Bahamut Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 So, I lost two vs. Keegan, but in the second game, for some reason Yahoo gave him the win when I had 11 seconds left. Weird. Quote
KeeganTheFox Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 So, I lost two vs. Keegan, but in the second game, for some reason Yahoo gave him the win when I had 11 seconds left. Weird. Maybe Yahoo felt your lack of time would catch up to you eventually and cut you off right then and there Quote
kamoh Posted February 1, 2007 Author Posted February 1, 2007 Kholdstare ended up giving up points in the dangerous direction, but I'm very pleased that Grayfox and Keegan ended up with those victories. Just gotta try and beat the Rusty Buckets though... Quote
Bahamut Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Kholdstare ended up giving up points in the dangerous direction, but I'm very pleased that Grayfox and Keegan ended up with those victories. Just gotta try and beat the Rusty Buckets though... Lucky too, cause I felt I should've had our first game . And how are we losing, we're the motherfucking Metaknights! Quote
kamoh Posted February 1, 2007 Author Posted February 1, 2007 Lucky too, cause I felt I should've had our first game .And how are we losing, we're the motherfucking Metaknights! It's cause I AM SINGLEHANDEDLY BEATING YOU edit: that's not true, the "f" in "glhf 134340" uses my left hand, but playing and everything is done with the right! Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 we over here rustin out, look out for lock jaw from our rust. Quote
Kholdstare Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Kholdstare ended up giving up points in the dangerous direction, but I'm very pleased that Grayfox and Keegan ended up with those victories. Just gotta try and beat the Rusty Buckets though... Yea sorry team. Dunno what was up but the aweseomes wasn't flowing out. I'll do better next match. Quote
kamoh Posted February 2, 2007 Author Posted February 2, 2007 Quote
kamoh Posted February 2, 2007 Author Posted February 2, 2007 gNomes lead on more wins! Great job you guys, we may overtake that 4-point hole yet! Quote
damathacus Posted February 2, 2007 Posted February 2, 2007 It's an unfair disadvantage to give us zero points on our byes. Our byes should be neutral. I.e., take our points for three rounds, multiply by 4/3 to give us the equivalent value for four rounds. Don't give everyone else four ronds to win points and only three rounds for us. Quote
kamoh Posted February 2, 2007 Author Posted February 2, 2007 It's an unfair disadvantage to give us zero points on our byes. Our byes should be neutral. I.e., take our points for three rounds, multiply by 4/3 to give us the equivalent value for four rounds. Don't give everyone else four ronds to win points and only three rounds for's actually 10/8.Here's the deal. I can mull around with giving you guys 4, 6, or 8 bye points. Here's the deal though - I'm not going to give you guys 2 points/game for byes unless everyone else plays every game. The reason why I gave only 4 points was twofold: 1) there's no guarantee that the other teams will play every game. 2) you guys didn't have to draft from the bottom of the barrel. So let's say we do a plus/minus setup, where you get a point for winning but lose a point for losing. Well, we're tied with +2, and we have more wins. Yes it's unfair because you have less matches and less opportunity to win, but the likelihood is that you WILL win more matches. Anyways, we'll see what happens...this uneven setup is quite disappointing, and if we had team vs. team battle, it'd be less conspicuous. Quote
kamoh Posted February 3, 2007 Author Posted February 3, 2007 I made a mistake on the standings and forgot Uranus' wins vs. amazgr8 - I was actually puzzled about this because the numbers weren't coming out even, but now they are - RB's are a +4, GN a +2, and MK's a -6. I may change the RB's bye advantage to 6 points instead of 4, since that's about the average score anyways. Quote
Kholdstare Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 I haven't heard anything from Falchion39. I pm'ed him yesterday and still no response. Should I keep waiting? Quote
kamoh Posted February 4, 2007 Author Posted February 4, 2007 I haven't heard anything from Falchion39. I pm'ed him yesterday and still no response. Should I keep waiting?You need to keep trying. That's the only way I'll authorize a report - if you're actually trying to play them.EDIT: Reports need to be something else - like max or average points vs., which in this case would be 3, since dPaladin has one win vs. Falchion. Quote
kamoh Posted February 4, 2007 Author Posted February 4, 2007 We have interest from two more players - a guy named DolittleSmash, and SoveriegnLegend. This brings our number up to 16 if we add everyone we've got right now. Do the math, that could be four teams of four, and I think it will be. We'll play out the rest of this little tourney - the MetaKnights are fighting for second place, but the gNomes are running for top spot with a LOT of wins necessary. Quote
damathacus Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 I just want to congratulate our team on kicking so much ass. We rock. Quote
margoute Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 I decided to take a break from chess, coz i dont feel like I am playing good chess anymore. I will not play, I will not watch. I will not even go to the local chess club. At least next week. So... Bahamut will be the Captain of MetaKnights. And... Good Luck to Everyone Quote
salaxzar Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 Agreed. Im waiting for round 2 already. Quote
kamoh Posted February 5, 2007 Author Posted February 5, 2007 if you have people or you want to join but don't want to affect the balance of the tournament, don't worry - I have a plan for uneven teams. I said this about a week and a half ago. I'd just like to let all of you know that I was lying. Quote
Rainman DX Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 I said this about a week and a half ago.I'd just like to let all of you know that I was lying. !!! ____________ Quote
Kholdstare Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 I played flachion just now. I won 2-0. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: divinegraceofthetriforce ;Black: naraku59 ;Date: Tue Feb 06 01:29:55 GMT 2007 1. g1-f3 d7-d5 2. d2-d4 h7-h5 3. b1-c3 f7-f6 4. d1-d3 g7-g6 5. d3xg6+ e8-d7 6. e2-e3 d8-e8 7. g6-f5+ e7-e6 8. f5-f4 f8-d6 9. f3-e5+ f6xe5 10. d4xe5 d6-b4 11. f4xb4 b8-a6 12. f1xa6 b7xa6 13. b4-a4+ c7-c6 14. o-o e8-g6 15. g2-g3 g8-e7 16. e3-e4 h5-h4 17. c3-e2 d5xe4 18. f1-d1+ e7-d5 19. c2-c4 h4-h3 20. c4xd5 g6-g4 21. d5xe6+ d7-e7 22. a4-b4+ e7xe6 23. b4-d6+ e6-f5 24. e2-d4++ and ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: naraku59 ;Black: divinegraceofthetriforce ;Date: Tue Feb 06 01:34:58 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 g8-f6 2. d4-d5 d7-d6 3. h2-h4 b8-a6 4. e2-e3 a6-b4 5. c2-c4 c8-f5 6. a2-a3 b4-c2+ 7. e1-d2 c2xa1 8. c4-c5 f5xb1 9. c5xd6 d8xd6 10. f1-b5+ c7-c6 11. b5-a4 d6xd5+ 12. d2-e1 d5xd1+ 13. e1xd1 a8-d8+ 14. d1-e1 a1-c2+ 15. a4xc2 b1xc2 16. g1-e2 d8-d1++ Quote
Soveriegn_Legend Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 I'm new to all this but I guess I'll be joining now *shrug*. I guess I'll just let Kamoh sort all that out. I'm still not very well informed and will be pretty busy this week since I not only have 2 college classes I need to attend but also some investments I need to keep an eye on as well. All that said, I'm still looking forward to playing chess in some of my free time. Quote
amazgr8 Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 I played my remaining game with rainmanDX2 and I won. So my total with rainman is 1-1 Quote
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