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I would like to see some of the aspects from Ranger brought over to the core games in the future. Like if I have to get though a cave and there are vines blocking te enrance, I'd like to have more options than just "Cut". I want to be able to burn the vines away, or have a Grass-type do something that makes them move. Or a Flying type do something.

Come on, Gamefreak, use your imagination a little more.

This is an excellent idea. I'd also love to see a little more touch-screen interaction. Diamond and Pearl were great in that they pretty much made all menu commands touch-enabled, but I'd love to see other things use the screen too.

I am a sad panda, my campuses wireless internet doesn't seem to be compatible with the DS. :{

I had this problem when I first had my DS at my college. I had to find out all the relevant info, like IPs and things like that and input them manually before they'd work. I dunno, maybe it'd work for you.


My DS can find the network and stuff, it just gets an incompatibility error code, so it can't actually use it.

The only way I could get online is either buy a usb wireless thing (which is currently not being stocked, and I can't afford) or I find a free hotspot, but it's too much of a hassle to go to one.

It makes me incredibly sad cause I suddenly want to train a mismagius, and I can't cause of the version I have.

My DS can find the network and stuff, it just gets an incompatibility error code, so it can't actually use it.

The only way I could get online is either buy a usb wireless thing (which is currently not being stocked, and I can't afford) or I find a free hotspot, but it's too much of a hassle to go to one.

It makes me incredibly sad cause I suddenly want to train a mismagius, and I can't cause of the version I have.

What version of Windows are you running? Because I have a Nintendo WiFi USB Adapter that I never use. You just plug it into your computer, and it handles the DS's internet stuff all on it's own.


If you want, you can have the WiFi adapter, and then you can just use that. It's fine enough for anything the DS will encounter, and you don't have to worry about other people trying to leech your signal, since it's pretty much meant (normally) for DS and Wii wireless. And even then, it's just a simple mouse click to allow or boot someone from it.

Oh, and uhm... Cureselax has no weak. Evar!




That's awesomesauce.

But uh...my dorm is stinky and doesn't allow mail from anything but Fed Ex and UPS...nor CoD.

Does anyone have any tips for double battle teams? I've already got this idea to pair up mismagius and flygon (or flygon and wheezing) but I dunno really.


No mail? What the fuck kind of school do you go to?

As for doubles, the general rule is that stat buffs and status changes aren't going to get you very far. It's all about hitting hard and fast. Seeing a team of Exploders is common. All they do is have one pokemon with Focus Sash (watch out for the occasional FEAR) or Protect, or a Ghost type (making it immune to Explosion) and the rest blow themselves up on your team. Even if you only take half damage, you're still in a world of hurt. Meanwhile, the immune pokemon is hitting you with its attacks, wearing down or finishing off whatever the kamikazes didn't wipe out. It's a mostly effective strategy, but it relies too much on the other guy not having anything that can resist Explosion or is immune to it, or has the Dampen ability (prevents Explosion from being used in battle).

But since most people hardly ever do double battles, it will catch most players off guard.

EQ is popular in Doubles as well. Having a Flying type is obvious, but Special Attackers packing Ice Beam or Thunder/TBolt are everywhere, not to mention all those Rock Sliders. A Levitator (like Flygon) resists Rock attacks and only has two real weaknesses: Ice and Dragon. Ice is going to be everywhere, so you can't avoid it, but Dragon isn't that common.

Also, watch out for Jumpluff. Yeah, you don't remember that one? Look it up. It's insanely fast and almost always carries Sleep Powder. Although I said that status changes aren't going to get you far, Jumpluff has been known to outrace sweepers and put them to sleep in the first round. Then it's either they switch it out or leave it in. If they switch out, you can get an extra attack on the other poke or on the switch-in. Then you've got one damaged and one asleep.

I'd recommend hitting up Smogon for this sort of stuff. They have far better and more detailed analysis of the metagame, even the somewhat obscure Doubles area.


I had a Jumpluff back in Gold, I remember it being pretty useful.

Also, I've seen a LOT of Blazikens in Doubles matches. They're no sweeper, but they've got heavy attack stats, have the ability to learn some harsh moves, and they're not so slow either. I've seen them paired with Ghost-types a lot, usually Mismagius or Dusclops, and the Ghost typically maims while the Blaziken kills.

No mail? What the fuck kind of school do you go to?

I could rent a mailbox at the student union, but I can't even afford to buy books right now. :P Something about the postal code doesn't allow anything but UPS and Fed Ex to my dorm.

My moms friend can take mails for me though now though, which is nice cause now I can get most of my books for 100+ dollars cheaper off amazon!

And I guess given a chance at doubles I'll stick with the mismagius...or boomie wheezing I guess. Attacks like that get the power of the attack split between pokemon too so maybe leading with two pokemon that can avoid or simply absorb most of it would work ok if it's that common.

I have poked around smogon some but its on a level I'm not at, I don't particularly enjoy the huge amount of meta game, and most of the pokemon I like are "border line" but don't get much play so there isn't a whole lot of talk on them. (there's also a few that are apparently UU but can hold up in OU play but with little talk of that ability).

I want to play around with that shoddy battle thing with you guys if able, if I can figure out where it went on my computer...


A Spiritomb would be pretty good for a double battle, given it has no weakness. Teamed with a Blaziken would be amazing.

By the way, do people EV train their pokemon before entering the battle?


In a word... Yes.

I just got through breeding around... 50 Gastly looking for the right IV combination before starting EV training. Didn't find one to my liking so, I'm gonna breed some more...

And I know I dont take it as seriously as some...


Hey there people... long time since I posted last. But this title got my attention. I have been trying my hardest to get a hold of a houndour or houndoom, but have had no luck. I own diamond, so I can't hope to get one by myself. I have a fairly decent selection to trade with if someone is willing to do that. I would be most appreciative.

friend code:

4424 9943 9922

Thanks all!

I don't mess with IV's. I just EV train and I still get the same stats.

If you're lucky. But paying attention to IV's will boost your team that much more. It all depends on how far you wanna go.

You can EV train all you want, but numbers are numbers, and if your Venusaur has a SP. Atk IV of 5 he's gonna hit softer than the same lvl/nature/EV trained Venusaur with a SP. Atk IV of 25.


Battle Revolution is the best thing for finding out what your IVs are.

Just load up a set of 6 newly bred (lvl 1) Pokemon on a trainer card, set the rules to 'lvl 50 all' and battle the computer. View summary and you magically see all your pokemon's stats the way they would look at lvl 50 with no EV's attached. From here you just use an IV calculator, (Or just pick the ones that have the highest stats) to figure out what the IVs are.

Using this method makes the whole IV process much easier.


I'm not going to point back to the "I'm in college and can't even afford my books right now" post. (Ok I just did).

But I don't own battle revolution, or a wii.

That said if I could get online somewhere I could just as easily do the same and crank all my lv1 just hatched pokemon up to lv 100 to check :P.


Action Replay is the work of the devil.

Also what kind of name is "Action Replay?" It sound like something that would happen on a football broadcast.

Now "Game Shark..." That was a cheat device name you could take to the bank.

Also "The Rise of Darkrai" is not a good title. The Japanese at least will say what it is: Palkia vs. Dialga vs. Darkrai.

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