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I was kinda hoping Pikmin Wii would be announced (or the unveiling of a new franchise), but otherwise quite pleased.

The Wii Zapper looks pretty cool, I'm looking forward to using it (they said it'd be bundled with some software, but didn't specify if it was gonna be with Ghost Squad, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, or what right?).

Also, good to know about the release dates...really looking forward to getting my hands on Metroid Prime 3 in less than 2 months.

Wii Fit is kinda meh for me personally since my life is already active (like doing the Seattle to Portland bike ride on Saturday which I'll probably do in one day, so finding yet another venue for working out isn't on my priority list), but I'm sure at the very least my mom and Wii-owning female friends will be all for it (it's harder to imagine my Wii-owning male friends being excited for it).

I'm obviously psyched for Mario Kart Wii, I just really hope there won't be the problem of DC'ers like there were for Mario Kart DS's online play. I don't fully see the point of the wheel; I didn't get much of a look at the pics, but it just seems like its a shell to put the wiimote into without any added functionality (like buttons or whatnot). I mean, one will be bundled with the game, right, so that's fine and all but what would really compell me to buy more wheels for my wiimotes? I suppose it's like the Wii Zapper, it doesn't add functionality but just gives you a little added immersion in the game by how you hold the controls. Maybe it'll make more sense to me after using it.

The Check Mii Out channel I'm not so sure about, but maybe could prove to be a nice little diversion.


To be honest, I am really not impressed by anything I saw so far. Not only because nothing really came as a surprise, but also because the new things are aimed at people who are not me.

It's great that Nintendo is selling so well and that these things will probably help them sell more, but they're going down a road where I can't follow them. *drama detector explodes*

So now I have to make a choice. I either keep waiting for those rare AAA titles (which for the past 12 years have only been (to me) Nintendo-only titles and their sequels), I buy myself another system which may or may not actually have games that I actually do enjoy, or I face the fact that I am part of a very, very small demographic and might as well give up on new generation gaming all together.

*sigh* Of course gaming isn't the only thing in life, but it is one of those few nice hobbies that have been entertaining me for so long...

Marketing is a cruel master. 0_0;

Of course this isn't the end either :) so for now I'll stick with the original plan: wait for those damn rare AAA titles (I'd actually settle for a nice B right now as well T__T).

>_> Uhm don't mind me and my ramblings

To be honest, I am really not impressed by anything I saw so far. Not only because nothing really came as a surprise, but also because the new things are aimed at people who are not me.

It's great that Nintendo is selling so well and that these things will probably help them sell more, but they're going down a road where I can't follow them. *drama detector explodes*

So now I have to make a choice. I either keep waiting for those rare AAA titles (which for the past 12 years have only been (to me) Nintendo-only titles and their sequels), I buy myself another system which may or may not actually have games that I actually do enjoy, or I face the fact that I am part of a very, very small demographic and might as well give up on new generation gaming all together.

*sigh* Of course gaming isn't the only thing in life, but it is one of those few nice hobbies that have been entertaining me for so long...

Marketing is a cruel master. 0_0;

Of course this isn't the end either :) so for now I'll stick with the original plan: wait for those damn rare AAA titles (I'd actually settle for a nice B right now as well T__T).

>_> Uhm don't mind me and my ramblings

...Aaaaand I'm assuming that you don't have a Wii/not planning to get one/just not interested in the release titles thus far?

To be honest, I am really not impressed by anything I saw so far. Not only because nothing really came as a surprise, but also because the new things are aimed at people who are not me.

It's great that Nintendo is selling so well and that these things will probably help them sell more, but they're going down a road where I can't follow them. *drama detector explodes*

So now I have to make a choice. I either keep waiting for those rare AAA titles (which for the past 12 years have only been (to me) Nintendo-only titles and their sequels), I buy myself another system which may or may not actually have games that I actually do enjoy, or I face the fact that I am part of a very, very small demographic and might as well give up on new generation gaming all together.

*sigh* Of course gaming isn't the only thing in life, but it is one of those few nice hobbies that have been entertaining me for so long...

Marketing is a cruel master. 0_0;

Of course this isn't the end either :) so for now I'll stick with the original plan: wait for those damn rare AAA titles (I'd actually settle for a nice B right now as well T__T).

>_> Uhm don't mind me and my ramblings

I'd really like to see some solid, non-minigames coming out for Wii. It was cute at first, showing off how the remote can be used to do -parts- of games. But now, seriously, I'm waiting for some good, quality stuff.

Looks like MS did a lot better last night, revealing a block of 20 big games coming out by the end of the year, plus announcing partnership with Disney to have almost all their movies up on the Live Marketplace, for download in high definition.

Guess it's time to see what else Sony tries to steal from Nintendo, in their half-assed, overpriced way.

Oh.. and since I wasn't able to watch the Nintendo conference myself.. I'm hearing that there was no online mentioned for Smash Bros Brawl. Does this mean they scrapped the online? They mentioned Mario Kart Wii as being online, even Dragon Quest Swords. But nothing about Smash Bros?

...Aaaaand I'm assuming that you don't have a Wii/not planning to get one/just not interested in the release titles thus far?

I don't have a wii, but I will get one and I do agree with what he has said. Nintendo is slowly but surely straying off the path of the videogames that we know(and some of us still love). I do like some of the stuff they've been doing that are not necessarily traditional videogame experiences, but I still have to find one that entertains me as much as some awesome, "classic style" videogames do. I still love some of the nintendo franchises like smash, super mario and metroid and wait eagerly for its releases, but for a guy like me, its hard to get a system just to play a few AAA games.

Still, business-wise nintendo is on track to become a profit phenomena and market leader. Adn well, it still has smash, so until they turn that into a mini-game fest i will still be buying their consoles.

I don't have a wii, but I will get one and I do agree with what he has said. Nintendo is slowly but surely straying off the path of the videogames that we know(and some of us still love). I do like some of the stuff they've been doing that are not necessarily traditional videogame experiences, but I still have to find one that entertains me as much as some awesome, "classic style" videogames do. I still love some of the nintendo franchises like smash, super mario and metroid and wait eagerly for its releases, but for a guy like me, its hard to get a system just to play a few AAA games.

Still, business-wise nintendo is on track to become a profit phenomena and market leader. Adn well, it still has smash, so until they turn that into a mini-game fest i will still be buying their consoles.

Well, granted, this is one of their patented phases that they've been sporting by releasing as many mini-games that so many kids pick up, decimate and boast about in such short periods of time. Meanwhile, the rest of the gaming populous is desperately waiting for that big game release that will "...possibly occupy" us for extended periods of time.

My thing is, I didn't really account for Nintendo to start the Wii on the mini-game kick. I mean, there was Wind Waker and a few others, but then it slipped into the release of mini-games - - hardcore. Now I'm reading up on Mario Kart and Smash Brothers and this seems like what some of us were actually waiting for.

I'm not inclined to disagree with you on Nintendo not being on track into profitable ascension, but they have this unique habit of slipping into their mini-game habits.

Yeah, that was brought up. He said "If you've been following the Smash Bros. Dojo site.."

Really? I haven't actually watched the feed yet. I only saw the Microsoft one last night.

=/ That is kind of lame I suppose...

In retrospect to what I said, they should have had some guys play it for the crowd like they did with Assassin's Creed and CoD.

...Aaaaand I'm assuming that you don't have a Wii/not planning to get one/just not interested in the release titles thus far?

Assumed too much :)

I have a Wii, got it as soon as it was my turn to pick up my pre-ordered unit.

-Wii Sports was great fun, just don't find myself returning to it much.

-Zelda was awckward after having played the Cube version first.

-Wii Play is still great to play occasionally.

-DBZ T2 was pretty good but didn't feel rewarding as a game and I was annoyed by the fact that some of the same flaws from DBZ B2 (for Cube) were still in there.

-Red Steel was surprisingly good, but also had no lasting appeal.

-Prince of Persia for some reason managed to catch my interest but I deeply regret buying it. Then again, that was the only choice I had when I returned the godawful Heatseeker.

I never finished PoP in the end, because it just didn't feel rewarding enough to play.

Some of these games were a pretty big gamble in the first place. I actually wanted to be open to 3rd party stuff but they let me down.

The games I am lookign forward to are the games I already played on earlier generations.

While I still want the likes of Metroid, Mario, Smash Bros., Final Fantasy, Kirby etc. etc. I didn't need a rushed next gen to give me what I want.

The industry fails because of the competition and the technological progress that makes sure anything we buy is outdated the next day.

They'll do what every marketeer has been doing since the industrial revolution: sell minorly updated products you don't really need, on mass market scale, because there will always be many fools to buy your product.

This works with the toothbrush, electronic razorblades and mobile phones the same way it does with games like Mario Party 8, Pokemon Wii and just about every EA sports title.

There are good games coming out for Wii, but we don't need a Wii to play them. The only reason last gen is "dead" is because they all rushed into the next gen because of competition.

And THAT is marketing, and THAT is life.

And that's why I'm mildly annoyed :) Which you can probably tell from this waaay too long reply to your short post.

>_> Uhm yeah, so that was not even relevant was it.

What I'm trying to say is; they can't meet my demands anymore and that sucks much after all these years of loyalty.

But whatever, I don't expect anyone to make anything just for me.

Assumed too much :)

I have a Wii, got it as soon as it was my turn to pick up my pre-ordered unit.

-Wii Sports was great fun, just don't find myself returning to it much.

-Zelda was awckward after having played the Cube version first.

-Wii Play is still great to play occasionally.

-DBZ T2 was pretty good but didn't feel rewarding as a game and I was annoyed by the fact that some of the same flaws from DBZ B2 (for Cube) were still in there.

-Red Steel was surprisingly good, but also had no lasting appeal.

-Prince of Persia for some reason managed to catch my interest but I deeply regret buying it. Then again, that was the only choice I had when I returned the godawful Heatseeker.

I never finished PoP in the end, because it just didn't feel rewarding enough to play.

Some of these games were a pretty big gamble in the first place. I actually wanted to be open to 3rd party stuff but they let me down.

The games I am lookign forward to are the games I already played on earlier generations.

While I still want the likes of Metroid, Mario, Smash Bros., Final Fantasy, Kirby etc. etc. I didn't need a rushed next gen to give me what I want.

The industry fails because of the competition and the technological progress that makes sure anything we buy is outdated the next day.

They'll do what every marketeer has been doing since the industrial revolution: sell minorly updated products you don't really need, on mass market scale, because there will always be many fools to buy your product.

This works with the toothbrush, electronic razorblades and mobile phones the same way it does with games like Mario Party 8, Pokemon Wii and just about every EA sports title.

There are good games coming out for Wii, but we don't need a Wii to play them. The only reason last gen is "dead" is because they all rushed into the next gen because of competition.

And THAT is marketing, and THAT is life.

And that's why I'm mildly annoyed :) Which you can probably tell from this waaay too long reply to your short post.

>_> Uhm yeah, so that was not even relevant was it.

What I'm trying to say is; they can't meet my demands anymore and that sucks much after all these years of loyalty.

But whatever, I don't expect anyone to make anything just for me.

It's getting like that nowadays. One of my co-workers recently bought a PSP only to buy Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. She has no intention of buying anything else... Solely because nothing interests her. Outside of that, she's always playing her emulators. And yes, that was very much relevant. :smile:

Assumed too much :)

I have a Wii, got it as soon as it was my turn to pick up my pre-ordered unit.

-Wii Sports was great fun, just don't find myself returning to it much.

-Zelda was awckward after having played the Cube version first.

-Wii Play is still great to play occasionally.

-DBZ T2 was pretty good but didn't feel rewarding as a game and I was annoyed by the fact that some of the same flaws from DBZ B2 (for Cube) were still in there.

-Red Steel was surprisingly good, but also had no lasting appeal.

-Prince of Persia for some reason managed to catch my interest but I deeply regret buying it. Then again, that was the only choice I had when I returned the godawful Heatseeker.

I never finished PoP in the end, because it just didn't feel rewarding enough to play.

Some of these games were a pretty big gamble in the first place. I actually wanted to be open to 3rd party stuff but they let me down.

The games I am lookign forward to are the games I already played on earlier generations.

While I still want the likes of Metroid, Mario, Smash Bros., Final Fantasy, Kirby etc. etc. I didn't need a rushed next gen to give me what I want.

The industry fails because of the competition and the technological progress that makes sure anything we buy is outdated the next day.

They'll do what every marketeer has been doing since the industrial revolution: sell minorly updated products you don't really need, on mass market scale, because there will always be many fools to buy your product.

This works with the toothbrush, electronic razorblades and mobile phones the same way it does with games like Mario Party 8, Pokemon Wii and just about every EA sports title.

There are good games coming out for Wii, but we don't need a Wii to play them. The only reason last gen is "dead" is because they all rushed into the next gen because of competition.

And THAT is marketing, and THAT is life.

And that's why I'm mildly annoyed :) Which you can probably tell from this waaay too long reply to your short post.

>_> Uhm yeah, so that was not even relevant was it.

What I'm trying to say is; they can't meet my demands anymore and that sucks much after all these years of loyalty.

But whatever, I don't expect anyone to make anything just for me.

I understand what you are saying, but the software/reasons why we bought a Wii in the first place still aren't released. They are still underway.

Same happend to the DS. There were some midly fun games with gimmicky factors, and a long time of drought after that. Now that the DS is older, it's library has been filled with same great A+ games, that are not playable on any other platform.

So i guess, give it some time, and the Wii will have a wide arrange of games that are only playable on the Wii.

I understand what you are saying, but the software/reasons why we bought a Wii in the first place still aren't released. They are still underway.

Same happend to the DS. There were some midly fun games with gimmicky factors, and a long time of drought after that. Now that the DS is older, it's library has been filled with same great A+ games, that are not playable on any other platform.

So i guess, give it some time, and the Wii will have a wide arrange of games that are only playable on the Wii.

This of course is very true.

As for the DS, I waited a long time to get that but even that didn't really give me what I wanted.

Not because the games were bad per se, but rather because they were relatively short, while I like playing games that take ya at least up to 40 hours to finish, or have such great replay value that it doesn't matter how short it is.

The 40 hours minimal actually became my standard at one point, so I get at least something worth my 60 Euros.

I wanted plenty of games that came out for GBA/DS, but in my opinion they are not worth all that money.

So that again brings me to the problem of things being marketed to other groups rather than the one I fit in.

It's is only my problem (and that of said group) though, but yeah from my point of view, it just sucks because of the history I have with games.

Like I said before: I'm happy nintendo is selling so much, but I wish there was more for me to get too, besides the usual minor upgrades of games.

It's getting like that nowadays. One of my co-workers recently bought a PSP only to buy Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. She has no intention of buying anything else... Solely because nothing interests her. Outside of that, she's always playing her emulators. And yes, that was very much relevant. :smile:

Yeah I'd be like that too. There are certain games coming out on certain systems that I'd want to have so badly, I'd even buy a system just for that game, but then I'd secretly hope there would be more games to come out later that I'd actually want as well, so the money isn't exactly wasted, but then that doesn't really happen a lot.

(for example, there's a game coming to Xbox360 that was made by the people who did Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos (Namco mostly) and I got mad that it would not be on Cube/Wii after having played the greatness that is the other two (three) mentioned games.

It would be no good paying over 300 bucks just to play one game and then have a machine standing there which all those possibilities but me never using them.

--- --- ---

As for Mario Galaxy: the idea of transforming into a bee and a Boo strikes me as very interesting. There will probably even more transformations/suits whatever they are, for each level theme. :)

It looks as if there'll be just so much to do in that game.

I also noticed at one point, stars are actually shooting towards enemies. (The same stars you collect during play). I'm guessing the 'second player' can do that to help out and all. :)

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