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The ending is a bit abrupt, but before that is some pretty awesome work. Intro strings build the chords really nicely and transition into the song proper pretty naturally.

Backing pizzicato strings and pitchshifting synths sound great, and the cameo of The search for the sacred sword was sweet. The ending I really don't understand, as I think it could have used a larger buildup. The ending seems more natural after repeated listenings however.

In conclusion, this is an amazing soundtrack and the more FFA mixes, the better, Mega Man be damned.


I'm not familiar with the source tune, but this was still a really nice piece. The transition at 1:30 really opens up the song, as all these exciting little bits of percussion fly in and the guitar soon afterward - as I was listening to the song the first time, I was like "this could use a really cool transition", and there it was! I feel like it winds down too soon afterward, but you certainly left me wanting more.


Very nice laid back track. Always happy to see more FFA musical goodness.:-D

Guitar was def a nice touch. I wish some of the transitions would have had more a thematic build-up but then again the track would loose some of it's subtle feel.

The sound quality is def good. The string work really added a lot of depth to the sections. Def my favorite out the recent flurry of mixes posted.


In many ways I like this better than your more recent mixes. Namely, it actually feels like it would fit the genre - I could easily see this being a part of the Final Fantasy 10 soundtrack, walking the world... the game had nice world/culture design, and its music reflected that, as would this.

  • 2 weeks later...

This remix definitely has a RPG-ish feeling to it, i.e. it sounds true to its origins. Which is nice; you don't get that too often.

As was said before, the transition at 1:30 is pretty sweet. The song could've used more of this, as it is a very interesting change of pace and instrumentation.

  • 4 weeks later...

Polished and varied, this mix exemplifies the sound I've come to associate with OCReMix over the years. It's as though the site has spawned a genre, but I digress.

A mix of ethnic and electronic percussion rounds out the bottum, with a melodic drum set pulling double duty as bass. layers of strings overhead weave a complex structure of gently shifting chords and...I'm making this sound like a savanah aren't I? Anyway, it's a good mix.

  • 1 year later...

Yay oboe! This site needs more oboe, if you ask me.

Lovely melody, and a very nice listen. The write-up brings back good memories, too. Whether or not that helps this mix, I dunno, but if it does it's a good thing.

Guitar work is nice, the style seemed out of place at first, but now I'm digging it. Percussion also works very well.

Would have liked a little more out of the ending, maybe a quiet piano outtro. Overall great work.

  • 2 months later...

This has "soundtrack" writtenn all over it. Would've worked perfect in a remake of the game. The only thing I don't really like is the guitar-lead, the vibratos are just.. no fun :tomatoface:

Otherwise, beautiful arrangement, great mood, good use of percussion and different instruments.


Exactly as I suspected, I've had no time to write nearly the amount of reviews that I would like to. I'm lucky I have some free time to write this following review. Hopefully I'll get less busy after the Christmas season.

Big Giant Circles is one of my more favorite remixers, and this is one of his best. An excellent remix of an excellent source tune from an excellent game (with an excellent title, no less!), Amanda's Tear has some very good points.

I love the opening, and when the strings come in at 0:15, it's simply gorgeous. The percussion at 0:28 is very nice. Sorta distant but with some punch; it fits this style perfectly.

The melody from 0:34 to 1:02 is nice, and I like the synth-y running pattern all throughout. When the backup strings and everything else comes in at 1:02, this remix hits my personal favorite point.

This remix is mostly orchestral, and sometimes I find myself wishing it had stayed that way and not had the electric guitar at 1:43. I do like this other direction BGC took it, though. In fact, I like it better in some ways, although it certainly would have worked as just orchestra.

The electric guitar wavers on the held notes to a point that's juuuuust shy of being obnoxious. Any more and it would've lowered my enjoyment of the piece. I'm glad BGC knows when to quit.

I'm a sucker for a good turn, and the turn at 2:00 is no exception. I love it. So awesome.

When the guitar drops out at 2:11 and the violin takes the melody again, I must commend BGC for not having it hold that note for too long. Again I say, any longer would be obnoxious.

I like how at 2:39 most of the instruments have dropped and it's gotten quiet, and then at 2:53 the strings come back in. I really like the strings in this piece. They're gorgeous.

I don't know why some people think the ending is abrubt -- it seems very well thought out and a natural end result of the melodic line, to me. In fact, I like the ending quite a lot. It's hard to hear on low volume, but the piano notes near the very end (similar to the ones in the introduction) wrap up this entire piece for me.

Overall, it's a very beautiful orchestral/electronic remix that has some very beautiful points and is an enjoyable listen. Highly recommended -- 4.60 out of 5.00.

Reviews written: 3 out of 600+. :|

  • 11 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Indeed, Bahamut. Severely underrated remix alert! Utterly dominates the source, it does.

This strikes me as the first part of a suite. Or a prelude to an adventure (a final, fantasic one punhaps?). Not that this is an incomplete work, but rather it is a moving one that remains unresolved, evocative of something more to come.

Dig the earthy sounds; that is, the bowed string work and the tuned drums each have a distinctly... natural feel to them. Not that they're perfectly emulated, but their sound and usage paint an unfolding landscape of rolling hills with mountains in the distance. Or maybe AnSo nailed it and I've just seen one too many movies with stellar soundtracks - and that this track would fit right in place amongst them!

The keyboard, shimmering effects, flute, oboe, and whatnot all give this a delicate, uplifting feel. And plucked strings... always a fan. The guitar works well to offset this: it's short appearance gives a little power behind the music without drowning out the softer side. A view of the long road ahead, with appreciation of all the experiences to be gained in the journey but a resolute determination to overcome any roadblocks that might arise. Yep, soundtrack material right here.

Also, nice triangle!

(I hope I just did to this remix what Christopher Walken did to [Don't Fear] The Reaper).

  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, this one's highly underrated. BGC's soundscape (past the intro) is really light and airy thanks to the plucked strings and oboe. During the faster part of the song the percussion is also really good. I'm not digging the guitar though, I think that could have been replaced with a synth lead and fared a bit better in the end :?

Overall, a solid mix, not necessarily as memorable as some of Jimmy's other stuff but still worth checking out :-)

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01597 - Final Fantasy Adventure "Amanda's Tear"

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