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I got a great haul this year. I am very, very thankful for my loving family and fantastic loving girlfriend.


Vital Remains - Horrors of Hell

Vital Remains - Into Cold Darkness

Lamb of God - Sacrament

Unearth - Strings of Conscience


Simpsons Season 8 x2 (my girlfriend and parents both got me the same thing!)

Aeon Flux Animation

Iron Maiden Rock in Rio

Batman Begins

Chronicles of Riddick Trilogy

Impaler 20 Years Undead (some band DVD, never heard of them)

Reservoir Dogs

Animaniacs Volume 2

Lamb of God Killadelphia

G3 Live in Tokyo Vai/Satriani/Petrucci

Sin City Recut Extended Unrated (fuck yeah!)

Video Games

Guitar Hero II (SWEET!)



Simpsons Season 13 and 14 episode guide

Scanner Darkly Graphic Novel

Big Gifts

M-Audio Keystation 61es (Very fucking glad for this one)

HP Photosmart C3180 All-in-One Printer, Scanner, Copier (This was unexpected. I thought, when it was wrapped, that this was a Wii or 360, alas this will come in handy when I move out)


Old Spice Colone and Aftershave


$25 from grandma

Two Tickets to Video Games Live

Donkey Kong T-Shirt

$25 from aunt

$75 from aunt and uncle

$25 from other grandma

This was a great and fantastic Christmas.

Holy shit! That's quite the hawl 8O

On top of the stuff I posted a few pages back, I just got some stuff from my grandma.

So this is probably the final count overall until my B-Day on Saturday.

1: Sony Cybershot 7.2 Megapixel

2: 1 gb memory stick

3: James Bond DVD collection (part 1)

4: Green Mile (My dad and I got each other the exact same movie and we both opened it at the same time, it was rather humorous :lol: )

5: Dirty Jobs DVD set (That show is fucking awesome)

6: Book about Japan (Since I plan on going there someday in the near future)

7: Over G Fighters for Xbox 360

8: A new electric razor (My old one was pulling the hairs from my face, it freaking hurt).

9: A to-go coffee maker (Awesome)

10: 25$ gift card for Circuit City (From a co-worker, I got him Half Life)

11: $50 gift card for iTunes

12: Miscelaneous pants and a couple shirts (One being a really nice Tommy Bahama shirt).

13: A nice Jean Jacket

14: Some heavy duty odor remover (From sharper image..... >_> , my dad has a funny sense of humor)

15: $140 accumulative from both my grandmothers on both sides of the family

16: 2 Bottles of Cologne (One from my dad, and one from my grandma)

17: A book on Asian Cuisine

18: Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (From my friend, as both a Xmas and B-day present).

19: Miscellaneous nik-naks

Now on to my B-Day


I was content with just getting the three items I originally had on my list. The rest just kind of came out of nowhere. The ironic thing is we were told it was to be a really lite christmas this year, but as you can see, that went over well >_>

We got a few seriously spoiled fuckers around here.

You should see my sister's boyfriend's family. We went to one of his relative's birthdays once. She got so much shit and she was turning 3 or something.

I got:

4 "Walkie Bits" - tiny turtles from japan that move when you tap their shells

1 drawing "DigiPro" tablet - It seems pretty cool, but I consider it hilarious that I got this, because my father approached me one day and asked if I would prefer a tablet that doesn't meet my specifications or nothing at all. I told him nothing at all(he had apparently already ordered this). :lol:

4 "On the Fast Track" comic books. They were pretty funny, but I don't really like the comic that much.

$20 gift card to Blockbuster - this gift might have been a bit better if I didn't know it was originally intended for someone else. I feel so cheap. :cry:

$25 gift card to Borders - Sweeeeet.

An umbrella - It opens and closes with a button!

I already know that I'm notoriously hard to shop for, so I wasn't really expecting to get anything all that great. But I was surprised that I didn't get a single DS game, because I actually listed about five two year old+ games to choose from. According to them, they didn't find any of the games 'on sale.' You'd think that two year old games like Electroplankton would be cheap enough to get without an extra discount. :lol: Hell, I saw Polarium in GameStop for $12 several months ago.

So uh.. I went pretty broke getting people stuff(lolz no job!) and I didn't get a single thing I wanted. So I'm just considering my expenses-paid Magfest trip as a Christmas present. 8)

an electronic "20 questions" game that is either psychic, or demonic,


seriously though


I'm gonna take it apart and look for like pentagrams in the computer chips...


My brother in law has one of those exactly. I played with it while we were waiting for Wii. I was quite surprised that it guessed dragon, but I beat it several times in a row. It couldn't even guess itself. Or steering wheel(although it got close with "muffler").

Oh yeah that reminds me. I think one of the big reasons I didn't get anything much is because my parents were counting on them being able to grab a Wii. Well, no one in the family was able to get one. So, yeah.


So some you have me beat, but I beat most... I got a Wii! And two weeks before Christmas too, haha... Apparently my grandma was at a Circuit City, as they got two in... one reserved, and she got the other one, which she gave to my parents, who were playing it before I even got back from college. I was pretty excited, so much fun. And a baritone ukulele, which I had promptly forgotten about, even though I am a trumpet player, it is still fun. End of list.

Edit was the uke =/

We got a few seriously spoiled fuckers around here.

Nothing wrong with that.

This is why you make sure to be born in a large and rich extended family and have lots and lots of friends.

Yep. I made sure of this before I was born.


Erm well this is what I got....

1)Xbox 360(Asia Version)

2)Nintendo Wii(US Version)

3)Gears of War

4)Lost Planet Extreme Condition

5)Rainbow Six Vegas(Xbox360)

6)Zelda Twilight Princess

7)Excite Truck

8)Trauma Center 2nd Opinion

Well my brother got me the Nintendo Wii and games for it while my relatives in the US who came to visit my family here got me the Xbox 360 and the games for it.

It was a pretty damn delightful surprise for me because I never asked them for any of this stuff and never expected to get any of it.


My gifts load is pretty huge this year, considering I usually don't get anything beyond one or two gifts.

  • BenQ 19" Flat Screen LCD monitor (about $230 dollars)
  • $300 towards a new computer
  • $140 hard cash
  • $40 in gift cards ($25 Best Buy, $15 Cold Stones)
  • Calvin Klein jacket
  • Mirage jacket and hat (from a relative in Las Vegas)
  • Tons of Snickers bars

The $140 hard cash ended up turning into a $60 Kenneth Cole watch and money spent on myself. The Best Buy gift card turned into Mega Man ZX. And my computer is still being built at the moment.


For Christmas I recieved:

  • - Two Yu Yu Hakusho Manga
    - a pair of pajamas
    - Super Smash Bros. Melee (finally, haha)
    - S-video cables for my Gamecube

That's pretty much all I wanted so, I'm satisfied.

I still need to go out and by myself a new DDR pad though.

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