remember playing Third Strike and falling in love with Ryu, Q and Urien. Urien's stage theme has played loops in my head since those days, and particularly, the voice used by Urien's VA sticked with me. A powerful and commanding growl, almost like a rabid dog that yelled "GET READY TO DIE" or "CRUSH" and particularly - "AEGIS REFLECTOR" With this arrangement, I intended to reflect what I perceived 3rd Strike as - a powerful, fast and upbeat skullcrushing game, with great animations and sound design, that helped me fall in love with games even more, I'm mainly a bassist and recording artist nowadays, but I want to get better at everything related to Audio Production. I started making covers in YouTube as part of a contest, and to improve my Audio skills, since I'm an aspiring composer and sound designer for Video Games. I'm actually a Lawyer, living in one of the poorest countries of the world, but OC remix has accompanied me in the worst times of my life here, and I love the site and Videogame OSTs in general.I want to get out of here and obtain a job doing what I love - SFX and songs for videogames. Link to the Original 3rd strike song: Link to the current SFV song (sorry for the extended version): Link to this cover on my YouTube Channel:
Liontamer Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 Opened up sparsely, which didn't seem promising, but the raw overall energy was actually fine once the track really started at :15. The guitars lacked some high-end, but sounded fine in the big picture. I'm actually surprised by how well the drumwork/breakbeats clicked as well, but it did a great job giving your own interpretation of the source tune's drum writing. The track could have had more clarity, but the writing was very energetic and expressive with a lot of attention to detail, both the percussion and bass work. Timing it out, it felt a little source light. The track was 2:17-long, so I needed at least 68.5 seconds of identifiable source for the VGM usage to dominate the arrangement per the Standards here: :15-:49, 1:45.5-2:16 = 34+30.5 = 64.5 seconds or 47.08% overt source usage Just noting, :15's section was more like the mix1 arranged version of the source (used in the home versions of the game, which I played a ton), while 1:45's section was structured more like the original arcade version of the theme. Little bits of the bassline within :55-1:13 were similar enough to the opening 8-note riff of the mix1 arranged version of the source where I could count those added bits as helping this squeak by with the source usage being dominant. As far as I could tell, the SF5 version of the theme (which only references the main SF3:3S source for a smaller part) wasn't used here, but maybe another J will make out something I didn't. Onto the one main negative, the SFX usage of Urien voice clips from 1:24-1:39 felt so gimmicky and forced. The track could have done without it, although you get more used to the SFX after several listens and it's not a huge enough deal to hold this back. That said, for such a short track, you wove in a lot of original writing ideas and didn't get repetitive with the arrangement at all, plus the production was solid. I thought this packed a lot into a small amount of time and rocked this theme out. Solid job, Andrés! Good luck with the rest of the vote! YES
MindWanderer Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 I had a hard time evaluating this for almost exactly the reverse reason Larry mentioned: The intro up until 0:15 is completely at odds with what comes after, but I personally didn't care for the frenetic section from 0:15-0:26, which sounded like both the drummer and the guitarist were trying to play faster than they could really manage and had a hard time keeping in sync. The drums match the guitar work better in subsequent sections, though, until that section is reprised at 2:04, with which the arrangement ends abruptly. I didn't mind the voice clips--the way they were used was more typical of a techo arrangement, but I didn't find them to be a detractor here. I didn't hear anything of the SFV melody, either, but the drum section is a very close match for what was used in the remix. I wouldn't count percussion only as source usage, though. On the other hand, 0:56-1:07 of the remix seems to be loosely derived from 0:12-0:18 of the linked SFIII.3 source; given that it's borderline on source usage, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. If it weren't for the fact that the beginning and end were easily the weakest parts of this for me, I would have given this a YES without too much more thought. As it is, it's a much closer call for me. Given that Larry was generally positive about the drumwork, I'm willing to chalk up my biggest objections as personal preference and give this a YES
Gario Posted March 20, 2017 Author Posted March 20, 2017 Overall, I enjoyed this quite a bit. I'm with LT on the beginning's low energy levels - didn't really sell me on the track with that opening, but when those crisp crazy drums come in I knew this was going to be good. This could've started at 0:14 and it would've worked much better, in my opinion. It's not terrible, but getting right into the high energy would've caught people's eye much more effectively. The mixing in this is strange. It's not bad, but certain things punch through unexpectedly, particularly the hats. I can't actually say this is a bad thing, since that's part of why this track feels so frentic. If the hats were less energetic this would be a problem, but here it actually helps drive the track. The performances are pretty solid, and the arrangement, while short, is a blast. I recognize the theme well enough, and I'll defer to Liontamer for the nitty-gritty on that from (he says it's OK, so I will too). The ending cutting off like that is pretty weak, but it's not the worst way it could've gone. I like it - it's a little ball of energy that burns itself out quickly, but in that time it's a blast. YES
Jivemaster Posted March 21, 2017 Posted March 21, 2017 Frantic mix with a lot of energy. Bass is front and centre with a great clicky tone, and unlike a lot of other artists you really accentuate the bass tone here to have it come out and play as an actual instrument in the mix as opposed to simply a backing instrument. The guitars on the other hand were a little weak, with not a lot of power behind them in terms of chugg. Arrangement is good, lots of transitions throughout which keep things interesting. Mixing between parts is ok. I have to disagree about the crispness of the drums - I found them to be one of the weakest elements of this mix, with not much thud or punch to them at all. They also sound quite loop driven. This highlights the main issue for me though, and that's overall tightness of the mix. I appear to be on my own here, but I felt the playing of the individual parts - while solid alone, feel messy when combined together in a lot of sections. The drums felt a smidgen behind/ahead at times, while the other instruments didn't feel terribly in time with one another, giving an affect of the parts falling over each other in places. I appreciate the hands on performance, but I couldn't help but feel some of these parts needed some slight nudging to make them feel more cohesive and in time. I'm not talking about audio quantising this or anything like that, I just feel that satisfying tightness between the instruments isn't quite here, and coupled with the other issues, this doesn't hit the mark. NO
Sir_NutS Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 After listening to this one I'm surprising this hasn't been too divisive in the panel, given its obvious flaws and strengths. I think mix clarity was an obvious one, as things get so chaotic sometimes it's hard to keep up. Not being able to keep up seems to be extending to some of the performances somehow since, at some points, you can hear sloppiness in the drums and bass parts trying to keep up with the sheer speed of the arrangement. The pros here are the arrangement and energy of it. This one doesn't let up and it's actually very intricate in how it approaches interpretation. The drum work is great in some sections, when it's not losing sync with the rest of the instruments, as well as the guitar performances. I'm leaning on a pass here but not by much. I'll revisit this later.
DragonAvenger Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 Yeah, interesting here. I can see Jive's issues with the mix in regards to timing, but I am actually seeing it as a little bit of the character of this mix being the frantic beast that it is. My biggest gripe here is that the guitars could have a little more punch overall to push the track that one step further. That being said, I don't see it as a dealbreaker and think we're good to go here. YES
Chimpazilla Posted May 17, 2017 Posted May 17, 2017 Well I like this! It's crazy, but crazy good. I love the how the vocal clips are used. I agree with Gario: On 3/20/2017 at 4:06 PM, Gario said: I like it - it's a little ball of energy that burns itself out quickly, but in that time it's a blast. I'm finding the production fine, if quirky, and I happen to like the heavy kick. Works for me. YES
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