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MnP 106: DuckTales (Nes) - Transylvania


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Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes)

MIDI: https://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP106_Ducktales_-_Translvanyia_.mid

Let's try DuckTales Transylvania, also known as Stage 2. It's a rather simple rock type tune, with a lovely melody, and lot of spooky atmosphere. The stage is a Halloween type stage, and this music is also. Perfectly fitting!


Deadline: Oct 28th Mon @ 1PM

Vote Ends: Oct 31st Thu @ 11PM

MnP ARCHIVE  made by Trism ;)

submit: https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP106

The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required.

MnP Instructions/Guidelines

  1. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted.
  2. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell.
  3. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met.
  4. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max).
  5. Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry.
  6. Please don't make any comments about people's entries - including your own - until the Voting process is concluded.  BONUS entries are exempt of this rule.
  7. Same rules for PRC voting Stage: don't vote for yourself, be considerate and try to give reasonable feedback as to why you liked X or Y entry. 
  8. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct

- When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier.
- In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)

Edited by HoboKa
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, can I just upgrade this with the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive sound chip? A higher grade chiptune, basically. 

I will no doubt throw my own stuff into it, but it will mainly be an upgrade.

I see nothing in the contest rules about this, but it's not allowed for official submissions, so I thought I'd ask.

Edited by Seth Skoda
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2 hours ago, Seth Skoda said:

Hey, can I just upgrade this with the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive sound chip? A higher grade chiptune, basically. 

I will no doubt throw my own stuff into it, but it will mainly be an upgrade.

I see nothing in the contest rules about this, but it's not allowed for official submissions, so I thought I'd ask.

I don't see why that would be a problem. MnP is about a conservative approach. So really honing in closer to the source. So as far as were concerned, a Sound Upgrade is completely acceptable. Really we only care about the mood and source material is kept, rest is more up to you. If you wanna add some Sega FM, then by all means go for it. All minds are unique.

Oh well HoboKa knows more than me. I kind of have a habit of stepping in his pocket, but at least you got something from me. 

Good Luck!


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7 minutes ago, TheVideoGamer said:

I don't see why that would be a problem. MnP is about a conservative approach. So really honing in closer to the source. So as far as were concerned. a Sound Upgrade is completely acceptable. Really we only care about the mood and source material is kept. Rest is more up to you. If you wanna add some Sega FM, then by all means go for it. 

Oh well HoboKa knows more than me. I kind of have a habit of stepping in his pocket, but at least you got something from me. 

Good Luck!


Ah, thank you for this.

I might as well say what I have so far. I separated the high end and low end drums into separate percussion channels. The open and closed high hats get the long and short envelope PSG noise samples (which I ripped from Sonic 3) respectively. The kick, snare and crash cymbal are replaced with DAC samples. The kick and snare are from Sonic 2 and the crash cymbal I don't remember, I just have it. I split the melody and bass into 3 FM channels and made a few changes (only to keep the added panning balanced, as all things should be). I also copied the dual melody track into two PSG square channels as well to give it a boost as well as flavor. I'm going to be adding either arpeggios or pads as FM channels 4&5 (stereo panned) to beef it up further.

Edited by Seth Skoda
missed a word
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8 minutes ago, Seth Skoda said:

Ah, thank you for this.

I might as well say what I have so far. I separated the high end and low end drums into separate percussion channels. The open and closed high hats get the long and short envelope PSG noise samples (which I ripped from Sonic 3) respectively. The kick, snare and crash cymbal are replaced with DAC samples. The kick and snare are from Sonic 2 and the crash cymbal I don't remember, I just have it. I split the melody and bass into 3 FM channels and made a few changes (only to keep the added panning balanced, as all things should be). I also copied the dual melody track into two PSG square channels as well to give it a boost as well as flavor. I'm going to be adding either arpeggios or pads as FM channels 4&5 (stereo panned) to beef it up further.

Thanks for sharing this. Probably better when the round is over, that way we have a fresh mindset when voting. We don't usually make comments until the rounds over you see. 

To be fair, you shouldn't need to worry too much. Were not perfectionists, we just enjoy it, and feedback those that need a bit of improvement. 


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6 minutes ago, Seth Skoda said:

Oh... oh, my bad. I didn't know that my explanation was out of bounds. Sorry about that.

It's ok. The reason we do this, is because we don't want to influence anyone, in their choices. Every vote is all based on fair game, what we think sounds the most appealing (The best, pretty much). 

Once you get into a few rounds, it becomes like a slice of cake. It's all in good fun. I'm glad your interested though :) 

Best thing to do, if your worried, is to take a look at past MnP rounds. They will give you some ideas to how things are run. 

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58 minutes ago, TheVideoGamer said:

It's ok. The reason we do this, is because we don't want to influence anyone, in their choices. Every vote is all based on fair game, what we think sounds the most appealing (The best, pretty much). 

Once you get into a few rounds, it becomes like a slice of cake. It's all in good fun. I'm glad your interested though :) 

Best thing to do, if your worried, is to take a look at past MnP rounds. They will give you some ideas to how things are run. 

What's this? I'm trying to sign up for a ThaSauce account to submit my piece. But I get this:

Name any ThaSauce compo:
This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots.

What am I supposed to type in there? I've never even heard of this site before...

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10 minutes ago, Seth Skoda said:

What's this? I'm trying to sign up for a ThaSauce account to submit my piece. But I get this:

Name any ThaSauce compo:
This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots.

What am I supposed to type in there? I've never even heard of this site before...


Answers here: https://ocremix.org/community/topic/48012-prc388-arrival-of-the-anubis-jet-force-gemini/




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1 hour ago, Seth Skoda said:

What's this? I'm trying to sign up for a ThaSauce account to submit my piece. But I get this:

Name any ThaSauce compo:
This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots.

What am I supposed to type in there? I've never even heard of this site before...

We use this site to post submissions. It's reliable, and has a brilliant voting system to make it organised. I love it.

This is just a security question, to prevent robots and spam. Just find a compo and type it in. 


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Wow.  I was asleep on the wheel of that transaction.  Glad to know that ThaSauce didn't give you any trouble Seth my man.  Guess I spent TOO much time on Newgrounds...

Dat technological knowledge of sound chips and stuff.  It's on my to-do list to read up on.   Mmmm chips. 

And yeah, qualitative remarks we generally do *after* the voting process and obviously we put comments down when we vote.  No harm done though.  Sometimes we drop qualitative stuff in the comments section of our submitted tracks b/c reasons.  Though it's best to avoid, if you don't wanna poison your chances at getting a vote in your favor >: 3

If you got any other questions, feel free to ask me, Mr. Seth Skoda :D

(edit over9000)

And thanks Dex and TVG for doing my job for me.  Saved me a lot of awkwardness and derp.  Well.  Some of it anyways. 


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18 minutes ago, HoboKa said:

Wow.  I was asleep on the wheel of that transaction.  Glad to know that ThaSauce didn't give you any trouble Seth my man.  Guess I spent TOO much time on Newgrounds...

Dat technological knowledge of sound chips and stuff.  It's on my to-do list to read up on.   Mmmm chips. 

And yeah, qualitative remarks we generally do *after* the voting process and obviously we put comments down when we vote.  No harm done though.  Sometimes we drop qualitative stuff in the comments section of our submitted tracks b/c reasons.  Though it's best to avoid, if you don't wanna poison your chances at getting a vote in your favor >: 3

If you got any other questions, feel free to ask me, Mr. Seth Skoda :D

(edit over9000)

And thanks Dex and TVG for doing my job for me.  Saved me a lot of awkwardness and derp.  Well.  Some of it anyways. 


Well, it's good to know there's a good community here.

By way, this is off-topic, but I left you a review on that Sonic CD remix. I was blown away. I'd like to collab some time...

To TheVideoGamer: I guess it's good I got that out of the way, then, as I would definitely like to participate in more of these challenges. I did enjoy remaking that tune.

Thank you to everyone for your help.

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6 hours ago, Seth Skoda said:

Hey, can I just upgrade this with the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive sound chip? A higher grade chiptune, basically. 

I will no doubt throw my own stuff into it, but it will mainly be an upgrade.

I see nothing in the contest rules about this, but it's not allowed for official submissions, so I thought I'd ask.

Oh, your take is nowhere near being non-conservative, don't worry.  Being non-conservative in the MnP books is altering the source material too much, rearranging a shit-ton...reducing or increasing the tempo way beyond.  Altering the mood too much.  OFC...exceptions are for Howlowe'en and December, b/c they are more thematic - and sometimes the source material doesn't always fit the theme of those holiday specials.

I'll give you an example of as "liberal" an approach as I can tolerate in MnP...


Skoshu's entry. 


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13 minutes ago, Seth Skoda said:

Well, it's good to know there's a good community here.

By way, this is off-topic, but I left you a review on that Sonic CD remix. I was blown away. I'd like to collab some time...

To TheVideoGamer: I guess it's good I got that out of the way, then, as I would definitely like to participate in more of these challenges. I did enjoy remaking that tune.

Thank you to everyone for your help.

Some of the samples (i.e. the jazz trumpets) and drum writing/snares samples etc were done by Sir Jordanius.  And most of the transitional FX were his too.  Though I guess my sound library is better these days.  Speaking of...I could use better jazz samples.  But sure, a collab would be cool.  

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