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I played Elebits for 20 minutes when I bought it and have not played it since.

I have no idea why.

Yeah--I didn't really like it at first. It seemed really mundane. But that all changes in the last few levels. It's sort of like Katamari Damacy. It starts off tiny, but the ending is amazingly fun.

Sorry if it has been posted, but Gamespy and Nintendo are partnering together for the Wii's online play.


This can only be a good thing. Providing a professional-level game matching service for their online play, could allow for some more advanced tools. An entire Gamespy channel, for users to see what games their friends are playing, for example. Not quite on par with what MS has going, but certainly a lot better than the mishmash Sony is(was?) sticking to, which was pretty much a pissed-on orgy of "Whatever the hell you want to try, even if it doesn't work for anything else". This helps to keep online content costs down, since it's fairly streamlined.

So, let's hope for the best?


Frankly, in my experience of using Gamespy, it frankly was below expectations. I tried it for the Dreamcast, Xbox and etc and it's simply too clunky to use efficiently. Maybe the channel option could make things easier, but Gamespy is still a middleman to muddle through.

As for Sony's plans, it is still a bit clunky, but I don't see it as any better or worse than going the Gamespy route. I wish both companies take 360's cues and go for the totally embedded online gaming functionality instead.

Frankly, in my experience of using Gamespy, it frankly was below expectations. I tried it for the Dreamcast, Xbox and etc and it's simply too clunky to use efficiently. Maybe the channel option could make things easier, but Gamespy is still a middleman to muddle through.

As for Sony's plans, it is still a bit clunky, but I don't see it as any better or worse than going the Gamespy route. I wish both companies take 360's cues and go for the totally embedded online gaming functionality instead.

The DS's online has always worked through Gamespy, and I haven't seen much reason to complain about that(Other than the sometimes long time it takes to find opponents in particular games)

My guess is that it'll work pretty much the same as DS online(Only with a single system-wide friendcode rather than on a per-game basis, with some exceptions), with matchmaking and multiplay options/features varying per game. You might never even see anything Gamespy-related other than the IPs you connect to, and stat keeping would be on Nintendo's own sites(Like they do right now)

So Koei unveiled their new RPG for the Wii, called Opoona. I never got around to playing Contact, but how they explained the jobs was somewhat reminiscent of those from Contact. The battle system seems rather unique as well, and am hoping for good things to come of it. Anyway, it's too bad they didn't have any real visual media to accompany the unveiling. Looking forward to hearing more about this title in the future.
So Koei unveiled their new RPG for the Wii, called Opoona. I never got around to playing Contact, but how they explained the jobs was somewhat reminiscent of those from Contact. The battle system seems rather unique as well, and am hoping for good things to come of it. Anyway, it's too bad they didn't have any real visual media to accompany the unveiling. Looking forward to hearing more about this title in the future.

There were a couple pics at Kotaku. The battle system looks.. vibrant. The other screen was incredibly.. well, kiddy. I hope the screens they showed weren't actually from the game, or it's going to be like playing something from Treehouse TV. x.x

There were a couple pics at Kotaku. The battle system looks.. vibrant. The other screen was incredibly.. well, kiddy. I hope the screens they showed weren't actually from the game, or it's going to be like playing something from Treehouse TV. x.x

lol, yeah vibrant is a good word for it (here's a link to the kotaku article for those who wanna see it btw). Personally, I don't mind if a game looks kiddy as long as it's fun and whatnot but I guess we'll see once more news comes of it.


I'm not gonna believe it until Nintendo confirms. One thing that has me is that the interviewer calls it a 'friends roster' and the interviewee calls it a 'friends list'. Neither of them explicitly mention friend codes.

If it was true, it would be stupid. Like put-your-finger-in-your-butt-then-stick-it-up-your-nose stupid. This idea doesn't even fit in with Nintendo's whole reason for doing friend codes; if someone isn't going to rape you in one game, they're also not going to rape you in another game.



Help me out!

I want to get a cheapish VC game that I can play with either the Wiimote or the GC controller that I'll get lots of bang for my buck with.


edit: I wanted to get Comix Zone, but it's apparently annoyingly difficult. D:


Friend codes will never go away because players still play online Nintendo games and the press is too pussy to complain to Nintendo about them. They're so afraid that Nintendo will shun them that they instantly lose their balls.

Help me out!

I want to get a cheapish VC game that I can play with either the Wiimote or the GC controller that I'll get lots of bang for my buck with.


edit: I wanted to get Comix Zone, but it's apparently annoyingly difficult. D:

If you like shooters at all, get Soldier Blade.


Here's the full interview:

Falafelkid: I would like to know if I am right in assuming that the features mentioned (friend rosters, advanced matchmaking capabilities and comprehensive rankings data) suggest a single, unified online platform for each console, rather than one which is dependent on individual games (as is the case with the DS).

GameSpy: GameSpy’s technology does allow for features that could span multiple games. With the Nintendo Wii, however, the multiplayer features are title-specific.

Falafelkid: But is that the case for all Wii online titles across the board?

GameSpy: Yes, that is the case for Wii titles.

Falafelkid: Just one last question to make absolutely sure I have got this right, please. If I have a friend roster in one game, that roster will not be available to me in any other game. I have to build up an entirely new list for each title, right?

GameSpy: The answer to your question is yes, for the Wii friend lists are game specific.

It seems to me like this is a case of vague wording and an over-attentive media. Let's take a look at some of this stuff:

With the Nintendo Wii, however, the multiplayer features are title-specific.
Wii has a centralized friends' list. Wouldn't it make sense if, in effect, the PR person was simply saying that *each game* had to decide whether or not to utilize the features? 'Title-specific' could mean nothing more than "We are giving the power of decision to game developers."
If I have a friend roster in one game, that roster will not be available to me in any other game. I have to build up an entirely new list for each title, right?

Yes...friend lists are game specific.

Again, nothing decisive. There is no confirmation or denial that a friend roster could update the central friend list, simply that there is no direct sharing between games. And another use of the ambiguous 'game specific' phrase.

Also remember, this interview makes no mention of friend codes, simply friend lists/rosters. Besides that, this was an unnamed PR person, which is not exactly a seal of authenticity these days.


I just don't understand why Nintendo is forcing this friend code bullshit, even if only for the DS. One code per system should be enough. After all, even if the whole world knows your code, no one can reach you until you add someone else's code to your roster (unless someone threatened you or something, but realistically that's very unlikely). And yes, I know friend codes aren't even needed when you play against strangers, but especially since the service is free, you'll end up facing a bunch of dickheads who'll disconnect the moment they start losing. That's far less likely to happen when playing with friends, even if they're just people you know whom you've never met in person. And for that reason, having to add a friend code for each game will discourage players from playing online at all, if not for a long time. Case in point, the last time I played my DS online was about 2 months ago, and the time before that was about 4 months earlier. If the Wii really does get the same treatment, then fuck that shit; I may not bother playing a Wii game online at all.


The thing says nothing about friend codes. Friend lists could just be that, you upload which ever friends you have in your address into the list. I hope thats what it is, but everybody is blowing the "interview" out of proportion. I heard the guy that did that interview said the freaking wii was going to have an VR helment and some other crap. Also made up some other junk about star wars for wii at E3 which was never there.

The thing says nothing about friend codes. Friend lists could just be that, you upload which ever friends you have in your address into the list. I hope thats what it is, but everybody is blowing the "interview" out of proportion. I heard the guy that did that interview said the freaking wii was going to have an VR helment and some other crap. Also made up some other junk about star wars for wii at E3 which was never there.

Wasn't there some mention prior to the launch, about a feature for the message center that allowed you to automate the sending of info for your online games, to selected friends? To let them know you have such'n'such game, and what your code would be, to easily and automatically add you to their own lists?


If there weren't going to be friend codes in Wii games, Nintendo would have said it already. The Wii has parental controls that allow parents to limit what their kids do on the Wii. They could enable friend codes in games or even restrict all communication unless the player puts in the PIN number.

Yet Nintendo doesn't. Instead, the console ITSELF even has a friend code you have to enter.

Stop trying to look at this positively, it's just going to make it hurt a lot more when you're entering that first code.


I really don't care about friendcodes that much. I know it sucks, but that's such a small thing compared other stuff. I know people hate it, I don't really like them, but they aren't that big of a deal to me. I know I'm like a minority though. But whatever. What ever happens happens. We all know Nintendo isn't going to provide super awesome online play anyways. As long as it works and I can play with friends, then that's good.

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