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Do I actually install it on the ps3 or not before copying it? And when selecting a download file from the network, is there a difference between wanting to play it on the psp or the ps3? That would probably answer everything. Thanks.

Install everything on the PS3 before you copy it to the PSP.

For the difference between wanting to play PSP or PS3, it will say what system the game is for. PSP games will have "PSP GAME" in the thumbnail whilst PS3 games should have "PS3 GAME" (some don't iirc) in the thumbnail. Obviously PS1 games can be installed on both.

PSN should have them separated into sections so it shouldn't be that easy to mix them up. I guess there are a few titles that happened to be released on both (like Echochrome) so just watch out for those.

  • 4 weeks later...



Thank you~


Or... you know... just get a 100 dollar ps2 that plays ps2 games just fine assuming one missed out on the ps2 library...

Most likely already have a PS2 in one variation or another; especially since I got both a PS2 Slim and a fat PS2 as a hand me down from a friend. (both work beautifully)

  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious if anybody bought a PSPgo? My two main concerns (aside from it being more expensive a regular PSP) are how some online reviews complained about the size in respect to cramping hands during play, and also that I'm not sure if all the games I'd want to get (specifically MGS Portable Ops, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, etc) are necessarily available in download format. I know they scrapped the plan of giving people who own the UMD a downloadable version of the respective game, but I don't know what this means for which games are avaiable on PSN. Anyway, if anybody has one, I'd be curious to hear your impressions of it.

Also, I had read something about the PSP-3000 having some problem with interlacing, and messes up the visuals at points in some games. Has anyone experienced that, and if so is it bad enough that I'd just be better off with an older PSP model? Thanks in advance!

Or... you know... just get a 100 dollar ps2 that plays ps2 games just fine assuming one missed out on the ps2 library...

Most likely already have a PS2 in one variation or another; especially since I got both a PS2 Slim and a fat PS2 as a hand me down from a friend. (both work beautifully)

Come on, schwaltz I thought we went over the portable thing in another thread

you cannot deny how awesome it'd be to have a PSP that plays PS2 games

Come on, schwaltz I thought we went over the portable thing in another thread

you cannot deny how awesome it'd be to have a PSP that plays PS2 games

It'd be nice, however I can't see myself playing Fatal Frame on Squintovision. Disgaea 2 worked and oddly enough the recent(?) release of Silent Hill from the PSOne section also seems to work fine. But I can't see myself playing any of the fatal frame games on the PSP.

  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone wanting to see Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This? in UMD format, you can place a pre-order for it here. If pre-order sales reach 1000 (orders), the game goes into production. If not, all orders are cancelled and you aren't charged anything. Also, the game only costs $19.99.

This seems like a completely no-lose situation to me.

It'd be nice, however I can't see myself playing Fatal Frame on Squintovision. Disgaea 2 worked and oddly enough the recent(?) release of Silent Hill from the PSOne section also seems to work fine. But I can't see myself playing any of the fatal frame games on the PSP.

Did you see yourself playing Disgaea 2 on Squintovision before you actually tried it?

  • 2 weeks later...

so i got a micro sdhc to memory stick pro duo converter today. not a big deal - i've been using one for ages. except this one allows for TWO sdhc cards. so, 2 8gb cards cost me 8$ each, and the converter cost me 3$ at buy.com. ten dollars total for shipping the three (two separate sellers), and for 30$ i have 14.5 usable GBs of games on my psp. for 60, i could have gotten two 16gb cards, but i already had one 8gb card and didn't need THAT much stuff.

still really awesome. you have to format them together through the psp or else they won't recognize the card in the second slot, but once i backed up my stuff and formatted it was fine.


no effing kidding

you could put like all of the homebrews on that monster

you'd need a media manager on the psp just to browse them all

or at least be able to group them like you can on the PS3


Where did you get the $8 SD cards from? Also just pulled out my psp after a long time and it has moisture bubbles under the screen. Hope it dries soon. =(

Edit 2: Screw it, I need to change my beatup faceplate anyways. Any good places that sell cheap psp1000 model plates?


yes, gollgagh, that's it. there are SD cards at buy.com that are branded SanDisk cards, and they're 8-10 dollars depending on the day. go with 16gb sticks if you can - they're not much more, and 32gb is almost enough to put every game i've got on there (i'm currently at 47gb if you don't count the repeats in different formats...and yes, i own them all).

be warned that the transfer speed from your computer to it is atrocious. around 6-7mb/s, in general. takes half an hour to transfer 14 gigs. however, load times from it are pretty low.


yeah, anything going from the computer through the psp to the memstick is going to be slow as hell

I might pick up a card reader with this thing too just to get rid of one bottle neck

hey guys, is a pspGo worth getting? i know its new and shiny but i can't tell if its worth it over a psp 3000.


The smaller screen and somewhat cramped controls of the PSP Go may actually make the system a worse platform for games, not a better one.

Existing PSP owners shouldn't feel slighted by the new hardware: the system they already have is about to get much, much better as a digital device. Sony doesn't need to launch hardware to begin its assault on retail-sold games, although it certainly got us all talking.

PSP Go Launch a Nightmare for Gamers

"I just want to play some videogames! Sony, why won't you let me play some videogames? I promise I'll try to be a good person from now on. Do you want me to go to church?"

I'll probably pick one up if/when it gets hacked mostly 'cause I've used my UMD drive a total of maybe 3 times in the past six months, and that just to rip my games.

also I kind of like the smaller form factor (I stopped using my bigass logitech case since it made sticking my PSP in my pocket straight up ridiculopus)

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