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When this is broadcast, it would be awesome to have links to the non-OCR songs you use. All too often I hear something awesome on a radio show but have no way of knowing where to get it.

So cross fire raised the bar and changed mixes, how they are presented, and how we look at them, forever? :?:

more like i was going for it being over rated and not really all that great compared to other songs that get over looked

firecross is to ff7 as CHM's legend of zelda medley is to lufia 2\

enough about this babble cause thats derailing the thread and yay at suzu

but I'll make SURE it's on at 11:00 Thursday.

11:00 p.m. cst? damn...I'll probably have to miss it :(

...of course, that's what I should say, but if my dad doesn't shut the internet off that night and I'm reeeeaaally sneaky, I may or may not be able to catch the awesomeness of another VG radio show.


Oh wow, I hadn't even heard Fire Cross till that link was posted...I'm behind :( . I'm not sure why there was even a comparison of the two mixes (CarboHydroM's Zelda medley & LuIzA's Fire Cross), they both have quite different aims in some ways.

And 11 pm you say? I'll try to listen up, although that day is the club tennis bar crawl day...I'll probably be forced to leave early anyway due to a test on Friday, so put on a good show!


I can't think of the title off of the top of my head, but someone did a radio show themed Zelda remix, it ran about ten minutes long and had voices. I think it was One Up Studios... That could work well.


I finally finished recording the show promo with Dan, my co-host. This should give you a flavor for what you might expect:


I wanted to mention and feature some more mainstream/popular music on the promo (i.e. Mario, Halo 2, and Final Fantasy) to draw in a more broad audience, but don't worry, I'll delve as deeply as I can into less "mainstream" gaming series.

I'll see about recording it for a podcast later on. I went to Dwelling of Duels for about 4 hours and grabbed some stuff off of there (I'd never visited before, so it was great), and I'll try to dig into VGMix tonight. I checked out Overlooked Remix as well, but... well... yeah. I don't know about some of that stuff ^^


I'm uploading a rar of 28 songs from VGMix 2.0 (includes some information about each song/artist that I quickly typed up in a txt document). I'll PM you with the link when it's done.


Hey everyone, thanks for all your interest/support. It's been a LOT of help having people give song suggestions and other information.

If any of you happen to be trolling or just passing through any relevant message boards before tonight's show (you know, RPG boards, other vgmusic boards, etc.), don't forget that it's always nice to drop a little link in once in a while... you know, for people to listen in case they're bored 8-)

I've put a LOT of time into pre-production, so I just hope I don't disappoint tonight! Remember - 11 p.m. CST - 4 a.m. (possibly). I may go short depending on how tired I am and how much material I'm repeating (though I have about 3 hours of just solid music fully prepared in the studio, plus another couple hours available from other sources), but I'll try to go the distance.


The message that "The stream is currently experiencing technical difficulties" has actually been on the page for a while, only not updated. The music should work, however (the stream's working for me right now, anyway).

We're broadcasting from an auxiliary studio because our primary studio is currently experiencing technical difficulties, so you won't see anyone on the web cam. But don't worry - we WILL be there (I promise!).

Guess this is what I get for going to a small school ^^

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