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I care. I just have little time, and less art skill... I do wish all you people luck though. I look forward to seeing the art you awesome people produce. Mouser X out.

I know you care. I am referring to the amount of exposure this gets...yet again.

noobs would see metroid and go OH WOW METROID ART

too bad none of them see it


Yeah... perhaps some kind of sticky thread for contest discussion, or something. Or a thread with a list of all the current contests with their status (current theme, deadline for sumbission/voting etc.). ...Scratch that last idea; too much unnessesary work.

Alas, the battle for attention continues...

OCR's front page has some Announcements and Community Discussion threads displayed there - perhaps the contests forum should have the same thing?

Well, I am no noob, and I know this exists. I know you hate the contests subforum, but it's really helpful for regulars like me to find what we want to see.

I think the best way would be some sort of 'advertising' thread in GenDisc for contests like this.

just put it back there for gods sakes


Maybe I have time to do this over spring break. I have nothing else planned, but yeah. I suck at drawing. If anything, I'll probably post something... possibly made from crayons.

Seeing as how this is a game music remixing site... we could request they have the competitions section changed to music and game competitions?

or get rid of it


Anyway, here's what I originally wanted to post:

My Metroid Prime 2 saved games mysteriously dissapeared from my memory card, so currently I'm unable to make my entry (which was gonna be a short comic strip based on MP2). I need either:

1) Close-up screenshots of certain things in the game, which I highly doubt exist. Perhaps there's screenshots database of all the scan data somewhere?

2) Some kind of gamecube emulator and MP2 ROM with a save file (I haven't looked into this yet). This should be 100% legal since I own the game.

3) Another good idea for an entry that's within my limits of time, ability, and patience.

4) Ummm.... guess I'm taking requests now, I suppose? I don't do good photorealism unless I have a great source photo/picture/thing in front of me, so don't make me.

I'm screwed, aren't I? =[ Guess I'll go looking for those screenshots now.....


5) I could make the style so insane that it doesn't matter WHAT the original stuff looked like. Same goes for the story. Could be interesting, but I'd rather base it off the original....


Alright, I need help. NO, not phychologically - I need a reference pic of an Inglet, those little eye-on-a-stick guys from Metroid Prime 2. The internet seems to have ONE picture of one (and it was very hard to find), but it's incredibly blurry. I found no drawings of it either. Don't search the internet for it yourself, I already checked!! If anyone can take a screenshot or make a quick sketch of one (so I know what they actually look like), I'll be VERY happy.

The alternative is playing through a huge chunk of MP2 for the fourth or fifth time - and I don't think I have the time or patience for that while there's Twilight Princess to be played ^_^


I could always pop open MP2 over the next day or two, depending on when I have the free time, and make a quick sketch of the little bugger for ya. Beat the everloving snot out of the game, so I've no shortage of enemy info on my memory card.

i really love how no one cares

Dude. Its the 11th of the month.

If we only get, like, 3 submissions by the end of it, THEN you have grounds to complain (and honestly it wouldn't surprise me if we did...)


i like posts

posts = interest

and i dont mean the regular dudes i mean other interested parties

but i suppose....no this isnt time for an antisubforum rant


Aw, I'm regular, this post doesn't count =(

Just out of curiosity, anyone else started yet? I've planned out the panels and written the script, so I guess that counts as starting, sort of.... Now I'm all ready to start drawing (but I still can't draw any inglets yet =[ )


Anyone out there strapped for ideas? Here's one: Samus shooting a barrage of missiles at a Gamma Metroid.


Hmm, Ill see if I can give this a shot. Ive been tossing around a few ideas over the past few days and might just end up drawing something.

Refresh my memory, do we post entries in the thread here or do we send them via PM to the contest coordinator?

holy freaking crap its D Radium

well PM the entries to the main dude (The Lone Gunman)

also PM me your skies of arcadia entry if you still have it I WANT IT


Is it stated anywhere that I may be missing what medium (or media) was used to create the art? If not perhaps that could be an added tidbit for the following competitions? I'd really like to know how some of the people are making these great works of art.


Is it stated anywhere that I may be missing what medium (or media) was used to create the art? If not perhaps that could be an added tidbit for the following competitions? I'd really like to know how some of the people are making these great works of art.


ask them they tell stuff

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