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**ANOTHER EDIT** WARNING - this DOES contain SPOILERS. If you've not seen the movie, don't read this***

*EDIT* Perhaps I should have posted this in the other thread, but that seemed to be talking mostly about the game. Anyway,

I love the music, but I've never played the game, so I have no real grasp of the plot.

While I thought the movie was pretty cool, I did not understand it very well at all. All I got was that the girl was the evil burned lady's daughter, and when they went to Silent Hill, they wrecked and apparently woke up in some kind of other dimension with the cop lady. Or did they die? Is that why they went home and couldn't see her husband?

Anyway, so in this *other* Silent Hill, there's a bunch of people who have the whole Salem-witch-hunter thing going on, they burned the little girl's mother, only something went wrong and she was taken to a hospital. Then, I guess some evil devil girl shows up and curses the place, and then scary monsters pop out and tear people's skin off, etc. Bah, I'm giving myself a headache trying to recount it.

I would be very grateful if someone who understood the movie and/or otherwise is just very familiar with the plot could explain it to me.


First and foremost, my condolences for seeing it. You poor, poor man.

Second, spoilers. Bad movie or not, they still get used.

While I thought the movie was pretty cool, I did not understand it very well at all. All I got was that the girl was the evil burned lady's daughter, and when they went to Silent Hill, they wrecked and apparently woke up in some kind of other dimension with the cop lady. Or did they die? Is that why they went home and couldn't see her husband?


I would say that the utter hatred and suffering of the woman either created a slight shifting of the town into a neighboring dimension, or that the suffering of the girl reached out to some other being (the devil, if you will). The scene where you see the woman in the hospital and then a little girl appears seems to give some credit to the second idea.

Now a lot of people seemed to be confused with the ending. The woman and the girl go home, but it's all foggy and her husband can't see them. The answer is that whatever evil force turned Silent Hill into a split world has now spread to that town, and will slowly take it over as well.


Aw c'mon, the Silent Hill movie wasn't that bad...it's just very different from what people usually see. Far from perfect yes, but the most well-done video game adaptation I've seen yet.


As much as it pains me to say, the movie did suck for the most part. I really tried to like it, but after seeing it for the third time in theaters, I came to the conclusion that the acting was subpar, the dialogue was just terrible and the progression of the storyline did not achieve much coherency. Playing the game helped fill in the holes A LOT. Many of my friends who hadn't played the game before were pretty much like, "WTF is going on?" the entire time.

Let's just pray for some redemption in the second one.


Is it just me, or is English not the first language of either the actor playing the mom or the dad? Seriously. In all fairness, the dialogue sounded like it was ripped straight from the early Silent Hill games, but that doesn't excuse the crap-tastic delivery of lines in the first hotel scene (where they meet the daughter of the preacher woman) and the entrance scene into the church towards the very end. Sucks that this is the best adaptation yet...oh well, at least Uwe didn't get his mitts on it.

at least Uwe didn't get his mitts on it.

Amen... freakin deutschbag. I have to admit Gans actually did a good job with the filming aspect. The overall feeling from the settings did garner some good old fashioned creepiness/uneasiness that I got from playing the game.


the movie was "okay"..but I am one of the people who needed clarification from a friend of mine, who is a Silent Hill guru. So here goes, if I remember everything correctly:


The different worlds are from 2 gods of silent hill, Samael (bad) and Metatron (good), plus the messed up girl's version of the world. The gods are constantly fighting, and when one has the upper hand, the world shifts. Samael is obviously the bad Silent Hill, Metatron is when SH is "safe", and the girl is the hellish version. The crazy lady in the movie, is bad in the game I believe, she's trying to bring Samael into "our" world by use of the girl, her daughter, by means slip my mind. I believe that the hero(ine)'s daughter is one half of the crazy lady's daughter, and the other half could be the tormented girl, i believe. Pyramid Head is on Silent Hill 2, and is supposed to be some kind of manefestation of SH2 Hero's mind, something like that. Why they have him in the movie, I have no idea, but there's more than one of them in the SH2 game, so there could be more in the sequel. and everyone who is in Silent Hill has been there in the past, when it used to be a resort town, and the town is trying to get them to come back for some reason, via nightmares and trickery, stuff like that. The rest of it escapes my mind, and if I am wrong, I deeply apologize, but it was a while ago. Just tryin to help ;)



I enjoyed the movie. It was actually creepy, which you can't say about most horror movies.

I hate the games (I dislike all survivor-horror games) but like the story so I hope they make more movies.


Ok so, the original game has a much better, deeper story. In the movie they had to dumb it down so they rewrote the cult, which doesn't help because they'd also need to rewrite a few other things...but didn't.

You can take it that they did die, that's how I took it, or you can take it as they just can't get back home (in the games no one really does come back, at least not forever)

I'll try to explain this best I can...

The girl's mother was a "witch." The Cult needed a sacrifice, a human one, for their ritual. The obvious choice was the child of the girl. They don't kill her, a fire breaks out, she goes to the hospital.

A God comes and makes a pact with the girl to get revenge on all who wronged (aka the cult) her when she's in the hospital. In that time her whole imagination and thoughts where terrible and dark.

The God used her to make her horrible ideas come to life and destroy the town. The girl knew the history of the town, so those thoughts also came to life. Things like the dead burnt babies that the heroine meets are there because she knew of them from things past. This could also explain Pyramid Head, but I doubt she'd know of that.

The "daughter" of the heroine is actually the daughter of the girl who does all these things. They have a link, this is why she yells for Silent Hill at the start.

All of the cult needs to be punished, then the "Evil" Silent Hill can stop existing. The girl's mom doesn't get hurt because she has control over that. The Heroine gets attacked because she needs to be tested, that or the actual little girl that controls things (the one in the hospital gear near the end) doesn't know she's there, thus doesn't know she's being attacked (you gotta remember, her and the devil girl that looks like her aren't the same person at all, though they share looks). Same for the cop.

Hope that helps you a bit


Rose and the Female cop both died when each crashed. Rose in her car and the cop on her bike. They were then pulled into the limbo realm that already existed that was controlled by Alessa with the help of Death. Alessa, the townsfolk, Rose and the cop are all dead. Sharon was the human form of the good part of Alessa that remained in the earth realm. When she was brought back to Silent Hill she was removed from the earth realm into the limbo realm and reunited with her evil counterpart and Death. All remained in limbo due to several reasons. The townsfolk remained because they refused to admit to killing Alessa and to face their guilt for it. The townsfolk dieing in the fire that occured during the burning of Alessa. Alessa remained in limbo because she needed revenge on those who killed her and with the aid of Death she was able to create the limbo realm in Silent Hill. Alessa died from her burns, this is seen as Death visits her when she is in the oxygen tent and the Alessa look alike shows up and peers in the tent window, the Alessa in the bed reaches and touches hands with Death through the tent and the creation of the limbo realm ensues. Rose and the cop remain in the limbo realm because they are looking for Sharon. Only after helping Alessa are Rose and Sharon able to leave Silent Hill and return "home". Only Sharon is not Sharon anymore, Death took over that body as Rose and Sharon were coward with their eyes closed and Sharon opened her eye and saw Death approaching and "passed out". Rose and Death returned home in the fog and we saw Chris in the earth realm in the same space and time and he senses Rose as he did earlier when he was searching the earth realm of Silent Hill. Just a little focus and the movie does explain itself.

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