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Hello everyone, thank you very much for inviting me to your group. I'm Azure Nova, a gamer and music enthusiast. I'm a gamer on my friend's channel, The Purity Sinners, and i run a page on youtube dedicated entirely to video game sound tracks and remixes. If you'd like, please feel free to subscribe.


I upload a new sound track every month, one track a day until i'm out of songs, then after that I upload remixes sent to me. If you'd like your remix featured, please email me either with the song or a link to the song: sin_nova@yahoo.com

Thank you all for accepting me, and hopefully i can make some great friends here :)

--Azure Nova

Here's the first video of my latest OST uploaded; The Witch and The Hundred Knight



What, nobody around to welcome you guys around? Proposterous!

Welcome everyone! The forums are bustling with life, and with all the great mixes coming out almost on a two- or three-day basis, it's apparent video game music isn't dead by a long shot! Walk around a bit, and if you're a mixer most certainly don't forget to drop by in the Workshop forums and the Recruitment forums!


Hi! I'm NinjaPenguinDan.

...That's a pretty long name to type, so feel free to call me Daniel, Dan, Danbert, Ninja, Pengy, Pengu... whatever, really. I'm fairly new to the whole remix-y thingy, but I'm hoping to eventually get some music on the site. Or at the very least some constructive criticism, but it's good to have goals.

I like eating, sleeping, breathing, and playing the piano. ...Or all of them at once, I suppose, but that might be a little tricky.


Hi all! I'm digitalxero. I've known about OCR for a few years now and have enjoyed listening to the amazing music, but recently I've been inspired to try and develop some of my own. I'm pretty new to remixing and music production in general, so it'll probably be a while before I can hope to make anything on-par with the remixes on this site. I hope to learn a lot here though and contribute what I can to this great community!

A little about me: I am a software developer by trade. I was a musician throughout high school and college, although I haven't followed with it much after graduating (until now!). I enjoy a number of things, notably video games (of course), board games, puzzles, programming, and other random nonsense.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I'm a sound design grad … not professional yet, but I'm going through some challenges right now, so let’s see what happens. I love video game music—Junya Nakano is my hero. I love ambient, drone, dub techno, shoegaze, etc. … etc.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey everyone !

Let me introduce myself : first of all, I have near zero experience with music production, and I'm studying game art as of now. However, I've been playing rhythm games - mostly osu!mania these past 2 years - for quite a while now, starting with o2jam and some other PC rhythm games. My tastes in music are not defined, I like pretty much every genre but I can dislike some tracks of these same genres. I'd say my current favorite composers would be TSFH and FWM for epic music and xi and sakuzyo for electronical music. I wanted to learn how to play piano as a child but never had the chance to do so.

When I first wanted to join OCR it was for a rather selfish reason which was to simply request a mix and leave, but I've lurked the forums for a bit while waiting for my registration confirmation (thank you Liontamer) and came across some interesting creations. I said that I am a rhythm gamer, on osu! furthermore, and I can create game levels (known as beatmaps) from .mp3 files for other players to play as it is a community driven game (i.e. that's the lastest beatmap I've been making :

). If I find a cool track I might ask you whether I can use it or not to make a beatmap. :D

That's it for me ! Glad to meet you all.

(hey actually I'm quite surprised that a community based around remixes and video games' soundtracks exists)

Edited by PyaKura
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all, I'm Jonathan Aldrich, alias "jdaster64"; long-time OC ReMix fan and recent ReMixer! A friend of mine told me about the site about ten years ago, back when I was just getting into video games and so forth (I remember SuperBuckJazz and Battle Rocks being two of my favorites then, and they hold up just as well a decade later). Nowadays, I do piano covers of Nintendo music on my YouTube channel, mostly Mario, Kirby, MOTHER, and Pokémon stuff, and I've also released a couple CDs of arrangements/covers.

I'm hoping to do proper "remixes" of a handful of tunes in the near future whenever I get the time and facilities to do so, primarily Kirby stuff (it is the best), and I'd love to hear your critiques on what I have working on them so far. At any rate, it's great to have something of mine featured here alongside a ton of my favorite video game remixes (and favorite music, period!), and I'm glad to meet you all!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone. ^_^ I am a piano teacher in the Washington D.C area (study piano performance at a University that's NOT in the area) and I absolutely love video game music. I've been including video game music into my personal repertoire. I really want to meet people who are also into video game music and I hope to make my own remixes someday! I'm kind of knew to music technology, but I'm learning more each day. :) As you can see I am a pianist, but I also play violin and harpsichord. :3


Hello everyone and Merry Christmas to all of you!

My name is Michael, I'm a music student at BIMM Dublin and I've started solo work in the last year or so,

remixing is a fairly recent thing for me and I aim to hopefully improve my production skills.

I also play drums for a rock band called Look To The Lady which is steadily gaining momentum!

Good to meet you all, hopefully we'll work together on a project or two!

Youtube & Soundcloud:



My Band!!:





Hey everyone,

My name is Josh and I'm musician who's looking to share his music/remixes with people to hear and enjoy. I'm also looking to meet other musicians/remixers for possible future projects.

I don't game as often as I used to, as most of my time goes into making music and working on my projects...but I find time for it.

At the moment, I work primarily as a freelance graphic/web designer, with the occasional composition for an individual.

I've known about OCremix for a while, and had another account, but just never took part in the community...changing that now.

See you guys around, yo.

  • 2 weeks later...


Hopefully I'm not too out of place. I'm a programmer and not a musician. I have some experience with music theory from when I was younger, but lost interest in creating music. I'm more interested in problem solving than creativity.

I've played video games for nearly 30 years and I've enjoyed the soundtracks of them. I was pleased when a friend mentioned this site to me several years ago. It allowed me to hear songs I enjoyed, but with a new take on them.

I'm looking to build contacts with people that are interested in creating music for video games. I'll post in the proper section with more details when I'm ready to hire.

I've been very introverted most of my life, so please forgive me if I come off as a little awkward. I decided I needed to be more social and look for more friendships to be able to achieve what I want.


Hey everyone, I'm a long time lurker of the website and just recently decided to make an account. Personally, I lack the skills in music production to be able to create any of the amazing tracks you hear on this website, however, if there is another way I can assist you please allow me to help in whatever way I can. In the mean time, I'll just sit back, relax, and enjoy the music all of you make.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi hii!

I'm a "music enthusiast" :3 embarking o~on an adventure in Vocaloid production, but I'd been playing wi~ith video game covers i~in an effort to focus on learning DAW a~and sound design without worrying as much about composition.

My brother commented of my Super R-Type project "hey you should submit this to OCR" a~and I thought ok, why not!

Well, I've listened to some of the a~absolutely phenomenal work that's been rejected (let alone the work that's green-lighted) and I've realized go~ot a lot of game to step up :o

I'm excited and look forward to meeting and collaborating and hearing from this enormously talented community!

Be seeing you!


Hello! I've been a bit of a lurker for a while but finally sucked it up and got an account. I'm more on the "appreciating" side than the "music-making" side, though I do play a couple instruments. I am an artist, though, so I listen to music a lot while drawing.

Also, for some reason, my game taste is either "insanely popular" or "incredibly obscure", with almost no in-between...


Hello OCR community.

Been a bit of a lurker around these parts for a while now, but I'm starting to feel confident enough to pop in and have a go. :)

I'm currently in my final year of a Bachelor of Audio Engineering at JMC Academy in Australia. Most of my musical experience comes from an engineers perspective, being largely to do with recording and mixing student bands. I can play a fractional amount of guitar and piano, but I would hardly call myself a musician. My goal is to one day work as a sound designer for the video game industry (ideal) or film (not so ideal).

Looking forward to getting stuck in :)


Hello anyone reading this far (or short, as time goes by) into this forum thread.

I have an electric bass guitar which I seek to play acoustically. But that is the end to my musical talents or knowledge.

I absolutely love video game music, the fast pace, the simple melodies, and listen to rips of old video game music a lot (like the ones at this site http://www.nes-snes-sprites.com/index.html)

But then I just found this site yesterday and have been listening to a lot of things. This one (http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02258) blew my mind, so I figured I'd try and join and maybe contribute.

  • 2 weeks later...


I'm Steven from the Netherlands! I've been on the chatserver since yesterday, so I forgot to make my first post :). Well, here is that post!

I've been listening and following ocremix since 2006. Well. Better put: I've seen the site for the first time in 2006. Not exactly sure if I've listened to a remix then, but I've certainly heard hundreds of them since then!

I was also very much interested in making a home studio about that time, but that didn't came to fruition until, well, about one or two years ago. Quite frankly, I thought it was a good time to join the community, 'cause I have some ideas for remixes and one of them is close to its final version.

But even if I don't make it to an official OCremix, I will stay make covers of gamemusic, simply because I love gamemusic so much I'm lamenting that most Western gamedevelopers have those filmscoring soundtracks instead of songs. So yay Japanese and Japanese-driven (Retro, NST) studios!

So what's left to say? Oh yeah. I'm HavenRavenSteven on Nintendo Network as well as PSN and I use Studio One. Couldn't fill that out in my profile :).

So yeah... Hello ocremix!


Just registered and activated!

First thread and post ever! 8-)

Great to be part of the community here and I love music.. piano, rock, orchestra, jazz. :-)

I play the piano a little bit, still a novice beginner, but looking to get better.

See you guys around.


Heya folks, n00b here. Hoping to get involved in the community here. Been following OCR for the better part of a year (somehow my closest friends kept this place a secret to me :/ ) and felt it time to say hi and keep up! I'm staying my hand at some remix work myself and love a lot of the work here!

And some of you folks REALLY love Mother 2 music, which makes my heart kerthump!

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