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- The Original Remixing Competition 102 -


Welcome to ORC102.

Source Material

Last week's winner was Sir nuts, just narrowly beating out Chrono with 1 point!. So this is what nuts send us for this week:

About this song... It's not my best but I haven't had much inspiration for originals lately. I tried to make something that sounded not too happy at the start but that turned into some sort of latino fiesta by the ending. I didn't grasp the concept completely as the first section isn't too sad and the happy section needed more work but I think this is mixable as is. Hope someone likes the concept!.

For those interested, this is a compadre.

Sir Nuts - Cheer up Compadre: - MIDI


Your deadline is Friday, April 20th at 8.00pm GMT+2.

The Quick Rules Rundown

Step 1 -Submission:-

  • 1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability.
    2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg.
    3. You may only enter one piece. but can collab on a second one.
    4. When you've finished your entry, feel free to post it in the thread, BUT send it also to me via email at submission@doulifee.com with ORC102 - [Yourmixername].
    It's mandatory to avoid me to run after you for your mix.
    5. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file.


Step 2 -Vote:-

1. Send a PM to me [Doulifee] where you list all the mix from the first to the last.

2. Format the PM like this:

First - Remixer name

Second - Remixer name


Nth place - Remixer name

3. The Mixes:

Sensual Cashew By analoq

Royal Nutfuck By Nasenmann

Cheers to your compadres By Snooper89


Your deadline is Monday, April 23th at 8.00pm GMT+2.


About submiting:

emailing the file is now mandatory, i'm not going to hunt you across the internet to have your song.

And free hosting is not really reliable.

About the comment:

You are now allowed to comment anytime EXCEPT during the voting stage..

that mean that once a mix is posted, you can feedback it, until the submission process is over.

About a draw in the result:

It happenS sometimes. Both remixers are still officially Winners, but i'll ask the remixer with the less "Wins" to send me his song.


Result of ORC 102

First place: Analoq with 25 points

the "new" analoq manage to win this time.

Second place: Snooper89 with 16 points

Third place : Nasenmann with 14 points

ORC 103 will start next friday. Sir analoq send me your mix for the next contest ASAP.

Thanks for all the remixer, and the voter.

random review sent by voters:

Analoq - Nice beginning, very good balance and I like the strings. I think the bass is too powerfull it's not good for the song, it also has a strange end, I think.

Snooper1989 - Piano beginning, nice playing. Overal I like the sampling of Analoq's song better, but it's absoIutely not bad. I like the middle part, and there's a good nice built up to the last part (2:40) and nice choirs. The end makes it the best.

Nasenmann - I like the beginning and the song 'lives' more as the previous two. I like the beat and the first minute is great. The rest of the song isn't that great, but it's still nice. I like the build-ups and the end is good. Good variation.


congrats Analoq. i guess you spoke too soon huh? ;-)

analoq - i was diggin this from the very beginning. really mellow. reminds me of some kind of slow spanish ballad or something. guitar sounds great and i love the synth that comes in at 1:22. smooth ending too. i definitely loved every sec of it.

snooper - i liked the variation right off the bat. and then the effects and the slammin beat kick in. good mix of piano and strings. the breakdown was sweet. i wasnt really feelin the synth at 2:19 but thats about it. 2:36 was just pure awesome and the choir sounds were a nice touch. overall it was an enjoyable piece.

nasenmann - i though the style of this one was kinda harsh for the source tune but it was still good. lots of crazy cool synth effects all over the place. percussion at 2:06 was pretty well done. phat beats and bass all around. good stuff.

good job guys. all these pieces were great and prodution quality was amazing.


Congrats Analoq!

Analoq: When I heard this I was immediately reminded of Dollip Do Wap on the DKC project for some reason - I really like the take on the source, kick ass.

Nasenmann: The intro was good but it felt kind of repetitive after that - work on a little more variation and if possible dry and make the song sound a little less dry. (Pads and strings or something...)


Analoq: First time I listened to the piece, it didn't do that much for me. I needed some more time to appreciate the way you rearranged the melody. At first I didn't even recognise it. My head probably still was too occupied with my retard rave tune to see how adeptly you weaved the theme into that style, lol.

Drums are lazy, although it probably serves the song. I'd like to hear some subtle flanging or so on them to give them a little more space without taking over too much.

Snooper: Not bad at all, many good sound elements. That's NS_Piano, right? I love that font.

The intro with the stuttering guy and rythmic synths i found quite cool.

Overall I wasn't able to really get into the tune though. One reason probably was the strings played over the beat sections, found them boring.

ANyway, I'm looking forward to remix some analoq! I liked the results when I tried last time, and the whole ORC was awesome back then! Reviiiiiive teh spirit!!!

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