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Actually, it would be Fishy who was behind that miscommunication when I joined. avaris sent me a PM first seeing if I wanted to join, then he/she forwarded my response to Fishy. I was then told by the Fish-man, that anyone with remixes on OCR was accepted without question, and not to worry about it ("it" being what I told avaris/Fishy about my setup in that response PM).

Tru dat. I forgot to take into account that some people were posted sometime ago like yourself before the bar started to rise as it has. Other then that I assumed it was a good guideline.

I don't like drama either, but I especially don't like the number of times Pocket has flaked out on this project. We've had almost a year now and he has yet to do many things that could have been easily done in the first 4-6 months.

I also understand that you don't want to jump in and take over, but you are the co-coordinator and you've been the only sense of leadership since the very beginning. The fact that Pocket has all but abandoned the project makes you the only coordinator of any sort. You're the leader now, whether you feel like declaring it or not.

Just to let you know, I've informed POCKET via PM of my thoughts on the matter. Response pending... I'll wait for that before I do any major overhauls that I have planned (and I HAVE planned them).

EDIT: I have also managed to aquire a sixto to do the title theme using my powers of persuasion. Hell yes.

EDIT: I have also managed to aquire a sixto to do the title theme using my powers of persuasion. Hell yes.

You're a damned genius.

I'm going to start PMing (or emailing, if possible) people that haven't updated in a while. People like RK seem to do great deals with little time, making it possible for him to still be with the game even though he's way behind. After seeing people's plans on whether they are still interested in working on this project (and trying to catch up quickly), we'll be able to assess which songs are going to need to mixers.

It might also be a nice idea to try and get some more posted remixers in addition to Sixto on board now that VotL and ToF have wrapped up. I, for one, tend to be a sucker for anything Mr. Hsu does.

Also, artwork?

You're a damned genius.

I'm going to start PMing (or emailing, if possible) people that haven't updated in a while. People like RK seem to do great deals with little time, making it possible for him to still be with the game even though he's way behind. After seeing people's plans on whether they are still interested in working on this project (and trying to catch up quickly), we'll be able to assess which songs are going to need to mixers.

It might also be a nice idea to try and get some more posted remixers in addition to Sixto on board now that VotL and ToF have wrapped up. I, for one, tend to be a sucker for anything Mr. Hsu does.

Also, artwork?

Don't worry about PM'ing people dude, gimme a few days, I have some things I need to sort out, I'm one step ahead of you.

Artwork AND site being discussed with someone very capable atm.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

All blame the coop!

Nah, we're good really. Several updates from tracks nearing completion, I've heard prelim wips from Anso, and Danny B is still up for a track. We're past the lull imo, lets keep it that way.


Yeah, let's get this thing done. Seriously.

Also, Coop, your mix was great. There's gotta be a way to get it rendered with some better samples...maybe even downloading the trial of FL and producing the track that way. (You won't be able to save, but I think it comes with the soundfont player.) I wouldn't mind running your midi through some of my stuff either. I don't know how you would feel about that, but we won't have to mention a word of credit for me. I won't change a single note, either. :smile:

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