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Alien Front Online


Mars Matrix


Tekken Tag Tournament


Burnout 3: Takedown


God of War


R-Type Final


Capcom vs SNK 2 EO: YES

Speaking for the GC version, i think it's a great game, albeit for the controls. But this is the X-box version, of where i heard this problem doesn't exist. Leaving an awesome fighter. A great roster, great characters, lovely music, and some fantastic effects, and alot to choose from.

MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf


Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker: no

Sadly, the Zelda that started my dislike for the series. Maybe i should play it again with an open mind, but i didn't get into this game for a second. Features like stealth, and taking other weapons seem forced additions that are hardly put to any fun use.

The unnessecary sailing killed alot of the fun. Though it must be said that the design of everything was classy. Buildings, people, enemies, brilliant. But the gameplay clinged to much to Ocarina of Time, making an impression that the developers didn't want to change it fearing that it might not be regarded as well as it was in OoT. Same happend to Twilight Princess...

Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$



Jak II - NO

The Jak & Daxter series was something I picked up early in the PS2's life, and then never really got back into until recently. I was impressed with the first installation's evolution of Crash Bandicoot's platforming and enjoyed it immensely. Years later, I picked this one up from the local Blockbuster in a fit of boredom and was surprised again by the improvements they made to the series. But since playing Jak III, it doesn't hold the appeal nearly long enough as the third since it pretty much trumps it on every level.

Long story short, the game is great, but because it's only like the trip from home to the beach, it pales compared to what other destinations in the series have to offer. Buy it if your a fan, rent it only if you want something to pass the time before the real fun in the sun begins.


I've enjoyed a lot of Final Fantasies, and even though I disliked a few things about this version in a few major areas, it's definitely a must-have for anyone who's willing to try it. The story, gameplay, and style are very different from anything the series has produced before, but still manages to be what any classic FF game is. While I felt that the story left too many holes and never seemed to have any clear direction (I still can't figure who was the main character) The gameplay was surprisingly fun and the sheer depth that they packed into this game with mini quests, areas to explore, and other extras made me stop caring about all the flaws.


Jak II: YES!

Just take everything I said about Jak I and apply it to this game plus the addition of weapons, weapon upgrades, more in-depth story, tighter comabt and you have Jak II. I agree that Jak III is much better, but like I said before with Jak I, You really need to play the whole series if you want to get the whole experience and want to understand the whole great stroy. Jak II improves on Jak I in many ways. More focus is placed on story than the first, the city is so expansive and has tons to do in it, the combat is deeper thanks to the addition of new moves, weapons, weapon upgrades, and Dark Jak, and the graphics and sound are much better. This game is a must play for anyone who likes platformers and owns a PS2.

Super Mario Sunshine: Yes

This game wasn't the revoultion that Mario 64 was but it is still a great game. The world seems just as big, if not bigger than Mario 64. The gameplay is what you would expect from a Mario Platformer, awsome. The inclusion of the Fludd adds a lot more to the gameplay not to mention upgrades for it. Other than that, this game is pretty much Mario 64 but with Gamecube graphics, a new tool to use, and a tropical setting. Anyone who likes Mario games or owns a gamecube should definately try this one out.


I counted. It looks like our current list of nominations will give us 22 total rounds of voting (the last one being a few games longer). That means we're at the half-way mark. :mrgreen:



Killer 7

Console: Gamecube

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Grasshopper

Meta Score: 7.7 (77 reviews)

Jet Grind Radio

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Sega

Developer: Smilebit

Meta Score: 9.1 (64 reviews)

Devil May Cry 2

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Meta Score: 7.2 (87 reviews)

Herdy Gerdy

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Eidos Interactive

Developer: Core Design Ltd.

Meta Score: 7.1 (48 reviews)

Kingdom Hearts

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Squaresoft

Developer: Squaresoft

Meta Score: 8.6 (114 reviews)

Soul Calibur II

Console: Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube

Publisher: Namco

Developer: Namco

Meta Score: 9.2 (82 reviews)

Onimusha 3: Demon Siege

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Meta Score: 8.6 (72 reviews)

Beatmania IIDX 7th Style

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Konami

Developer: Konami

Meta Score: (not available)

Capcom Classics Collection

Console: Xbox

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Digital Eclipse

Meta Score: 8.1 (33 reviews)

Ninja Gaiden Black

Console: Xbox

Publisher: Tecmo

Developer: Team Ninja

Meta Score: 9.4 (48 reviews)


My votes:

Killer 7 -- NO

My main gripe is the controls. The uniqueness of the game is a strength, but also a weakness. It's so deep into the realm of what-the-hell that it becomes inaccessable to a large audience. Unique aesthetics should never be deal-breaker, but the controls seal it.

Kingdom Hearts -- YES

If you don't like Final Fantasy or Disney, this may not be for you. At all. Otherwise, it's memory lane, and quite fun. I never had major gripes with the camera controls, though I hear many people did. Between the graphics, simple-but-fun gameplay, awesome vocal cast and interesting original characters and plot, this is a must-have for anyone who isn't a Disney/Square hater to begin with.

Soul Calibur II --YES

I can suck at fighting games and still enjoy it. Between the character variety, weapon collecting and solid fighting, it's hard to not enjoy this game.

Onimusha 3: Demon Siege -- NO

The Japan/France time-travel angle is cheesy, but forgivable since Jean Reno is involved. Disappointing that he only voiced the few French lines his character had. Onimusha keeps getting better with every game, but I wouldn't recommend any of the games as a must-have until Dawn of Dreams.

Ninja Gaiden Black -- YES

Huge YES. The original was awesome and this darn-near perfected it. This has to be the closest as hack-and-slash adventure has come to having the polished battle gameplay of a fighting game. Ryu handles like a dream. And this game doesn't mess around with you when it comes to difficulty. If you don't step up, Ryu is dead. And unlike cheap fighting games, it will be all your fault.



Elite Beat Agents


Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops


Super Mario Sunshine: Yes

Like Sephfire said, this is no Mario 64. Nowhere close. But this

game offers you a giant playground. A giant fucking playground where you can frolic around in all day long. The water is cool, and the music is smooth and relaxing. Next to Wave Rave Blue Storm, another great game to play when it's hot outside.

(Though many people would rather enjoy the weather :D ).

Phantom Dust


Gradius III & IV


Final Fantasy XII


Jak II


Silent Hill 3


ChuChu Rocket!


Test Drive Le Mans



Jet Grind Radio (Dreamcast)- And now for something completely different...

This game was an odd one when it came out. A unique graphical style, combined with Tony Hawk-esque grinding and jumps, lumped together with third-person action, all which tagging walls and such with graffiti. But the one thing that was easy to say, is that it was fun. A funky soundtrack playing as you skated your way around rivals, cops and the like, all so you could spray the walls with either a pre-set image, or ones made yourself. It was different to be sure, and though it was a commercial flop in sales, it still deserves a YES.

Soul Calibur II (XBox)- Take everything that made the previous game great, and add even more to it. More characters, more stages, more climactic music, more exploring, better graphics, more moves, and even system specific character additions. I can only speak for the XBox version, but my understanding is that all of them turned out well. A YES undoubtedly.

Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (PS2)- The big finale. This was supposed to bring the series to a close in a grand fashion. Wonderful cinemas, great graphics, 3D real time backgrounds (FINALLY), a time traveling twist to the gameplay, and the same fun, challenging action and settings that the series is known for up to this point. Sure, the whole series is an offshoot of the Resident Evil series, but it's a damn nice offshoot. YES.

Capcom Classics Collection (XBox)- What can be said here? How about 22 games from Capcom, all emulated very well, with classics like Street Fighter II, Ghouls 'N Ghosts, 1942, Final Fight and Forgotten Worlds on a single disc. This disc is loaded with games that have earned high praise over the years, and they're still great plays today. This collection will keep you busy for a quite a while, is a fine example of how compilations should be done. YES.

Of interesting note, this compilation is actually a collection of the five "Capcom Generation" games released in Japan for the Saturn and PS1, plus a number of new games.

Ninja Gaiden Black (XBox)- Sure, this was a type of "cash in" by Tecmo, but it's still one helluva game. Basically, "Black" takes the already great original game, adds in most of the stuff from the Hurricane Packs that were downloadable off of Live, gives you a chance to play on an easier setting (Ninja Dog), and just generally made a great game better.

NGB is a graphically gorgeous game, filled with tough levels, hard boss fights, cool cinemas, fun gameplay mechanics, and a hidden goody in the form of the original arcade version of Ninja Gaiden (the regular version of NG for the XBox has the three NES NG games hidden in it). Copious amounts of difficulty await anyone willing to play this game, but it's done so well, that you keep coming back just to try and reach that next section. If you own an XBox, you gotta own this game. Just be sure to bring your patience with you. Yes.


I'm not that much of a console person, but I'll post my votes for the games I've played. Haven't played anything on lists 8-10, so I'm just going off what's on the front page, in order (for easy counting of votes)

Morrowind (XBox): Fantastic landscape and ambiance (way better than Oblivion). The controls on XBox are better than on PC; the game was designed for a gamepad. Some parts of the game are out of balance (much easier to be a figher than a mage or thief), but still playable on all counts. The replay factor is high since by the time you've done all the quests you can find, you'll forget details about the ones at the start. Definite YES.

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS): I wouldn't call this a must-have. Portrait of Ruin was much better, more difficult, and had more things to find and do (getting all the souls in DoS wasn't nearly as fun as finishing all the quests in PoR, plus the nest of evil added a lot to the game). Not a bad game, but PoR is better in just about every way. NO.

New Super Mario Bros (DS): A bit on the easy side, but the gameplay is great. Nice combination of the original with moves from Mario 64 (wall jumping and ground pounding). Very tough to find all the secret exits on your own, which makes up for the gameplay being a bit easy. Good replay factor, as it feels like the original mario games that I've played so many times. YES

SSX 3 (XBox): While this isn't a bad game, it certainly isn't a must have. I was working for EA when they released this game. Even within the company (on my team and a few others, although I didn't know anyone on SSX directly), there was an overwhelming concensus that SSX Tricky was better. Get that instead. NO


Shadow of the Colossus - YES

This was everything I expected from an epic and more. The graphics are spectacular to the point where they are borderline art, and the battles with the 16 creatures from the title are jaw-dropping fun to play and watch. While the camera was sometimes difficult to control, the feeling of complete awe when you face your first colossus down makes SOTC, without a doubt, one game that nobody should miss.

Kingdom Hearts - YES

Though some (maybe most) will roll their eyes on this one, KH is a fun game for both kids and adults. The story is original and fits very well within the worlds of Final Fantasy and Disney, and its that odd combination of story and great platforming and fighting mechanics that makes this a worthy buy, or at least rent.


Jet Grind Radio - This game is fun, unique, and engaging. I have to give it a second YES; if you have a Dreamcast, this had better be in your collection.



Killer 7


Jet Grind Radio


Devil May Cry 2: No!

Illogical, stupid, depressing. I've played it numerous times, but the graphics are a step back from part 1, the gameplay has been toned down, and you absolutely don't need to think to win battles, which WAS the case with part 1 and 3.

All you had to do, was step back and fire your guns for half an hour. The story was whacked, and ended in a cliffhanger. Not even half of the quality that the other two parts have.

Herdy Gerdy


Kingdom Hearts


Soul Calibur II


Onimusha 3: Demon Siege


Beatmania IIDX 7th Style


Capcom Classics Collection


Ninja Gaiden Black



Soul Calibur II: YES!

This game wasn't the revoultion the first SC was but it is still a fantastic fighter and worth owning. If you haven't played SC I on the dreamcast already then you must at least play SC II for either PS2, GC, or Xbox. This game is great. It has everything the first had plus more. The graphics and sound are much improved, and the gameplay is as tight as ever. The only complaint I have about SC II is the lack of difficulty and the unbalance of the game. Other than that this game is just like SC I but better in my opinion. A must play by any gamer.

EDIT: By the way sephire, there is gamecube version of SC II and isn't any better or worse than the other 2 versions, so I suggest you include it.


I'll count that as a nomination for the Gamecube version. And with that, we move to round twelve.



Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Agetec Inc.

Developer: SNK

Meta Score: 8.4 (6 reviews)

Skies of Arcadia

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Sega

Developer: Overworks

Meta Score: 9.0 (56 reviews)

Contra: Shattered Soldier

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Konami

Developer: KCET

Meta Score: 7.6 (79 reviews)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Rockstar Games

Developer: Rockstar North

Meta Score: 9.4 (123 reviews)

Shadow of the Colossus

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: SCEA

Developer: SCEI

Meta Score: 9.2 (114 reviews)

Battle Engine Aquila

Console: Xbox

Publisher: Atari

Developer: Lost Toys

Meta Score: 7.5 (49 reviews)

Midway Arcade Treasures 1

Console: Xbox

Publisher: Midway

Developer: Midway

Meta Score: 7.5 (43 reviews)

Mario Party 5

Console: Gamecube

Publisher: Nintendo

Developer: Nintendo

Meta Score: 7.1 (50 reviews)

Resident Evil 4

Console: Gamecube

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Meta Score: 9.6 (124 reviews)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Console: Nintendo DS

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Meta Score: 8.2 (67 reviews)


My votes:

Grant Theft Auto: Vice City -- YES

Every bit as good as GTA3 and more. In addition to the great GTA gameplay, the 80s setting seals the deal. There is no reason not to own this.

Shadow of the Colossus -- YES

It's epic, beautiful, and unlike any other game you've played. Also, it's only $20 now. This is an experience that should not be missed.

Mario Party 5 -- NO

I would call this a must-have, but that's really a sentiment aimed at the franchise in general. I highly recommend Mario Party as a franchise, but I don't imagine this fifth installment is noticably better than the rest of the series. I think everyone should have a Mario Party game, but it doesn't have to be this one.

Resident Evil 4 -- YES

I'm not going to waste any time explaining why this game is a must-have. All you need to know is that it is one of the greatest games in the entire Gamecube library.

Carry on.


I will voet:

Shadow of the Colossus -- HELL YES

One of the most beautiful first play games ever made, replay value not so high, but then again, its just so fun even just to ride around on the horse and take in the scenery and music. A bit depressing, but in a great way.

Mario Party 5 -- NO

Me and my mates always trash these games a lot, but no can deny that it can be hilarious to play against your mates. I don't think its a must have, I think its a should play a game form this series at least once at some point in time.

Resident Evil 4 -- NO

It's cool, but I played at least half of it at my friends house, got really quiet far, and I didn't want to borrow it, buy it to play at home or even ask to play it again to get any further on my save, thus for me it isn't a muse have.


Skies of Arcadia: Legends (Gamecube) YES

This is easily one of my favorite GC games. Flying in an airship is great, but the ship to ship battles are awesome. In fact, for me, that's one of my biggest problems with this game is that there weren't enough ship to ship battles (that were challenging) later in the game.

I've never been a fan of turn-based battles (actually, I find them fairly annoying, this day and age), but in SoA:L, I like how they worked it out. You can use differnt members of your party to charge up attacks of the people who can do the real damage (or, in my case, you can charge up the magic, and cast "Lunar Light" every other round...).

It's been said that the game is cliche in a few areas, since much of it has already been done before. If this is the case, I'd have to disagree. It's not cliche because of the elements it pulls from other games, but instead is strengthened by it. Rarely have I encountered a game that pulls it all together so cleanly, and enjoyably. My first play through, I spent 50-70 hours on the game (my first play through was awhile ago).

I think what gets me the most though, is the exploration factor. Even after playing the game multiple times, I get a thrill out of searching the world, and finding what it has to offer. As I've been looking at games, it seems to me that those have a strong exploration bit are the ones I like the most. SoA has that, and more. It comes strongly recommended.

Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast) YES

I'd like to add that, if you don't have a Gamecube, then get the Dreamcast version (even if you don't have a Dreamcast, you can emulate it...). The 2 versions are roughly equal. However, the GC version (Legends, obviously) does have additional content which is well worth having. Even so, this game is well worth your time, on either system. If you can't do the Gamecube version, then definitely get the Dreamcast version. For that matter, it wouldn't hurt to have both (I do. I emulate the Dreamcast version though. Good screenshots).

To reiterate: GC version is the one to get. However, the DC version is almost as good. Both are recommended, but only one of them is a "Must Have." As such, go for the GC version, if you can. Mouser X out.



Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves: No

The last chapter in the Fatal Fury games. Visually strong, and it features some smooth controls. However, the gameplay seems a bit of. i can never really tell when a move will connect or not, and some moves just seem utterly useless.

It's not that i don't appreciate SNK's style of gameplay, since i've played other fighting game from thesame company and i have no trouble at all with them. This one just doesn't seem to have polished gameplay, which hurts this (fine looking) game.

I love the new look they gave Terry though...

Skies of Arcadia


Contra: Shattered Soldier


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: No

I can only speak for the PC version, which should be thesame albeit the controls (mouse aiming). And no. Nothing this game has to offer hasen't already been offerd in GTA3. This game does have new additions which DO help the gameplay (buying houses so you can save at more places), but the core of the game is still thesame as GTA3, which had better cars, and a better city (roads and buildings were far more logical.).

Shadow of the Colossus


Battle Engine Aquila


Midway Arcade Treasures 1


Mario Party 5


Resident Evil 4: yes

I'll follow Sephfire on this. I really don't need to give any arguments about this game.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney



Majority NO


Capcom vs. SNK (1-2)

If the controls would have been better, I'd give it a vote. My fingers fucking hurt after 10 minutes.

Sonic Adventure (0-5)

Sonic Adventure 1 was a "revolution", but the better Sonic Game IMO is still Sonic Adventure 2 on both Dreamcast and Gamecube (while cube having the slightly better controlls)

Playstation 2

Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (0-3)

Aw come on. It's not that bad - you just need to play it along with the other three parts. Especially the (uncut) japanese versions.


Conker: Live and Reloaded (1-4)

Definitely a fun game.


Star Fox Adventures (0-4)

I wouldn't vote for "Star Fox Adventures" either, but more like "Star Fox Assault", but like all other Starfox games, too short.

Playstation 2

Alien Hominid (1-1)

Compared to the old Flash Version, this game is just too hard and unfair. Then again, the minigames are worth it.

Ghost in a Shell: Stand Alone Complex (0-0)

Not as good as "Ghost in the Shell" on PSX, but way better than ONI. I give it a vote... oh wait... that vote came from me. XD

Keep the votes coming guys. We've still got a lot of nominees to wade through.

And I got even more, sorry if I repeat myself, but I just write down what comes to mind:


Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana)

Chrono Trigger

Final Fantasy 6 (3 in US)

Super Mario World

Super Metroid (hard as fuck, still the best along with Prime IMO)

Contra 4 - Alien Rebels

The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past

...in short, all major SNES classics plus some RPGs and regular fun games


- Ghost in the Shell (Koukaku Kidoutai: Ghost in the Shell - awesome game, awesome OST - play it on ePSXe with a beamer sometime, this rocks!)

- Final Fantasy 7

- Final Fantasy 9

- Final Fantasy Tactics

- Valkyrie Profile

- Vagrant Story

- Parasite Eve (not the sequels!)

- Rhapsody

- the LUNAR Saga

- Soul Edge (was IMO better than Tekken)

- Wipeout 2097 (Europe)

- Wipeout 3: Special Edition (Europe)

- Xenogears (Xenosaga EP5)

- Metal Gear Solid

- Einhänder (totally ruled out R-Type)

Playstation 2:

- Zone of the Enders: Anubis (aka: ZOE - The Second Runner)


- Shadow of the Colossus

- Street Fighter Collection

- King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2

- Final Fantasy XII

- Megal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ("Sons of Liberty" was good too, but dissapointing because you couldn't play Snake longer than the Tanker mission)

- Burnout 4: Takedown (or was it Revenge?)

- R-Type Delta (too fucking difficult, but still cool)

- Shin Contra (Contra: Shattered Soldier - awesome remake)

- Silent Hill (Series)

- God of War (only the first IMO)

- Disgaea (Series)

- Prince of Persia (Series, none was really bad out of those three)

- Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria

- Okami

- and probaly a couple more I miss at the moment


- Viewtiful Joe (Series)

- Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (IMO a MUST HAVE remake, pitty that it never made it to the PS2)

- Zelda: Twilight Princess

- Zelda Windwaker - Collectors Edition (because of Ocarina of Time)

- Zelda - Collectors Edition (because of OoT, Majora's Mask and the classic games)

- Zelda: Four Swords (fun as hell, if your friends can behave)

- Pacman VS

- Mario Party 5

- Paper Mario RPG - The Sealed Door

- Mario Kart Double Dash (better than Mario Kart DS!)

- Wario Wares Inc

- Metroid Prime

- Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee

- Starfox Assault

- Sonic Adventure 2

- Resident Evil 1


- Shenmue 1 and 2 (unfortunately, Part 3 never saw the light of day, which should have closed out the series)


- Project Gotham Racing

- Burnout 3: Takedown/Burnout 4: Revenge

- Halo 1 and Halo 2

- Prince of Persia (Series)

- dun have that much Box games, rather abuse it for Emulation

X-Box 360

- Lost Planet

- Project Gotham Racing

- Halo 3 (coming up)

- Perfect Dark Zero (with they'd have redone Perfect Dark, too)

- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (the last two games)

- Prince of Persia Remake (X-Box Arcade/Live - DUH! I hate them for that! I want it as regular game, too - dun have a 360 myself YET)


- Tactical OPs

- Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (IMO too long and tiresome, but kicks most "3D Adventures" in the nuts in terms of graphics, sound and story)

- Rising Force Online (RF-Online, Korean SciFi/Fantasy MMORPG)

- Ragnarök Online

- Half Life 2 (series)

- Counter Strike Source (for some fun inbetween)

- I'm a bit off the hook here, could only name oldschool games though, sorry - my PC is for audio engineering mostly and not strong enough for games

Nintendo DS:

- Phoenix Wright (series)

- Bomberman Land DS (only because of the Classic Multiplayer Mode)

- Tetris DS (IMO the best remake so far)

- NEW Super Mario Bros (though friggin hard in later stages)

- Starfox Command

- Wario Ware Touched

- Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (not because it's the 10th remake or so - still think that Firered on GBA is the best, but because of ONLINE BATTLES and SHARING)

- Metroid Prime Pinball (fun for long/short journeys with a car or on the train)

- Sonic Rush (better than Sonic Advance!)


- Zelda - A link to the Past/4 Swords

- Zelda - The Minish Cap

- Super Mario Advance 2: Mario World

- Super Mario Advance 3: Mario Bros 3

- Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen (awesome remake!)

- Pokemon Ruby/Saphire/Emerald

- Boktai

- Advance Wars


- Zelda: Ocarina of Time

- Zelda: Majora's Mask (dissapointed me, was still okay though)

- Perfect Dark

I probably know a bunch more, but meh... Played so much shit in my life, can't remember anything.

Speaking of the Bemani Series, sephfire...

They're mostly Sony bound (PSX/PS2) and feature stuff from Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage (not all are bad, except maybe DDR EuroMix, though that one's a localized version like DDR Max for the USA), Para Para Paradise, Pop'n Music, Taiko no Tatsujin (Japan only), Keyboard Mania (bad game IMO), Beatmania and Beatmania IIDX (most successful series), Guitar Freaks, Drummania, Karaoke Mania, etc.

IMO the beatgames are a MUST HAVE, starting with at least v4 from each game, as they're more balanced then. PC wise nothing can beat Stepmania, which later errupted into "In the Groove" on PS2, but is friggin difficult.

So much about me


Sorry, I'm going to be lazy and my explanations won't be good.

Skies of Arcadia (DC) : NO.

Legends on the GCN is strictly superior. That is the only reason this gets a NO because this game is amazing from start to finish. Sure, it's a little cliche, but then again, most RPGs are.

Shadow of the Colossus: YES

The sheer scope of this game is enough for me to give it a yes, but then you add the beauty of it along with the amazing enemies, and it's that much better.


'Nuff said.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: YES

Incredibly funny and original writing along with a good amount of difficulty which creates a game you want to keep playing that lasts long enough to keep you happy.


Second motion for Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria:

Amazing platforming along with awesome tactical battles. Some cheesy uber weapons you could obtain with a decent amount of grind, but that's not necessary at all. Also...New Game+ which just increases the difficulty? Off the top of my head I think it gets 51X more difficult on the very last setting.

Odin Sphere:

Incredible artwork. Great presentation. Strategy and pacing are well done also along with the variety in characters. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm sure it can only get better.


Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves

I'm 99% sure you mean Garou, and its a definite Yes from me, as it does some interesting things and is generally pretty solid as a fighter.

Skies of Arcadia

It saddens me that the GC version has effectively usurped the original. I adored this game, and would love to yes it, but I feel we cant because of the (slightly) improved GC version. Mind you, the PAL version of Legends is something i can't find.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

No. Same old same old. I cannot bring myself to care about this.

I havent played Midway Arcade Treasures, but would like to nominate the 2 Taito Legends games for Xbox/PS2/PC. Some amazing and wholly underrated games in both of them, moreso the 2nd one.

Mario Party 5

Can't yes this, Mario Party was sadly already getting unoriginal at this point. So No.

Resident Evil 4

Fairly obvious yes, i'd say. Refreshing and impressive turnaround for the Resi series.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

One of the only games that I have been truly glued to in the past 3 years. Definite yes, as its compulsive storytelling at its best.

Project Justice(DC)

Loved the original, this is just as good, if even weirder. Solid fighting mechanics. Not 3d, more like 2.5d. Pretty much what you'd expect from a Capcom fighter. Yes.


Hmm. Borderline yes, if only because its not overly changed from its predecessors or indeed its successors, but its still a very engaging and enjoyable snowboarding game.


Just a couple reminders:

1. A game does not have to revolutionize its franchise or genre to count as a must-have. (example: Megaman 2 adds little to the Megaman formula, but is obviously a must-have NES game).

2. A game does not have to be superior to all of its sequels to belong on this list. (example: if you think both MGS2 and MGS3 are must-have games, vote YES for both. The two don't have to compete for the spot).

3. A game does not have to be superior to its remakes to belong on the list. (example: despite the existence of Ninja Gaiden Black, the original Ninja Gaiden is still worthy of must-have status).

New round coming soon. And we're up to about 24 or 25 rounds now with the new nominees.


Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves: YES!

For those that don't know, Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves is the North American name for Garou Mark of the Wolves. This is one of the best 2D fighters you will ever play in your lifetime. This game is a milestone for the Fatal Fury series as far as I am concerned. The gameplay is very solid and very deep. The graphics were really good in my opinion and the sprites had execellent animation. The game comes close to Street Fighter 3 Third Strike status in my opinion. This game is a blast to play and a must play for 2D fighter fans, especially those who have a Dreamcast.

Shadow of the Colossus: Yes

You know this game has to be great when people continue to play this game despite its technical shortcomings. When I first played this game, I couldn't believe how bad the framerate got at certain points and how flickery the environments looked at times. However, I got really immersed in the gameplay and I eventually completely ignored all those problems. I also really like this game because it mostly made up of a bunch of boss fights, huge epic boss fights. I am a sucker for boss fights and this game was loaded with them. Great game overall, highly recommend.


Shadow of the Colossus: Hell yes. When I'm explaining this game to friends, they're always skeptical about just how good it can be. Then they fight one, and they're hooked. Though the game has no item gain and only 16 enemies, the game is a masterpiece in the simplicity yet complexity of tackling and defeating these 16 giants.

Resident Evil 4: YES.{/b] Do I really need to talk about this one, or is it just understood that it's awesome?


Sega.- On the US Dreamcast, it's called "Fatal Fury". It's "Garou" in Japan and on the Neo-Geo.

Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves (Dreamcast)- SNK's graphical answer to what Capcom was doing with its Street Fighter series by the time the third game came out. This game is a wonderfully animated fighter, with a virtually 100% new cast, that still relies on the familiar characters of old (Geese Howard's son, the kids of Kim Kaphwan, and an older Terry Bogard). It still plays like the SNK games we've all come to know, but it's been given a whole new look. A nice array of interesting characters, easy to pull off moves, cool backgrounds, a good fighting system, and an overall well produced game. A fitting swan song for such a long running series (it's supposed to be the final game in the Fatal Fury franchise). A YES to me.

Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast)- The GC version may have added new stuff, but that doesn't lessen the quality of the DC version. Very nice graphics, interesting settings, fun characters, nice music and voice acting, and a quality RPG from start to finish. The whole sky pirating thing adds a nice twist to the old "sword and sorcery" deal that has been in console RPGs for decades, and gives the game some freshness along the way. A solid YES.

Contra: Shattered Soldier (PS2)- Finally. After two games of questionable quality and different gameplay, we got a real Contra game. Graphically it doesn't push the PS2 to its limits, but they are clean and crisp. The action is intense, the tunes are good, the bosses are big and the explosions are plentiful. The controls are tight as well, so when you die (and you will), it's your fault and not the game's. A fine apology after the turd that was C: The Contra Adventure. YES.

Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)- What more needs to be said? Stylish, graphically gorgeous, challenging, cinematic... just get the thing. YES.

Battle Engine Aquila (XBox)- I'd imagine there are a few people going "What the hell game is that?". Wouldn't surprise me, since this game came and went in a rather abrupt fashion. Basically, you pilot a ship as it either walks on land (think the ships from "War of the Worlds"), a jet. One's slow but powerful, the others fast but weaker. The goal is to help your army as it attacks the enemy. Sounds pretty straight forward, but in action, it's a lot of fun. Nice graphics and tunes, good control, challenging levels and objectives... it's a little known game that got good reviews, but went wholly ignored. A Borderline YES.

Midway Arcade Treasures 1 (XBox)- In short, a buttload of Midway games on one disc. A lot of them have been released before, but never on a single disc. The emulation is very good, and the sheer number of classic games on here makes it one to enjoy for a long time. The PS2 version is also good, but the graphics have a shimmering effect on them that's a bit more noticeable than the XBox version. But regardless of which one you get, you'll be in retro heaven. Another good example of how to make compilations. YES.


Round Thirteen!



Street Fighter III: Third Strike

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Meta Score: 7.9 (26 reviews)

Last Blade 2

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Agetec Inc.

Developer: SNK

Meta Score: 7.5 (9 reviews)

Metropolis Street Racer

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Sega

Developer: Bizarre Creations

Meta Score: 8.8 (48 reviews)

Dragon Quest VIII Journey of the Cursed King

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Square Enix

Developer: Level 5

Meta Score: 9.0 (94 reviews)

Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Konami

Developer: Konami

Meta Score: 8.7 (26 reviews)

Beatmania IIDX 8th Style

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Konami

Developer: Konami

Meta Score: (not available)

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

Console: Xbox

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Developer: Microsoft Game Studios

Meta Score: 9.0 (116 reviews)


Console: Xbox

Publisher: Majesco Games

Developer: Double Fine Prod.

Meta Score: 9.0 (70 reviews)

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Console: Gamecube

Publisher: Nintendo

Developer: Retro Studios

Meta Score: 9.2 (89 reviews)

Mario Kart DS

Console: Nintendo DS

Publisher: Nintendo

Developer: Nintendo

Meta Score: 9.2 (96 reviews)


My votes:

Psychonauts -- YES

It doesn't add much to the genre of platforming, but the presentation is unmatched. Psychic Summer Camp? Awesome. Diving into the minds of mental patients to fight their demons, relive their nightmares and literally sort their emotional baggage? Double awesome. Seussian environment aesthetic with brilliant character design and top-notch voice acting? Triple awesome. Add Tim Schafer's trademark sense of humor and you have one of the greatest platformers of its generation.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes -- UNDECIDED

On the one hand, it adds a few cool Metroid trademarks to the formula. Spin attacks and such. But I remember not feeling quite as impressed with this one as with the original. Admittedly, it's been a couple years, so I'm sitting on this decision a while longer while I try to remember.

Street Fighter III: Third Strike

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Meta Score: 7.9 (26 reviews)

Hell YES, I'd give a positive vote on that one. It's simply the bst 2D fighter in terms of animations out there. It's only that the Dreamcast Pad downright sucks. The Remake on the PS2 (on Street Fighter Collection) was therefore more playable/enjoyable, but you can say what you want... out of all Street Fighter Games (along with Super Street Figher 2 Turbo on the PC and Dreamcast), it's definitely the best of the series. Hell it even beats some of the King of Fighters Games.

Last Blade 2

Console: Dreamcast

Publisher: Agetec Inc.

Developer: SNK

Meta Score: 7.5 (9 reviews)

Also a YES on this one. This is another one of those rare fighting game treasures, especially one of those playing in the late Samurai Era. While the prequel (Last Blade) was a bit messed up, the controls, moves, animations and characters were stocked up to create IMO one of the best 2D fighting games ever. Though the difficulty was very unpredictable, but still more fair than Samurai Shodown 3 and up.

I can't say which version is the best, but I still prefer the NeoGeo (Arcade) version, simply because it's the original one. Once more the controls from the Dreamcast fail while the PS2 version was reported to have some issued graphics wise (still it's fairly playable). All in all, IMO a must have fighting game from the 2D era.

Beatmania IIDX 8th Style

Console: Playstation 2

Publisher: Konami

Developer: Konami

Meta Score: (not available)

As one who tried his luck on the Bemani games (especially Pop'n Music and Dance Dance Revolution), I'd also give a positive vote on Beatmania IIDX. The songs/mixes starting with V7 were very enjoyable, dead agressive and wanted to you to come back and actually finish this game. It's true however that the difficulty is sometimes insane, especially if you're not used to the controllers (you definitely need to start with 5 keys first and then slowly rise to 7 keys), or if you play the "very hard tracks". But even then, the tracks are so awesome, you can't stop.

Furthermore, the portation from the arcade to the PS2 really worked fine. You don't feel the difference, with maybe the exception that you have smaller controllers (the home version, unless you shelled out the money for the "big arcade type" controllers) and not a standup display like you're used to in the arcade. Still, if you're into beatgames and you're better with fingers than with your feet, Beatmania is definitely the way to go.

Mario Kart DS

Console: Nintendo DS

Publisher: Nintendo

Developer: Nintendo

Meta Score: 9.2 (96 reviews)

I give it a GODDAMN NO because of several reasons. While this game might be one of the better games for the DS, it's fucking unfair. You're happy if you can finish the mushroom cup and 1/4th of the flower cup. Then, if you're not "skilled" to pull off the "snaking move", you're lost and you won't come any further in the game. The CPU enemies jump from "uber-stupid" to "highly advanced robot" in the Flower Cup almost instantly and it was only a matter of time till my DS hit one of the corners of my room (same as with 3-on-3 Mario Hoops, which is also way too difficult). Hell even the shortcuts fail like 90% of the time, while the CPU still outrules you.

Seriously, this Mario game is NOT for casual gamers, but hardcore gamers. The online mode is also dissapointing. It is a nice idea indeed, but it's so buggy that it's not even funny. You want to play against (maybe) your friend because that's the only chance you have there, and this came pings out in the middle of your race. If that happens while playing vs. a "snaker", he wins the battle and your ratio falls. Way to go Nintendo, you know how to encourage players. At least the local WLAN version works and is helluva fun, if you cheated and unlocked all tracks.

I won't say that the graphics are bad, neither are most of the tracks or the music. But the AI is totally unbalanced, the online system fucked up, and this is downright a button/control killer because you have to press the buttons like it's the end of the world. Sorry - but I'd give it a NO, unless you have a cheap module to load a savestate into the game.

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