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He wasn't really "supporting" either of us, just saying "they're not that different, but they are still considered different generations"

So I'm going to stand by my don't be an arse comment, cause either way you could have been less rude about the way you posted that particular comment.


Does anyone here know anything about the tanoby ruins in FireRed?

I can't seem to find the ? unown, even though I'm in the right chamber. Do I have to do anything special before it appears?

He wasn't really "supporting" either of us, just saying "they're not that different, but they are still considered different generations"

So I'm going to stand by my don't be an arse comment, cause either way you could have been less rude about the way you posted that particular comment.

And I'm going to stand by my comment, I feel I was on par with The Damned's tone and far less rude than you.

You apparently had some epic need to defend someone and threw out an insult without really paying attention to what was posted. I was clarifying my reasoning to The Damned and stated exactly why I considered the generations the same. In fact, it would have been a dead issue, he considers the two separate while I don't, and I told him why, the difference in hardware wasn't that significant.

Then you stepped like you were trying to get the "zing" on the argument and correct the clarification I had just made as if I hadn't read anything he wrote.

The Damned was just rude in how he called me out on the info I gave, and I answered in kind. You on the other hand, were just plain ignorant and insulting.

Arse indeed.


For Overflow:

Sounds like you're farther along in Fire Red than I am. Wish I could help.


Meh, TD didn't really strike me as rude as your "blah blah blah, deal with it" spheal.

He doesn't have to deal with anything, because he was right, they're not the same generation, they're similar but not exactly the same was his point. It seems more like you have trouble with understanding that, while everyone else understand they ARE seperate generations.

There's actually some GBC games that don't even play on the original game boy.

To quote my friend Robert:

"Did adding Technicolor to black and white films make them completely different mediums?"

Granted, the pokemon games that were GBC weren't technically pure GBC games, they were GB games with support to play with some color on the GBC.

So I guess technically they actually are the same gen as the first group of pokemon games, but at the same time not. If they had been full blown GBC games they wouldn't have been playable on the GB, but they weren't.

I'm going to classify them as some weird inbetween in my head forever now.

That doesn't really change the fact that GBC games don't work on a GB. The GBC is however backwards compatible with GB games.

Meh, TD didn't really strike me as rude as your "blah blah blah, deal with it" spheal.

He doesn't have to deal with anything, because he was right, they're not the same generation, they're similar but not exactly the same was his point. It seems more like you have trouble with understanding that, while everyone else understand they ARE seperate generations.

There's actually some GBC games that don't even play on the original game boy.

"Blah, blah, blah"

You're the one who's called me out on being rude?

Are you serious?

He's no more right than I am. As Brushfire put forth, this issue is splitting hairs. The "deal with it" was towards me not considering the handhelds separate. Sorry if it didn't come off that way, but throwing insults and derogatory sarcasm in cold blood kind of crosses the line.

And don't give a bullshit claim like "everyone else understands" your way of thinking, it doesn't fly in an argument, real or trivial. I garuntee you can find at least one other person who would share my opinion, provided they even care.

As for your compatibility example, not all PS2 games play on the first PS2s because of various reasons, such as dual layers on the disc. Minimal changes allow the newer Sony hardware to have an easier time reading the newer games, does this mean the 30000, 50000, 70000, and 90000 models are different generations?

Depending on your chosen definition of generation regarding consoles, the answer is both yes and no.


What the fuck did you people do to my thread!?

You guys seem to be mixing "generations" with "hardware" for some reason...

The Gameboy and Gameboy Color had significantly different hardware, and the Gameboy Color had features that didn't exist in the regular Gameboy (the IR port, for instance). They are different systems.



Even though they share many common design features, the fact that it's a massive increase in processing speed, memory and game capacity (from 8 megabits to 64 megabits) makes them not the same system.

As for the issue with generations, they are two separate generations. I don't know that even got into the conversation. Someone somewhere along the line read/write something incorrectly. That, or I'm so used to using "generations" as a game term, that I'm misreading its use here.

And as for being "rude"... when the hell did I say something rude? That little "eeeeh! Wrong"? That's your personal threashold for rudeness? Over-sensitive much?

Now I'm going to sleep, being on night-shift and all, and I expect this thread to be back on topics like, "what news of this Platinum version has been revealed today?", and "I say, I think I may need a friend code from someone, one who has a certain pokemon I am looking for,". If it isn't, I'm deleting the entire internet.

I can honestly say I love the pokemon games,

But I can also honestly say I hate the way Nintendo goes with them.


The whole 2 versions Idea is fine; after all, it makes it worth seeking out others with the other version to Catch 'em All! But I never liked the 3rd game, excepting Yellow, because that was really different. Although emerald brought a lot of new stuff, I only got it because you can catch all three legendaries in it.

Yellow was different because instead of taking the game standard, it tended to follow the same route as the Anime did, and it worked pretty well. The Anime was popular, so they decided to do a special version with Pikachu as the starter. The word "Win" best describes that.

What I really want to see is a battle with Team Rocket (Or galactic, or magma, or universe, or whatever they want to call themselves) INSIDE A POKEMON CENTER! Epic! W00t! Or at least something to make it unusual and crazy!

That's something the 3D games should think about: Environmental Hazards. Think about it, using your team of 6 in coalition with each other all at the same time. Get these right, for possible examples.

Water-based gym: basically a big swimming pool, so there's nowhere for Pokémon to stand. Now, apart from maybe the Lotad evolution chain, not a lot of say, Grass types would be able to swim efficiently. So here's an idea: Call out someone like Lapras and make a block of ice using an Ice Beam, as a platform for other Pokémon to stand on, meaning they don't have to focus on swimming and their full potential of using their attacks like Giga Drain, Razor Leaf or Vine Whip would work a bit better.

Inside a cave: I'll go for grass-type again for convenience's sake. Group of Zubats attack, so Bayleef uses Razor Leaf to cut a stalactite from the roof of the cave, catches it with Vine Whip and uses it to slash at the Zubats until they faint or retreat.

It might rely too much on set-pieces I know, but you have to admit, it would still be kinda neat.


I haven't played the Wii game yet, but I remember hearing hype that it was supposed to feature destructible terrain from moves like Earthquake.

Did that actually get implemented?

If so, that's a step in the direction of what you're talking about. Not to mention there are already sandstorms, rain, and bright sunshine that affect poke'mon and their moves. I could see cave battles weakening grass types or fighting in water increasing the speed of water types, unless an ice type was present.

Although actually targeting the terrain for attacks would start to get overly complicated.

"I say, I think I may need a friend code from someone, one who has a certain pokemon I am looking for,". If it isn't, I'm deleting the entire internet.

You can't delete the entire intarporns! I mean net...er I mean do you happen to have a misdreavus I could trade for?

The GTS kind of sucks and is always asking for impossible things so I can never get one through there. >(

If you happen to know anyone with a shroomish that'd be nice too...although uh I dunno what I could trade you, so let me know...

Also, I've never owned the .5 bit of any given pokemon generation, unless you count yellow, I rented crystal once, I wish they'd reimplement the phone system they had going with crystal, where trainers would actually TELL YOU when they are ready to battle agan.

I may very well consider getting platinum though, just because I want to start the game over, but I don't want to lose all the pokemon I've aquired from the clan or through breeding. (or I might use it as an excuse to get my boyfriend to play...but I think it'd be better to dig up my GBC/Yellow as an introduction for him first, just cause it's simpler, and neither of us really have the cash to buy a DS for him).

I haven't played the Wii game yet' date=' but I remember hearing hype that it was supposed to feature destructible terrain from moves like Earthquake.

Did that actually get implemented?

If so, that's a step in the direction of what you're talking about. Not to mention there are already sandstorms, rain, and bright sunshine that affect poke'mon and their moves. I could see cave battles weakening grass types or fighting in water increasing the speed of water types, unless an ice type was present.

Although actually targeting the terrain for attacks would start to get overly complicated.[/quote']

I don't have a Wii (yet, but i will when SSBB gets released here), but I'll probably be getting Battle Revolution for it (so's I can get Electvire and Magmortar through it :-P ) but I'll be sure to let you know (if nobody else does first).

The weather effects were good, and a step towards what they're building to if this gets implemented. But there would obviously be target-sensitive hotspots that could be picked up upon, if you know what I mean. Think Pokémon goes Final Fantasy XII, with the caves 3D-explorable and being able to see Pokémon before you battle them, and the like. Now that would be an ultimate game, but unfortunately, would be asking too much from a handheld console.

You can't delete the entire intarporns! I mean net...er I mean do you happen to have a misdreavus I could trade for?

The GTS kind of sucks and is always asking for impossible things so I can never get one through there. >(

If you happen to know anyone with a shroomish that'd be nice too...although uh I dunno what I could trade you, so let me know...

Also, I've never owned the .5 bit of any given pokemon generation, unless you count yellow, I rented crystal once, I wish they'd reimplement the phone system they had going with crystal, where trainers would actually TELL YOU when they are ready to battle agan.

I may very well consider getting platinum though, just because I want to start the game over, but I don't want to lose all the pokemon I've aquired from the clan or through breeding. (or I might use it as an excuse to get my boyfriend to play...but I think it'd be better to dig up my GBC/Yellow as an introduction for him first, just cause it's simpler, and neither of us really have the cash to buy a DS for him).

You need Shroomish and Misdreavus?


Call me tonight @ 4510-6963-8933 :<

Post or PM your code. Or if you're stubborn, tell me to get on IRC... but I prefer not to.

You snooze, you wait until tomorrow night!


July 19th is coming very close. Almost time for me to sit through Pokemon Movie 11, not understand a single thing that is said, make up my own plot, and get Shaymins for all.

And thank you for the compliment Cobalt. I find it a tad ironic though because a couple of months ago my soul purpose was to defeat you in Folding@Home.

I haven't played the Wii game yet' date=' but I remember hearing hype that it was supposed to feature destructible terrain from moves like Earthquake.

Did that actually get implemented?[/quote']

It was shown in the demo, but cut from the final version. Nintendo wanted it out fast as a quick cash-in.

The only reason to own PBR?

Local tournaments or exhibitions. It will auto-level all your pokemon to 100 for you, so all you have to do is EV train and you won't be raped by some asshat with a real-life Lv.100 Jynx. (That happened @ the last tourney I went to...) In this aspect, PBR blows DP out of the fucking water.

The perks? Random wifi battles, Magmortar, Electivire, Surf Pikachu.

The slops go to: paying any more than $10 for a shinier, stripped-down Pokemon Colosseum Battle Mode with a clunky interface and POINTLESS unlockables. The rental battles are snore-inducing. So, basically, everything else.

MEGAEDIT: Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait... Shaymin for all, eh? Since I'm being nice an' tradin' an' stuff, can I request one? I... think it would be awesome considering Platinum is sure to bring some changes for Shaymin, one way or the other. I'd be pretty grateful, you know. If you need anything, let me know, okay? I have access to quite a lot, I think.


And thank you for the compliment Cobalt. I find it a tad ironic though because a couple of months ago my soul purpose was to defeat you in Folding@Home.

Hmm, I wonder if I can pass you back up now that I'm back home and can make use of my dads computer again. >P

Dibs on a shaymin!

Can I do that?

What I did for the Darkrai was have my contact at the local theatre, codename Japahoe, use his copius amounts of D&P from his family to Mystery Gift a whole bunch of movie pokes and them trade them to me for dispersal among the American populace. Therefore everyone should be able to get them and no one should be left out.


Hold on a sec!

Am I to understand that there have already been darkrai events!?!? I thought the first was may 31-june 1!

Could someone give me some info on these alleged movie events?

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