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DATE: Saturday, 30th June 2007

TIME: 10:00 - 10:30

LOCATION: Sydney Town Hall steps

WHOS IN(terested) SO FAR:


Fireman Joe

Akujamo Belmont


DunnoWhatHuh (100% confirmed)


Yeh, we all caught up last year, and liked it so much WE DECIDED TO DO IT AGAIN!!!! Or I just decided it would be nice and booked that day. Has to be that day, I'm afraid, so give a yell if your interested in joining.

The plan is to meet up at around 10 - 10:30, go to Galaxy Zone or somewhere like that, Mommas Kitchen for lunch (with reservations), then Iv arranged a place for gaming. We have to arrange for items to be brought for maximum enjoyment. No drugs or alcohol however, sorry...

Also, shall point out this is not an OCR meetup, it just happens to be acouple of people who may visit here occasionally. But as we'r all such social creatures and have no problems with meeting new people, if your in the area on the day, stop by n say hi!

Lets use this thread to rollcall, discuss the day, and list things to bring on the day. Okay? Okay. Good stuff.... Oh kaaaay...


Hey there guys I'll see you there,

I just must work out what to wear.

Who needs drugs when you've got beer?

I must only wait till end of year.

Galax-World and Mamma's Kitchen,

I hear that place is really bitchin'.

Bring your friends, yeah bring your mates,

10, June 30 - That's the date.

Excuse my rhyme and excuse my verse,

late that evening we'll disperse.

There's surprise and there is fun

V's prepared for everyone.

(His spelling blows and his grammar sucks,

I know more intelligent ducks.)


Dammit! I'm from Winnipeg and I'm in Sydney right now, but I'm gone soon! Sorry guys, seems I'm out! anytime anyone wants a Winnipeg Meetup... anyone... *cricket*...*cricket*.

Have fun! can't wait to see the pics!

God damn. We still haven't had a Perth meetup and you're going for another Sydney one? I wish I had money so I could fly over there, even if Sydney is a shithole.

And you get to pay for it every step of the way.


Ok, cool, so I'm hearing interest, thats happiness. I'm not hearing confirmation of the date or time however... Anyway, heres a list of things we'l want brought for the day, put your name next to what you'l bring (list a game if its not on there and you wanna bring it):


Wii 1 - Watkinzez

Wii 2

G: Warioware - Watkinzez

G: Rayman Wii - Watkinzez

G: Monkeyball - Watkinzez


G: Wii Sports - Watkinzez

G: Super Smash Brothers GC + memory card w save data - Watkinzez

G: Misc Gamecube Games - FiremanJoe


- Watkinzez (2)

- V (1)

GC Controllers

- Watkinzez (2)

- FiremanJoe (2)



G: ??




- V (1)

- FJ (1)


(NOTE: I have a flash cart, so I'l bring a DVD with misc things to load onto it)


Laptop w/ Music Composition software - V

USB or 3.5 jack Microphone


DVD/CDs to share - V, FiremanJoe



Wii 1 watkinzez

Wii 2

G: Warioware watkinzez

G: Rayman Wii watkinzez

G: Monkeyball watkinzez


G: Wii Sports watkinzez

G: Super Smash Brothers GC + memory card w save data watkinzez

Remotes- 2, watkinzez

GC Controllers- 2, watkinzez

I lost my DS. :(


I'l bring my laptop, my DS, and Wiimote. Laptop has Reason 3.0 and ACIDpro, but I'l need good headphones and a mic to go with em.

The hardest thing to get is gonna be the Dreamcast... It has the best fighting games imo (Marvel vs Capcom, Powerstone), but we have SSBM I guess. Any GC/Wii fighting games worth mentioning/requesting?


You Yankees, Brisbanites and Melbournians gtfo of our thread. =P

If someone's got Soul Calibur II or XIII, that'd be great.

I'll bring GC controllers.. standard or wavebird? I have two of each. I can also bring a stack of GC games... off the top of my head I have:

RE1/2/CVX/4 (if you've got 0 or 3, I'm looking to buy!), SSBM, TimeSplitters 2, Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario Party 4, FZero GX, Killer7, Eternal Darkness, SF Adventures/Assault, Beyond Good & Evil, Pikmin 1/2, Medal of Honor Frontline/Rising Sun, Zelda WW/OoT, Metroid Prime, Enter the Matrix...

Also, I'll bring my DS. I have Brain Training, Big Brain Academy, Metroid Hunters, New SMB, Mr Driller, Nintendogs and Mario Kart.

I *might* get Pokemon Diamond or Pearl before the meet, but I'm not sure. If you wanna chllenge me to Red/Blue then I'm up for that, too. =P

EDIT: Also, can your laptop copy dvds, V? cos I've got /shitloads/ of stuff I can share. (If you want some, bring blank dvds =P)


BLOODY CRAPTACULAR, I have an exam after the meetup. Aiight, depending on how ready I am, I'm gonna try and make it to the morning session of the meet, will have to pass on the others though. Sorry people...again.... *insert obligatory V insult here*


Ha, I'm going to be in Sydney the weekend before that for the PLAY! Symphony, but living in Adelaide it's a bit too much of a hassle (and too expensive!) to go to Sydney two weekends in row, even if it does sound like fun.

Maybe next year



On one hand, moving it forward a week would allow an Adelaide-ian to join our group, so we could have someone to laugh at about their backwards ways...

On another hand, moving it forward a week allows DunnoWhatHuh to fully attend, his study woes releived.

On the third hand (or limb), keeping it as is is kinda cool, cos last time we met was 1st July 2006... it was a great way to usher in the financial new year, and closing it off the same way would bring tears to my eyes, if not just because I have to look at FJ again.... *shudder*

DATE!!! WHAT DATE DO WE CHOOSE!!!! Choose quick


Moving the meet to an earlier date would be worse for me. I have exams every week from now until stuvac which starts in about a fortnight. Then every week after stuvac I have at least one major exam (up until the Monday after the 30th June where I have my last exam). So if I were to have any chance of attending at all, it would be the 30th as originally planned (in which I'll try to attend the morning session) or anything after 2nd of July. Seriously though, don't factor me into this cuz it's just making me feel guilty haha.


Don't move it forward. The day it's currently on is the first day of school holidays, which suits me just fine. Any earlier and I probably won't be able to make it; I've got assessments all the way up till then. You *could* move it back a week or two, but no more.


Sorry I didn't get back sooner... things are so backwards in Adelaide after all... :P

It's okay that the meetup'll still be on the 30th, I only commented in the first place cos I happened to see the thread listed on the front page.

And the weekend of the 23rd I'm flying in Saturday morning, going to the concert in the afternoon and flying out the next morning, so I probably wouldn't've been able to be at much of the meetup anyway.


In four Saturdays, this thing is happening. I still have to get confirmation from everyone other than myself and Fireman Joe. KEEP THIS THREAD ALIVE PEOPLE, and offer information, various tit bits (hahaha) of knowledge, etc

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