OverCoat Posted March 5, 2007 Author Posted March 5, 2007 Tepid just linked me some stuff http://namco-ch.net/mojipittan/extra/download/index.php namco freebies, has some fun songs, http://namco-ch.net/mojipittan/extra/download/mp3/mojipittan_bedtime.mp3 [FOR REALZ] http://download.namco-ch.net/mojipittan_futari_remix.mp3 etc I think they are pretty old but hey they aren't in this thread yet Quote
OverCoat Posted March 7, 2007 Author Posted March 7, 2007 http://www.myspace.com/darklordlegions It says you can download the songs but it isn't working for me... I really like this music, though. Retro scary, like a mid-to-late 1970s or early 80s horror flick soundtrack, simple but nice warm sounds and good harmonies. There's a remix by Bucky on the page too... I think this guy is a shizzie but I'm so out of touch with that place now [i FEEL BAD] Quote
OverCoat Posted March 10, 2007 Author Posted March 10, 2007 #207a-207b nagz / hringur [stream] those long term kahvi listeners will recognise this next artist. we welcome, the curious, the odd, the crazy, nagz back into the kahvi collective with a new mini ep. not usually releasing two track eps, I`ll make an exception for this strange oddity by the crazy hungarian. nagz has always been consistant with his weird but addictive melodies and slightly eccentric production and hringur is no exception. great, giddy, oblong, yellow - well, you`ll see what I mean when you listen. check out nagz` mini site which he created especially for this release: http://hringur.jol.hu leave feedback download whole ep as ogg (.zip) download album art download whole ep as mp3 (.zip) loud year [stream] [main download] [mirror] quiet year [stream] [main download] [mirror] Quote
OverCoat Posted March 10, 2007 Author Posted March 10, 2007 ooooh I really like this one. Creepy Quote
Fishy Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 I was playing random games, and this popped up during one of the games, so I found out who it's by, and its incredible. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=917347⊂=68780 The top one, "Atomic" is one of the funnest listening experiances I've had. The nocturne is pretty sweet too. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 13, 2007 Author Posted March 13, 2007 Message>> We're delighted to present a second release from Finnish graphic artist and musician Flutterspot, following the 'Labmat EP' back in early 2006, and this time round, 'Suitable For A Desire To Share' is almost 40 minutes of lushly layered electronic music to die for - or at least freeze a little bit. We start off with the oddly titled 'Small, Brightly Coloured, Highly Arboreal', which hops up into the trees for some almost Boards Of Canada-esque loping beats and marvellously complex electronic beats. From there on, there's just all kinds of mature fun to be had, with 'Cumulonimbus Arcus' looping all over the place in delight. What else? Blimey, 'A Minor Lovesong' is all guitars and style and 'Hover In Mid-Air' is semi-ambient bliss, and this all adds up to one of the most accomplished Monotonik releases we've had in some time - so everyone say thank you to the mysterious Flutterspot, eh? Download Flutterspot's 'Suitable For A Desire To Share ' from: 1. "Small, Brightly Coloured, Highly Arboreal" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 2. "Softening Distortions" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 3. "You Are Not An End Of A Rainbow" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 4. "Cumulonimbus Arcus" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 5. "Take Care Etc" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 6. "A Minor Lovesong" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 7. "I Think The Way You Moved The Stars Around" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 8. "Alignments Of Heartal Points" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 9. "Hover In Mid Air By Rapidly Flapping Their Wings" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 10. "What Is This" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) ..or download the entire release [.ZIP link], stream, or review the track at its Internet Archive release page. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 14, 2007 Author Posted March 14, 2007 http://www.myspace.com/hananokcha -- cool first song! I agree! I wish I could download the songs but at least it's free to listen. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 20, 2007 Author Posted March 20, 2007 Hey SID lovers! Recently I had a craving for moar Geir Tjelta, coda told me to get the HVSC pack. The good news is, I now have lots of Geir Tjelta, and 33,000+ other SID files. The bad news is, my winamp playlist is now swamped with .sid files, 41,186 tracks strong, something like 75% of it is now SID. They're mostly good or great songs but I can't find my other good or great songs :3. This pack includes but is not limited to: Geir Tjelta Tim/Geoff Follin DRAX Laxity Rob Hubbard [a fucking living God I tell you] Aleksi Eeben Allister Brimble Mitch Dane Mitch AND Dane Richard Joseph Glenn Rune Gallefoss a shitload of Swedes I think this has been plugged in the thread before, but I wanted to tell you about it anyway. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 20, 2007 Author Posted March 20, 2007 #208a-208c audio cephlon / callistemon [stream] seems like spring is the time for short releases on kahvi collective, but that doesn't reflect on the quality of the merchandise. after the previous two track from nagz, next up an artist that seemed to vanish into the depths of the australian outback - audio cephlon. back with more of a polished sound, a vibe verging on the acid jazz (callistemon) or more beat driven delos. but for me, the ep is made by avarian dub - its got all the subtle little additions that make a track sparkle. enjoy the cool callistemon. leave feedback download whole ep as ogg (.zip) download album art download whole ep as mp3 (.zip) callistemon [stream] [main download] [mirror] delos [stream] [main download] [mirror] avarian dub [stream] [main download] [mirror] Quote
Martin Penwald Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Hey SID lovers! Recently I had a craving for moar Geir Tjelta, coda told me to get the HVSC pack. The good news is, I now have lots of Geir Tjelta, and 33,000+ other SID files. The bad news is, my winamp playlist is now swamped with .sid files, 41,186 tracks strong, something like 75% of it is now SID. They're mostly good or great songs but I can't find my other good or great songs :3.This pack includes but is not limited to: Geir Tjelta Tim/Geoff Follin DRAX Laxity Rob Hubbard [a fucking living God I tell you] Aleksi Eeben Allister Brimble Mitch Dane Mitch AND Dane Richard Joseph Glenn Rune Gallefoss a shitload of Swedes I think this has been plugged in the thread before, but I wanted to tell you about it anyway. Some interesting names in there. I shall check it out. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 22, 2007 Author Posted March 22, 2007 http://www.myspace.com/dprkhc North Korean speedcore ????????????????????????????? Quote
OverCoat Posted March 27, 2007 Author Posted March 27, 2007 New Maktone chip! added 1 new mod.ylvis 23 years dedicated to my girlfriend ylva who turns 23 2day! Quote
OverCoat Posted March 28, 2007 Author Posted March 28, 2007 yay! yay yay yay #209a -209j Various Artists - Music for a Nightmare [stream] Its time for a various artist compilation - and what artists! Saul stokes, Igneous flameMasse Memoire. As the name suggests, this release acts as a descriptive passage, the process of a nightmare. Mellow and chilled to begin with leading into harsh vibes, fast beats, distortion and then passing into the calm, cool, clear waters. An exciting release which is guaranteed to get the blood pumping. Highly enjoyable and one for the long term playlist. We welcome Pete Kelly (Igneous Flame), Eneftze and Masse Memoire as guest artists. leave feedback (Pete Kelly), Alexander Chereshnev , Eneftze and download whole ep as ogg (.zip) download whole ep as mp3 (.zip) Quote
OverCoat Posted April 4, 2007 Author Posted April 4, 2007 #210a-210d abyssal plains / hemispherical sky [stream] after the popular premier of abyssal plains on kahvi a while back, he's back once again with a four track ep. hemispherical sky is a slightly different departure from his previous idm/ambient smoothy - this time round concentrating more on the chill and easy listening while-you-work vibe. excellence as we were expecting, long and drawn out tracks that allow you ample time to get seriously into. a seriously nice piece of work. I would like to dedicate this release to the memory of my dad who sadly passed away recently. A jazz man through and through, I think he would have surely approved of the mood of hemispherical sky. leave feedback download whole ep as ogg (.zip) download album art download whole ep as mp3 (.zip) yey, I love "listen-while-you-work" music :3 sad about 4T Thieves' dad though :[ Quote
OverCoat Posted April 5, 2007 Author Posted April 5, 2007 I'm just going to start linking .sids http://se2ai.net/HVSC/MUSICIANS/R/Randall/Ill_Be_a_Pimp_in_Cabrini_G.sid this is a cool song though Quote
OverCoat Posted April 13, 2007 Author Posted April 13, 2007 #211a-211l Lackluster / CDR#2 (remastered) [stream] Lackluster has been featured on Kahvi from waay back - 1999 being the first time he was feaured. Since then, he's been critically acclaimed on many 'real world' labels including DeFocus and Merck and most recently Kahvi: Commercial (for digital distribution). CDR#2 is the highly sought after release that was even being sold on ebay for a short time, hard to find in hard format and just for you here it is being made available in download format. Loads of favorites on this release for me, perhaps me me me me me me clenches the title of fave track for this release with bothersome (mothermix) a close second. If you'd like to support Lackluster directly, you might like to check out these releases on iTunes: What you want isn't what you need, Container, Showcase, Spaces and Wrapping and Slice at Beatport. Enjoy this rare and historical release from Lackluster. leave feedback download whole ep as ogg (.zip) download album art download whole ep as mp3 (.zip) We love lackluster. I am downloading this immediately :3 Quote
WesPip Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 Too lazy to check to see if it's been posted yet or not. Worth a double post if it has though. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8767 Quote
OverCoat Posted April 17, 2007 Author Posted April 17, 2007 New maktone chip! added 1 new mod.greensleves my version of the old song greensleves. Quote
OverCoat Posted April 23, 2007 Author Posted April 23, 2007 #212a-212c Pece / Riddle of the Universe [stream] This time around we have a complete contrast to Lackluster and his works. Pece is an inspiring electro/blues/ambient/electronic style combination, and for probably the second time in kollective history, I`m breaking my own made rule to not release tracks with vocals with the superb, professional quality vocals by Zuska Grüner in `missing`. The ep consists of three tracks of sublime works - quirks, ambience, chilled and with some nice production. This may not be everybodies cup of tea but I think its a worthy addition to the kollective. Credits for this ep: Piotr 'Pece' Cieslik: composition, production, recording, mixing, mastering, keyboards; Pawel 'boHtr' Drozdz: 'The Past' (acoustic guitar, electric), 'Towards The House On The Hill' (electric guitar); Zuska 'Grino' Grüner: 'Missing' (vocals), Wojtek Szupelak: 'Stormy Night' (acoustic guitar, bass guitar, electric guitar), 'Missing' (electric guitar, lyrics) leave feedback download whole ep as ogg (.zip) download album art download whole ep as mp3 (.zip) stormy night [stream] [main download] [mirror] towards the house on the hill [stream] [main download] [mirror] missing [stream] [main download] [mirror] Quote
OverCoat Posted April 23, 2007 Author Posted April 23, 2007 New xerxes tracks! http://xerxes.grab.no/music/mp3/xerxes-modulating_gaia.mp3 < new original http://xerxes.grab.no/music/remixed/xerxes-cell_progression_%28twl_remix%29.mp3 < remix of "Cell progression" [one of my favorite xerxes tunes!] by thomas wicklund larsen Quote
OverCoat Posted April 25, 2007 Author Posted April 25, 2007 New Aleksi Eeben yay Message>> This one's been coming for a while, but the latest release from incredibly unconventional Finnish musician Aleksi Eeben (the .MOD artist formerly known as Heatbeat) is the tremendously obtuse but lovable 'Three Times The Music', 8 tracks of offbeat but somewhat gorgeous bleeps and bloops. Aleksi is, as ever, a bit of a jazz fan, and the kind of melodies and stylings he picks makes him an acquired taste, to say the least. But if you dig the odd, odd grooving of first track 'Clockwork', then you're set - from there, we have just all kinds of skronk, with the trilogy coming to the end with 'Western Movement'. It carries on from there, though, with the beautifully understated 'Quiet Place' slinking up against the insanely named final track 'To Climb A Tree Remove Branches And Reverse Gravity'. Pretty sure it makes no sense to us, and lots of sense to Aleksi, which is why he's a true original, and someone we're delighted to be releasing on Monotonik. Also, there's a short story explaining (or not!) the contents of the album, which goes as follows: "I thought of him just every day. The little sailor boy I knew. His shirt so white, his cap so blue his trousers so straight and smart. Along he travelled, the world o'er and o'er and never would he stop. This sailor boy I knew, I knew. This sailor boy I knew. I met him first in the park above. Way, way above. The clouds below like waves of snow. Oh, waves of snow and a boat. The sailor boy and his crew. I held his hand and skipped along and he grinned at me with his smile so true. The sailor boy with his smart black shoes and his walk a clip, clip, clip. Spiralling buildings we left behind as I stood upon his ship so fine. The waves of clouds of snow sublime. My sailor boy of my desire. And on we went into the night. The owls waved up as we went by. The grounds below a running, a running. Faster we went on. Speeding along the skies we went in our sailing boat so fine. Pink and blue and green we see, how everything falls between, our journey round the world, we so liked to leave. A ruin greets as the clouds depart. An ancient civilisation, hello! Tied to themselves we think again, of civilisation once so great. I stand beside the sailor boy and forget those long-gone souls. He took me to the end of the world. A drop of gold and mounds of dirt. We sat in them to play all day, my sailor boy and me. Full of joy and full of games, so innocent as we were. The end of the world, they all do say, is really no fun at all, but we danced around without dismay in the pits of dirt and clay. Black smoke rose from every hole. Up and up it went, to build the world on which we must live. Just a place where everyone lives. Our weird old globe, with cities above, amongst the clouds, and sailing boats without a sail and people with nowhere else to go. And sailor boys who hold my hand, and never do run away. Who never, ever once escape and who are always mine oh mine. With sailor boys who're mine oh mine. Of Contraptions and Things by Kristoffer Lawson." Download Aleksi Eeben's 'Three Times The Music' from: 1. "Three Times The Music Part 1 - Clockwork" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 2. "Three Times The Music Part 2 - Ocean" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 3. "Three Times The Music Part 3 - Western Movement" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 4. "The Drive" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 5. "Quiet Place" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 6. "Traffic Lights Are Tomato, Orange And Kiwi" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 7. "Bright's Polka" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) 8. "To Climb A Tree, Remove Branches, And Reverse Gravity" - (d/l archive.org support.nl scene.org) ..or download the entire release [.ZIP link], stream, or review the track at its Internet Archive release page. I am an Eeben nut, his music is so fun and strange. It's quite an acquired taste but you'll get it eventually. Quote
Martin Penwald Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 His "Space man far away from home" album was really good. Quote
Gatecrasher Posted May 1, 2007 Posted May 1, 2007 His "Space man far away from home" album was really good. Agreed. It was pretty solid. I don't find much coherence in his last album. But should probably give it some more listens before I give a verdict. Quote
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