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Also, a lot of the PSP games can be found for discounted prices now. Megaman Powered Up & Maverick Hunter X (I have this one) for $20, and X-Men Legends II, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Capcom Classics Remixed and Gradius Collection for $10, all at the Toys 'R Us clearance now.

Do you know when this sale ends? I couldn't find any information on their website.

There should be a 2.8 downgrader floating around pspupdates somewhere.

I found info on how to do it while browsing http://forums.maxconsole.net. Thanks though!

I'm actually psyched for when my friend will get a PSP of his own, so I can get my PSP back and we can get some nice multiplayer fun. There are quite a lot of nice games for it now worth playing, and the PS1 emulation is just icing on the cake.

He bought Portable Ops too, so I'm going to have to too (besides, if it sells well we're supposed to get another PSP MGS) - I've been hearing nothing but good things about that game.


So, I was just looking around Amazon.com for some of the rarer PSP games...wow, some of these PSP games are pretty cheap now. I just snagged Me and My Katamari for $20, and Guiaroo Man Lives! for $35. A lot of the good games are $20 or less right now, which is a pretty damn good deal.

It's a great time to snag a PSP if you're on the sidelines.


All this emulation and expanding PSP library is drawing me closer to the PSP.

But I'm gonna have to hold out until there's another price drop, or I get more money, or something else totally awesome lures me in.


Wow, this is going to take some getting used to (First time visiting since the grand board change from hell)

I bought myself a PSP just the other day with some christmas money as a way of rewarding myself for surviving this hellish season down at the photo lab I work at.

I was a little depressed to find it had a stuck pixel (Blue) in the bottom right corner, but it's really only noticable if I intently look at it.

Other than that, I already have a couple games since my dad had bought himself a PSP a few months ago and I'm quite happy with it.

My current collection

- Ace Combat X

- Metal Gear AC!D

- Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

- WRC World Rally Championship

I'm gonna buy Me and My Katamari once I get my comission check next week.




Not as awesome as the other two Katamaris.

Still pretty decent, plus it's nice to have it portable. But don't expect the same quality of game. I find the lack of a second joystick hurts it more than one might hope.

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, Balthier is going to be in the FFT update on the PSP...



Also... Dark knight looks cool kinda...

Also. FF1 and FF2 are being "enhanced" for the PSP... the game looks the same with new spites.


lol gg square enix... at least try with the ports. I think its the freaking GBA game with updates sprites.

OK, this game looks pretty cool. A really interesting concept, and it looks like they pulled it off. Watch the video. Watch it a few times, actually. I was a little confused the first time, but it makes sense when you realize what's happening.

That game does look pretty interesting, how the guy moves from his main platform onto the background. I might...download it lol

little bizzump

Interest in PSP rising... They are releasing a CV:SOTN and Rondo of Blood package with a Rondo of Blood remake and originial and its not the SNES Dracula X.


I'll see your link, and raise you this one...


The entire first stage being played in the 3D version.

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