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Reports coming in that the gunman was lining people up in the hallways of Norris and executing them. Supposedly, he was asking the people where his girlfriend was, and if they didn't know, he'd kill them. Also, he supposedly opened up at least one door to a classroom, opened fire randomly, emptying an entire clip in doing so, and then left.

At least 32 dead, at least 29 other people injured.


God in Heaven, fuck this shit. Not just random people but college students, cut down in the primes of their lives, on the verge of becoming useful members of society, and most if not all with loving families who probably just got over seeing them leave the nest. Fuck this. My prayers go out to you VT folks.


I heard about this before I went to class at 12:00 today. When I checked the news at 2:00, I audibly yelled out "Holy SHIT!!!" When I saw the death toll was more than 20 students.

This is now the most deadly school shooting in American history.

Jedi Knight, stay safe.


I've always wondered in these situations that, if possible, someone or some people would have at least tried to subdue the shooters. I know it sounds absolutely insane, but I wonder if this could have been avoided if someone had snuck up behind the bastard and smacked a heavy object hard across the back of his head. I would certainly do that, if the opprotunity had ever arised, weapons be damned.

In relation to the shooter himself, Purge the Unworthy (the Unworthy being the shooter, obviously).

In relation to the victims and thier families, be assured that you will have your Justice. And Justice is a merciless woman.


I've been sitting in a cafe at Iowa State and there's people around here who are making phone calls, checking up on people because of this. That's really putting it into perspective for me.

I can only wonder what these peoples' lives are like if they feel like their lives are utterly destroyed when they break up with someone. How fine IS the line between sanity and insanity given the right situation?


The guy was probably unstable in the first place. That, or the supposed "girlfriend" was a giant tease, and led him through lies.

20 dollars says the guy had an Xbox 360 with Viva Pinata and Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2.


FOX and SKY News Australia are reporting 32 confirmed including the gunman.

What's sad is the way the gunman supposedly lined them up execution style, and how he waited 2 hours between his first kill and the second massacre. That takes a really sick mind. People talk about being grief-stricken and temporary insanity. But the fact that he waited 2 hours between killing gave him time to calm down and become rational. This sounds more like just a cold-blooded and pre-meditated murder rampage.

I'm interested in hearing how he was taken down as well. I love hearing about retribution on people like this.


Wow, that's really terrible. It seems so close to home, even though Virginia Tech is pretty far from Michigan. The fact that it happened at a college, though, makes it very scary.

You'll be in my prayers, GA, as well as your friends and fellow classmates.


Still no word on anyone I know yet. I'm starting to get a bit worried.

Yes, the confirmed number is 31 dead. I believe it's 32 if you include the gunman.

The police say that the guns used were 9mm handguns. It's hard to believe he killed and injured so many with handguns. I'd be more inclined to believe he was using something like an Uzi.

If you haven't already noticed, there's a Wikipedia page on the shooting already; it's been up for a few hours.

Hey GA Jedi Knight,

What class were you in at 9AM just curious? It would be a small world if we were in the same one.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, Smyth 146.

I've always wondered in these situations that, if possible, someone or some people would have at least tried to subdue the shooters. I know it sounds absolutely insane, but I wonder if this could have been avoided if someone had snuck up behind the bastard and smacked a heavy object hard across the back of his head. I would certainly do that, if the opprotunity had ever arised, weapons be damned.

Trust me, things are different when you're the one being shot at. Bravado is nice, but you have no idea how you'll react when the bullets start flying. Especially with a bunch of civilians.

The issue that this brings up is to what extent VaTech's CCW ban enabled this crime.

Trust me, things are different when you're the one being shot at. Bravado is nice, but you have no idea how you'll react when the bullets start flying. Especially with a bunch of civilians.

The issue that this brings up is to what extent VaTech's CCW ban enabled this crime.

That's opening up another mess...

One side, with the possibility of a student downing the crazed gunman, something like that could have prevented the major loss of life. In the other side, the argument that the gunman could have been a crazed student that just happen to plan a massacre out of resentment/revenge ala columbine style... yeah no matter what its a mess of an issue...

Although to my understanding the campus police are not allowed to carry guns as well.. If this is true wtf were they thinking...



A co-worker had attended Virginia Tech, and he was absolutely dumbstruck that this could have happened there...he was talking about the worst crime in the area when he was there was under-aged drinking. It's a real tragedy.


Although to my understanding the campus police are not allowed to carry guns as well.. If this is true wtf were they thinking...

More should be asked what were officials doing during the 2 hour break?

More should be asked what were officials doing during the 2 hour break?

Speaking of which I have yet to see anything about what the hell were they doing during those couple of hours.

Edit: From the video feeds I've seen they haven't stormed in during it all. Perhaps considered trying negotiations as it was happing. I don't know...


Oh my god... FOX is interviewing Jack Thompson about this! Of all people, HIM! And of course, he immediately spotlights "violent media." Is it right for me to start getting highly insulted by this and want to throttle the guy? I'm not saying that it shouldn't be taken into account, but damnit! Immediately jumping to conclusions about this tragedy is just wrong!

Oh my god... FOX is interviewing Jack Thompson about this! Of all people, HIM! And of course, he immediately spotlights "violent media." Is it right for me to start getting highly insulted by this and want to throttle the guy? I'm not saying that it shouldn't be taken into account, but damnit! Immediately jumping to conclusions about this tragedy is just wrong!

Holy shit of ALL people, why don't the media actually interview someone who was actually IN the campus for fucks sake... I propose you GA voice your thoughts and what you have seen. If at all possible slam the media for making such an asinine choice to even interview what I would call a certified dumbass.

Holy shit of ALL people, why don't the media actually interview someone who was actually IN the campus for fucks sake... I propose you GA voice your thoughts and what you have seen. If at all possible slam the media for making such an asinine choice to even interview what I would call a certified dumbass.

Jack Thompson?! Just great. Another opportunity for that psycho jackass to get some screen time, I suppose. Good for him.

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