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So I've been playing Leaf Green a little bit.

The trick is, I need to come up with the best team possible to compete in the fourth-generation. So with the research I've done since I've started playing again, I figure I should breed new Pokemans so that I get all the proper Egg Moves and max out the stats all the right way.

But the trick is. What should my team be? I've decided that I really like Magneton, since it gives me a Steel-type to work with. Also, I want to avoid the legendaries, because that's no fun. Also also, should I breed and train these guys in Leaf Green and then transfer them to the Pal Park thing or whatever, or do it all in Diamond/Pearl?

Aaanyway. Advice from those of you who know more about all of this than I do right now would be appreciated. Thankya.

First off I applaud you for not resorting to the legendaries... find it takes much more skill and creativity that way. I just started battling competitively on D/P, and my most satisfying moment was when I cut down a L100 Mewtwo with my L100 Kricketune using Swagger, Screech, and X-Scissor (with Tailwind, a party speed booster, in effect).

Magneton is a good choice being that its steel, though it can evolve now, so you wouldnt really be using it to its full potential. Still, its very useful with a high special attack stat. I would STRONGLY suggest you teach it Magnet Rise (Magneton has a crippling double weakness to ground, and from my experience, Earthquake is more popular now than ever).

Lapras is one of the most overlooked Pokemon to me. Loads of HP with decent defenses, and the all powerful Perish Song. Ive actually held onto my Lapras from Gold/Silver, and it knows Perish Song, Whirlpool, Protect, and Ice Beam (Whirpool being a trapper move). Also, Lapras can learn Dragon Pulse via TM.

Jynx is a damn good ice type, with a nice special attack stat. Psychic and Ice Beam were my main moves back in the day,and that still holds true now. It also learns Lovely Kiss (100% chance of sleep), which you should take full advantage of.

Scyther is my personal favorite pokemon, with high attack and speed. I actually prefer it over Scizor, due to the higher speed (most people dont know Scyther and Scizor both have the same base stat totals). U-Turn will do good damage and switch out instantly (try switching out to a Golem or Magneton after using it, lol).

Golem, for the reason I listed above. Earthquake and Stone Edge are fantastic, and on the same pokemon, mean you have something for just about any type that comes your way. If you have the misfortune of facing a water type, switch to your Lapras with the Water Absorb ability : ) Facing a grass type? Go to Scyther (double resistance to grass).

Machamp, simply cause its a strong ass fighting type. Since G/S (where steel and dark were added as types), fighting attacks have been a staple of a good team. If your Machamp has No Guard, then you can wreck enemies with Dynamic Punch (No Guard makes all attacks from all pokemon on the field have 100% accuracy). Also it can learn Poison Jab, Rock Slide, and Thunder/Ice/Fire Punch. Particularly with the elemental punches, you could really suprise a foe with that.

This is just one way you could go. These thoughts are kind of on-the-spot, so Imm sure with some deeper though I could construct a more advanced line-up, but whats here is quite good. The types are diverse and the moves listed cater to each pokemon's individual strengths and unique abilities.

By the way, are there any pokemon you had in mind initially for a party? Im sure you could incorporate a line up around them.

HI, I have kind of a poll question for everone on here who battles competitively: What pokemon do you use in your line-up for competitive battle (or, what pokemon would you prefer in your ideal line-up)?

What that word or phraze for when someone tries to learn something they know they aren't going to be told, but they still do it in a very obvious way? I think it's German or something...

What that word or phraze for when someone tries to learn something they know they aren't going to be told, but they still do it in a very obvious way? I think it's German or something...

I didnt think it was really that much of a secret....I certainly didnt think it would illicit such a passive-hostile reaction. Its not like you can even advantage yourself over a good, diverse team based on the pokemon in it alone (maybe if u knew all the movesets, but not with knowledge only of the pokemon). I was more interested to see if my experiences battling in my area are indicative of battlers all over the country/world.


You can get a good idea by checking out the off-line Battle Tower. You're supposed to be getting copies of teams from regional players when you play, so that might give you a decent idea.

And yes, you can gain an advantage by knowing other players teams. It's a huge advantage, because you can easily counter them. Unless both players know, and thus can alter their teams more than enough to void any edge one might have over the other, it's easy enough to predict what movesets and tactics they could use. Most of the standards out there are limited to only a few movesets.

Besides, if you need to know what your opponent is bringing out to a battle, your team must not be very good to begin with. (insert better appropriate emoticon here)


And yes, you can gain an advantage by knowing other players teams. It's a huge advantage, because you can easily counter them. Unless both players know, and thus can alter their teams more than enough to void any edge one might have over the other, it's easy enough to predict what movesets and tactics they could use. Most of the standards out there are limited to only a few movesets.

Thats true, but only if the team lacks diversity, and if the moveset is predictable. Back in the days of R/B, I saw too many teams with the 3 legendary birds....and theyd get ripped apart by an Alakazam with Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. If I had my Parasect, you might bring out a Charizard to counter it (Parasect being doubly weak to both fire and flying). Guess what? I'll send out a Golem. You wanna go to a grass type, I'll go to my Charizard. The point being, a good team shouldnt be completely counterable to begin with. If you counter one of mine, i should be able to counter you right back. But if a guy's packin a team of straight steel types (which ive seen more than once), then he's not putting much creativity in his team.

But thanks for tellin me about the Offline Battle tower.....I'll definitely check that out.


I've been doing a bit of trading via GTS and cannot help but laugh hysterically over the sheer number of ludicrous trade requests. People offering a level 20 Abra in exchange for a level 50+ Palkia? A Starley for a Lucario? Level 1 Meowth for a level 100 Cresselia? Who are these people trying to kid!? My only theory is that a lot of these trades must be put up by ignorant 3rd graders who have no concept of what a good trade offer is.


I know, I've seen some fucking stupid trade offers on the GTS.

One thing I have seen though, is that Japanese players are offering incredibly good pokes for anything with an English name. Our players across the Pacific see no problem with trading their Moon-language named legendaries for regular crap with full English names (nicknames or otherwise), because they think English names are cool enough to warrant it.

I know, I've seen some fucking stupid trade offers on the GTS.

One thing I have seen though, is that Japanese players are offering incredibly good pokes for anything with an English name. Our players across the Pacific see no problem with trading their Moon-language named legendaries for regular crap with full English names (nicknames or otherwise), because they think English names are cool enough to warrant it.

Hmm. Your information intrigues me.


Reports of Legendaries being banned from the GTS and WiFi battles have popped up. Details are sketchy at the moment, but some are saying that only North American pokes are effected, while others are saying that only the more easily obtained ones are banned (none of the special event-only pokes).

There hasn't been any official announcement yet, but there are a few online competitions going on in Australia that mention a ban on certain legendaries, as per standard tournament rules.

Anyone with Pokémon Battle Revolution for the Wii care to try this out and see if any of it's true?


The only thing similar to that that I've heard is just the general frowning upon the use of Legendaries/Ubers in p2p battles.

I hope that Lucario isn't considered a legendary. He's going to be my main fighting type.

Anyone with Pokémon Battle Revolution for the Wii care to try this out and see if any of it's true?

They aren't banned on Battle Revolution. I give in any time I go up against someone with a legendary because there's very little chance I'd win, even if my opponent is a retard. Legendaries do all the work for you. I don't see how anyone can get satisfaction out of using them.

EDIT: Okay, so I just checked Serebii and if they did update the game, it was just today. My cousin tried it out, but my internet connection was acting weird. Maybe it was because he had a manaphy in his party. I'll try to do some more research tonight when I get back from work.


Hmm. You know what's annoying as hell?

Grinding the levels of my Pokemans so that I can actually put a dent in the Elite Four. What's the easiest way to level your dudes up so that you can beat the Elite Four and get to the parts of the game that are actually fun? (Such as being able to use the Pokemon I caught in Leaf Green.)

EDIT: Or does someone want to trade me a high level Pokemon they don't care about so I can breeze through it myself? ;-D

Hmm. You know what's annoying as hell?

Grinding the levels of my Pokemans so that I can actually put a dent in the Elite Four. What's the easiest way to level your dudes up so that you can beat the Elite Four and get to the parts of the game that are actually fun? (Such as being able to use the Pokemon I caught in Leaf Green.)

EDIT: Or does someone want to trade me a high level Pokemon they don't care about so I can breeze through it myself? ;-D

What are your general levels? I managed to beat the Elite Four at about Lv. 55. Of course, I did use quite a few hyper potions, revives, and such.

As for the easiest grind...you can either go with Victory Road or maybe go with Routes 222 or 223, and use your Vs. Seeker, battling trainers generally yields more exp.


I think I just found the real Hoothoot.


Edit #2:

Another random thought, here. I gotta say that one thing that really pleases me about P/D is the fact that you can go through, catch the 150 indicative pokemon to this game, then after you beat the E4 and get the National Dex it opens up a whole second game. Catching more pokemon, visiting new places, going on new side quests, it all adds up to make D/P a solid game, I think.

What are your general levels? I managed to beat the Elite Four at about Lv. 55. Of course, I did use quite a few hyper potions, revives, and such.

As for the easiest grind...you can either go with Victory Road or maybe go with Routes 222 or 223, and use your Vs. Seeker, battling trainers generally yields more exp.

I was in the high 40s when I posted yesterday. To level them up, I ended up fighting the Rich Kid over and over again, just east of Lake Valor, I think. Whichever one has the hotel and stuff. With the Amulet Coin, it netted me a lot of cash, and it wasn't hard to stomp his Luxio over and over.

Once I got Rapidash up to 50 or so, I started fighting the Elite Four to level up. I died once at the Psychic dude, but the second time I made it all the way to Cynthia's team. She stomped me, but then I realized that I had finally seen all 150 of the Sinnoh Pokemon, so I got Pal Park unlocked, and then migrated my team from LeafGreen. My level 64 Charizard wiped the floor with most of the League.

Now I need to start making my real team..

Edit #2:

Another random thought, here. I gotta say that one thing that really pleases me about P/D is the fact that you can go through, catch the 150 indicative pokemon to this game, then after you beat the E4 and get the National Dex it opens up a whole second game. Catching more pokemon, visiting new places, going on new side quests, it all adds up to make D/P a solid game, I think.

Really, all the games are like that. RBY was kind of flat on the whole "stuff to do after the E4" thing, but each version after really added on to the stuff. GSC especially. Once you beat the E4, you were allowed to go back to Kanto, beat up the gym leaders thre, and check out how much things changed over the last few years. Then you got to beat up Red (your character from the first series), but his team was in the high 70s to low 80s, so it was the hardest battle in the game.

RSE threw in several side-quests, that whole Contests thing, and lots of little things to help draw it out some more. Nicely Done. I maxed out the clock on all three gens because of the extra stuff to do.

Edit: I think I just found the real Hoothoot.


Needs those distinctive eyebrows.


Anyone have a Larvitar that they're willing to trade? I'm trying to decide on a good rock type to add to my line up, and so far Tyranitar is lookin pretty good, as well as further rounding out my Dex.


some pokemon that may be of interest that I have up trade include: Banette L.53, a couple of Drifloons ~L22, Happiny L.18, Mime Jr. L18, Volbeat L50. We both have Pearl, so I don't think that I would have a whole lot that you wouldn't already have.

Would any of those be of interest?

I have top work today, so I'd be limited to trading between maybe 7:30pm and 9:30pm mountain time. I could also do it any time tomorrow.

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