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Well, right now I'm spending some time in the front, we are hitting Kenny and Barbie quite hard. However right now I long for the simple days of a space miner, and my training for a real mining barge are soon to be over. I've been going back and forth between PVE, PVP, mining and trading. I basically play eve to relaxe and all, all this fighting is getting on my nerves.

  The Author said:
Well, right now I'm spending some time in the front, we are hitting Kenny and Barbie quite hard. However right now I long for the simple days of a space miner, and my training for a real mining barge are soon to be over. I've been going back and forth between PVE, PVP, mining and trading. I basically play eve to relaxe and all, all this fighting is getting on my nerves.

Yeah getting caught in a Rokh unawares is rather unnerving during times of war; it can't be helped though. When you get out into 0.0 space, simply have a bunch of friends that want to at least do some guard duty while you get whatever materials are needed. Hell make a bargain that they'll get some left over equipment made. :)!!

And 0.0 makes the rewards in ES look like shit at times, but that's usually balanced out by the near lawlessness... or shitty management of Alliance Standings :lol:

Nothing like podding your allies just because they're red or neut to ya when they saved your ass the other day. :lol:


Please, I'm not in a ragged squatter corp, I'm part of TCF, and we pretty much control deklein. Before we all went to delve, if I saw one neutral or one red per night, it was a lot. Lets just say I do my mining and ratting in one of the best places in the universe. if all goes well, at 4 days a week, 2-3 hours per day, I should bring in over 500 million a month.

Dunno what the hell I'm gonna do with that but hey, money is good right?

  The Author said:
Please, I'm not in a ragged squatter corp, I'm part of TCF, and we pretty much control deklein. Before we all went to delve, if I saw one neutral or one red per night, it was a lot. Lets just say I do my mining and ratting in one of the best places in the universe. if all goes well, at 4 days a week, 2-3 hours per day, I should bring in over 500 million a month.

Dunno what the hell I'm gonna do with that but hey, money is good right?

you could just get free game time with that kind of cash if you can keep it up while doing whatever else you want. :lol:

As for Overcoat's statement, I'm rather glad my ceo sounds european, makes things easier for me to communicate elaborate ideas I have had in mind. Nonetheless that's awesome OC :lol:


Depends on what you're doing and the current situation with yourself/corp/alliance. For the most part if all you do is minining/"regular" business that can fluctuate between maybe a couple of hours to whatever you'd consider alot. I see the more active being the PVPers and pirates that mug/ransom/kill the occasional odd ship floating by.

Personally I'm on in between days but spend no more than perhaps 2.5 - 3 hours or less.


Expect alot of deaths if you plan on using the Kestrel :lol:

In any rate whatever you do, do not go up against the Uni. They seem to be worse than Goonfleet in the sense that killing any of them is unsatisfatory as well as you'll get shit loot. Not to mention war deccing them is like smacking an african beehive and the hive is about the size of a house...


So I just read this whole thread because I was bored, and this game seems pretty interesting. From what I gather, it's mostly about customizing your character's skill set and your ship('s equipment) to maximize your effectiveness for your choosen role than it is about picking a class for a certain role and then level-grinding for MORE POWAH. I'm an absolute sucker for high customability, so I'm sort of wanting to look into this...

I'm a bit confused about how the leveling works. It seems like there are no real "levels", just skill ranks, which you can actually set to train WHILE YOU'RE OFFLINE? That's an interesting idea, but it makes me wonder if you get any benefit at all out of combat (in terms of character growth, I mean). It would seem odd to tear up a bunch of baddies but have to log off and wait a while to actually make your character more awesome.

How do death penalties work? Sounds like you lose your ship, which I could see being a huge pain in the ass at higher levels with expensive toys, but I also saw some reference to "clones" which confused me. In a free PvP environment, I could see getting blown up 12 times in a row by griefers, and if that sort of thing is going to screw me completely over then I'd be very sad. That said, the idea of an almost entirely player-driven world (as far as factional territory and such) sounds awesome, and PvP is more or less required for that sort of thing. How does all that work? Can you actually "claim" territory, or do you just have to work out of a certain area and blow up everyone who comes into "your" zone? I can see problems with both systems...

Also, someone mentioned that you can pay for your subscription with in-game money? How hard is that to do? Is it actually possible at low-ish levels, or it is it the sort of thing that only hardcore cash-hording high-level uberplayers can manage consistently? I'd be willing to pay for a few months to get up to steam, but if I could pay my own way after that it'd be awesome.

I'm gonna be pretty busy for the next few weeks, but once that all blows over I'll pick up a free trial and see how it goes. I'll look some of you up when I do. How does coorindating with other people work? Are there different servers like in WoW, or what? I don't want to start playing just to strand myself away from the other OCR people who play...

  Native Jovian said:
So I just read this whole thread because I was bored, and this game seems pretty interesting. From what I gather, it's mostly about customizing your character's skill set and your ship('s equipment) to maximize your effectiveness for your choosen role than it is about picking a class for a certain role and then level-grinding for MORE POWAH. I'm an absolute sucker for high customability, so I'm sort of wanting to look into this...

I'm a bit confused about how the leveling works. It seems like there are no real "levels", just skill ranks, which you can actually set to train WHILE YOU'RE OFFLINE? That's an interesting idea, but it makes me wonder if you get any benefit at all out of combat (in terms of character growth, I mean). It would seem odd to tear up a bunch of baddies but have to log off and wait a while to actually make your character more awesome.

How do death penalties work? Sounds like you lose your ship, which I could see being a huge pain in the ass at higher levels with expensive toys, but I also saw some reference to "clones" which confused me. In a free PvP environment, I could see getting blown up 12 times in a row by griefers, and if that sort of thing is going to screw me completely over then I'd be very sad. That said, the idea of an almost entirely player-driven world (as far as factional territory and such) sounds awesome, and PvP is more or less required for that sort of thing. How does all that work? Can you actually "claim" territory, or do you just have to work out of a certain area and blow up everyone who comes into "your" zone? I can see problems with both systems...

Also, someone mentioned that you can pay for your subscription with in-game money? How hard is that to do? Is it actually possible at low-ish levels, or it is it the sort of thing that only hardcore cash-hording high-level uberplayers can manage consistently? I'd be willing to pay for a few months to get up to steam, but if I could pay my own way after that it'd be awesome.

I'm gonna be pretty busy for the next few weeks, but once that all blows over I'll pick up a free trial and see how it goes. I'll look some of you up when I do. How does coorindating with other people work? Are there different servers like in WoW, or what? I don't want to start playing just to strand myself away from the other OCR people who play...

Well it looks like it was a good idea I waited the five minutes to get some food before returning to this thread, cause your post is everything I was just wondering about. I like playing MMOs, REALLY into customization systems, and a game setting not based in swords and sorcery would be a nice change from Warhammer and WoW (Fucking hate elves in ANY fantasy setting >_<). I was actually checking with my friend to see if he wanted to give this game another shot. We tried it over a year or two ago now and we weren't too impressed then. Has the game changed much since then?

  Elex Synn said:
Fucking hate elves in ANY fantasy setting

That's because elves have been the Mary Sues of fantasy every since Tolkein. "Hey we're super awesome and live forever but we're all agnsty because we used to be even MORE awesome and now we're not". Fucking elves...

  Native Jovian said:

For Starters:

- If you lose a ship, thats not too big of a deal considering there are ways to make up cash to replace it along with the modules you use. However I'm speaking in general situations. I've lost a battleship with some nice highend equipment (worth a loss of say... nearly over 200 million ISK on my end) and that can get to be a real pain in the butt if you use such ships & modules frequently.

- Clones basically allow you to a few things.

- It can allow "clonejumping" in which you can be in one system and quickly "jump" into a new body that may be well over 30 jumps away. However it takes a whole 24 hours before you're allow to do that again.

- It allow you to return to a particular station should you not only lose the ship but lose ur pod that your body is in; Think of the pod as a lifeboat of sorts...

- You can have multiple clones where each body is set up to excel in various roles; one can be for total combat, another for mining and industrious purposes so on and on. There's alot of implants that let u modify your body to suit your needs. I know of a couple of pilots that have bodies specifically enhanced to use electronic warfare better than the average pilot, which can be very useful in times of war.

As for skill training, yeah the benefits behind them is that you become more proficient the more you train a particular skill. Many ppl can share the same skill but some will be better at it than others statistically speaking; as im leaving out the human factor of skilled piloting :wink:

  Schwaltzvald said:
For Starters:

- If you lose a ship, thats not too big of a deal considering there are ways to make up cash to replace it along with the modules you use. However I'm speaking in general situations. I've lost a battleship with some nice highend equipment (worth a loss of say... nearly over 200 million ISK on my end) and that can get to be a real pain in the butt if you use such ships & modules frequently.

- Clones basically allow you to a few things.

- It can allow "clonejumping" in which you can be in one system and quickly "jump" into a new body that may be well over 30 jumps away. However it takes a whole 24 hours before you're allow to do that again.

- It allow you to return to a particular station should you not only lose the ship but lose ur pod that your body is in; Think of the pod as a lifeboat of sorts...

- You can have multiple clones where each body is set up to excel in various roles; one can be for total combat, another for mining and industrious purposes so on and on. There's alot of implants that let u modify your body to suit your needs. I know of a couple of pilots that have bodies specifically enhanced to use electronic warfare better than the average pilot, which can be very useful in times of war.

As for skill training, yeah the benefits behind them is that you become more proficient the more you train a particular skill. Many ppl can share the same skill but some will be better at it than others statistically speaking; as im leaving out the human factor of skilled piloting :wink:

Um. Okays. Sounds interesting. :P

Downloading it now. Probably won't try it until tomorrow.

  Elex Synn said:
Um. Okays. Sounds interesting. :P

Downloading it now. Probably won't try it until tomorrow.

IMO you probably should wait till they've implemented the latest addon package they're releasing this March 10th as they are revamping the new player aspect of the game. Click here for more info about it.

Here's a brief excerpt

The biggest change you will probably notice is character creation. For the past few years, the process of creating your character has been a multi-step process with a lot of choices. Choices that were intimidating, to say the least, for anyone who had never played EVE before. You needed to choose a race, sex, bloodline, ancestry, career, specialization, school, and allocate free attribute points. You also had to select a name, read about the 30 skills and the 800K skill points you received from this experience.

For Apocrypha, we simplified this process. We eliminated choices that had no effect on you whatsoever and moved these choices to a more appropriate time where you could make an informed decision. You are in charge of your destiny.


Haha well this is exactly what I needed to see. It was the new player aspect about it before that completely turned me off. The game seemed so overly complicated for me simple-WoW-level-60-max playing days that I just decided it was a waste of time.

This is simply going to be a patch implement right? I just got the game installed roughly 20min ago.

Prolly will wait to the 10th then. Thank yous! :<

  Elex Synn said:
This is simply going to be a patch implement right?

Yep, I meant to say patch but considering how much is being added and change, tech 3 ships and wormhole exploration especially, I liken it to an add on or expansion pack.

  Schwaltzvald said:
you could just get free game time with that kind of cash if you can keep it up while doing whatever else you want. :lol:

Well, a fool and his isk are soon parted. I actually have better estimates right now. I mine for about 10-12 million per hour, 8 to 12 hours a week. I'd say a good average would be about 80 million per week. I was planning on clearing out inventory monday, but I might hold it just for a week or two, to see the direction T3 is going to take the market. And if I really want to, in one month, I can increase my income by at least 50%. And another month give me another 20% but it would slow down my other plans.I really want to hit the 15 million per hour mark because that's the estimated revenue of ratting prior to expenses. If I went nuts and invested 3 months, I could hit the 20-50 million ange, depending on the very volatile mercocite/morphite market.

  Native Jovian said:
I'm a bit confused about how the leveling works. It seems like there are no real "levels", just skill ranks, which you can actually set to train WHILE YOU'RE OFFLINE? That's an interesting idea, but it makes me wonder if you get any benefit at all out of combat (in terms of character growth, I mean). It would seem odd to tear up a bunch of baddies but have to log off and wait a while to actually make your character more awesome.

Well, combat, at least PVP, is mostly about gaining or defending your ground in whatever corp you're in. If you wanna make things even more interesting, you could play as a soldier for hire, or a pirate, and make big bucks off that :P

  Schwaltzvald said:
Expect alot of deaths if you plan on using the Kestrel :3

Yeah, I could be piloting a Caracal soon. Hell, I HAVE the ship I just can't pilot it yet. My main playing buddy though, insists that I should train Minmatar Frigate skills and he'll get me a Rifter, assuring me that it is a fun ship. He flies his around sometimes and it does look kinda fun >_>

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