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Oh yeah, forgot to mention to the newbies that I'm the guy that makes cool stuff. From Lego computer cases to sword-chucks to getting duct-taped to the wall (well, not exactly something you can make, but funny non-the-less) to The Scarlet Crusade. Just click on my sig to see my latest endeavor.

Not to mention next year I'll be taking game programming, so look forward to seeing a lot of neat projects then.


Pics will be posted this wednesday. Hopefully.

Here's to that. **cheers** And I've been frequenting this fourm for a while with my computer building needs, so I might as well say high to all the new guys. Hi. And PM me if you're hot, female, the age of 15-17, and live in the northwest. :wink:


^_^ Hello there!

Finally i'm on the forum! It took quite a while since i didn't get activation codes the first times I tried, so my usual screen name is taken by..me...so I changed to Rhino boy.

Name: Cojiro

Age: 17

Occupation: Officially I work weekends in a cafe, and am not a pirate. No, definatly not a pirate...

Stuff: I like manga,anime,ddr,candy and i really love music of any kind (mostly...)

Favourtie remixes so far: The last dragon and the columns theme are both fantastic. I really like the Knuckles rap i downloaded but i've downloaded so many ocr remixes i can't remember the names...Strip mine by Beatdrop is fantastic too..Oh! and A froay into eastern horizens,a world of piano...Too many to list!

Maybe when i get home from this waste of time...I mean..sixth form i'll post all the games i have remixes from, but this'll do for now.

Good to meet you all! ^_^


Haha, I was wondering what that was all about. Well, you had the sense to correct the mistake and for that you should applauded, so few would have even bothered ( I believe that is deserving of a :nicework: ). That said, a great big welcome to OCR to you as well as all the other newblets.

Enjoy your stay. :)


yo, i didn't know this was in here.

Name: Asmodeus, the Prophet of Mephisto

Age: 18

Occupation: College student, part time at Wegmans food market and Houghton college Music Library

Interests: I'm a sax major here at Houghton, i like music obviously, i like techno a lot. I also enjoy basketball and verbal sparring.

I am willing to help people if they have a need for bass/effects programming as well as live vocals, saxophone, bass guitar, latin percussion. Have fun with that, everyone.


ps - i know i'm not exactly a n00b - i've been around for a little while, but i'm close enough to get that distinction to some effect.


sorry about the double post - but i forgot to say that I'll adopt any n00b who needs help with fruity or basic muzikmaking in general. I'm classically trained but i've been writing trance, techno, jazz, orchestral, rave, hard rock, etc for years so i'll be able to give you some good teaching if you need it. in addition to helping on whatever project you want help on.


Hey, how can i move a thread from GenDisc to, say, politics, religion so forth?

Sorry but you can’t; only the mods and admins have that kind of power. You can however, delete a post or thread you have made if no one else has replied. If someone has replied though, you’re kind of stuck.

You could always try PM'ing a Mod though and asking them if they would move it for you. Just keep in mind that they are not obligated to do so. The list of Mods can be found under Community => Groups.


E-mail and AIM/MSN will in some cases work just a little faster. Especially with me. Just lemme know who you are first, I don't respond to people I don't know unless there's a good reason for it.


Hello there, i am new here so here comes a short introduce of myself.

My name is Billy (male that is, sorry boys) and i am for the moment, well not really but close to turn 17 year (15th October), I am born in Libanon but have lived in Sweden since I was 2 years old.

On my freetime I do as much as i can and that is: play fotball in a club called IFK Klagshamn (for those who find that intresting in a way or two), play alot of computer games, listen to all kind of music, spend time with friends and so on.

Well all in all I hope my time here will be as enjoyable as i had writing this :lol: cause after reading a whole bunch of posts there seems to be quite frienly, funny, interesting, special people out here. And if you still wonder something about me feel free to ask and if i can be a helping hand in a possible way (i suspect some will catch this sentence in a wrong way, else it's just cause im Swedish) dont hesitate to ask.

cause after reading a whole bunch of posts there seems to be... special people out here.

“Special” eh? So is that what they are calling us looney’s now? :wink:

Heh, welcome and enjoy your stay here. :)



I've been coming here for quite a while... about a year or two. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get my hands on as many remixes as I'd have liked to. A relatively diligent schedule, an extremely selective nature, and a sluggish 56k dial-up modem are to blame. But, what I have heard are good quality... I've recently taken a liking to "Nikki Learns a Song" by Ailsean, "Rainbow Snowland" by Dhsu, and "Green Amnesia" by Disco Dan.

I've ignored the forums for the most part, although I've read reviews and rustled through interesting topics, particularly the one concerning the recent decease of the Chrono Trigger: Resurrection project.

Ah, I think I've detailed myself quite enough. Good day.


I've been coming here for quite a while... about a year or two. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get my hands on as many remixes as I'd have liked to. A relatively diligent schedule, an extremely selective nature, and a sluggish 56k dial-up modem are to blame. But, what I have heard are good quality... I've recently taken a liking to "Nikki Learns a Song" by Ailsean, "Rainbow Snowland" by Dhsu, and "Green Amnesia" by Disco Dan.

I've ignored the forums for the most part, although I've read reviews and rustled through interesting topics, particularly the one concerning the recent decease of the Chrono Trigger: Resurrection project.

Ah, I think I've detailed myself quite enough. Good day.

Heh, I love your username :lol:


I'm new, but have been listenting to the music for about a year or so. My list of favorite songs would be way to long to list. But, in hopes of summing it up, i like just about all the songs from chrono trigger, chrono cross, final fantasy (all of them), ys, zombies ate my neighbors, and the zelda songs. Oh, and the first thing I did when i joined, was get my cool sig from CapnHulk.

I'm new, but have been listenting to the music for about a year or so. My list of favorite songs would be way to long to list. But, in hopes of summing it up, i like just about all the songs from chrono trigger, chrono cross, final fantasy (all of them), ys, zombies ate my neighbors, and the zelda songs. Oh, and the first thing I did when i joined, was get my cool sig from CapnHulk.

Welcome to the boards, and glad you like the sig. Read through the Newb/Tech Help forum THOROUGHLY and everything should be fine.

Try to avoid "Favorites" threads...things like "Whut is joo fav Final Fantasee game!!lol" aren't generally welcome.

Welcome to OCR! I like your sig by the way. That name is from the Wheel of Time series right? God, that brings back memories... :)

Your right about the name, and CapnHulk did the sig, so he should get the compliment. I am only on the fourth book in the series sadly. The darn things are so long

Welcome to OCR! I like your sig by the way. That name is from the Wheel of Time series right? God, that brings back memories... :)

Your right about the name, and CapnHulk did the sig, so he should get the compliment. I am only on the fourth book in the series sadly. The darn things are so long

Alright then...my compliments go to CapnHulk for a cool sig! I know how you feel about the books...I never did get around to finishing six. :cry:


Yo...I've already made a few posts around here. I guess I'm still new so I thought I'd do the intro thing. Malaki's my name, interests are most things musical, playin' video games(duh), primarily RPGs and action games, playin' my guitar and anything else that tickles my fancy.

Came to this site about a year or so ago, but I decided to join now for some strange reason instead of earlier. I hope that I eventually make a few good mixes to post up here. :P

I also have a dumb newbie question about qoutes. How am I able to get "_insert person's name here_ wrote", or the same thing in a double quote? Thanks in advance and sorry for any previous grievances.

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