chumble spuzz Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 The widescreen does look better, but if it turns out to be a coding hassle, I'm fine with the standard TV ratio. Wingless, for the jump, I was thinking since Tan has hair that flows, could we have a short 2 or 3-frame loop for rising and falling? X wears a helmet, so he only needs to hold one frame for high jumps and falls, but having Tan's hair whip in the wind would be rad. Can we do this? We'd also need a 3-frame loop for the dash pose. Also, what about secondary motion? We'd need to add maybe 2 extra frames for when she ducks (and rises from ducking, and lands from a jump/fall), so her hair "settles." Quote
Lancer Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Call it a stupid thing, but I thought that a game would look ok no matter what resolution it was in. Wide or Fullscreen that is. Or is it just coding within the game that makes it look ok? Quote
chumble spuzz Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 The whole fuss about widescreen is that the rectangular shape is generally more pleasing to the eye. It's also makes for better screen compositions, which is why movies are shot in widescreen. For more info, read up on the golden ratio (golden rectangle). Quote
The wingless Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 The widescreen does look better, but if it turns out to be a coding hassle, I'm fine with the standard TV ratio.Wingless, for the jump, I was thinking since Tan has hair that flows, could we have a short 2 or 3-frame loop for rising and falling? X wears a helmet, so he only needs to hold one frame for high jumps and falls, but having Tan's hair whip in the wind would be rad. Can we do this? We'd also need a 3-frame loop for the dash pose. Also, what about secondary motion? We'd need to add maybe 2 extra frames for when she ducks (and rises from ducking, and lands from a jump/fall), so her hair "settles." She's not going to jump particularly high (no more than X did in the game) nor is she going to do any freefalling. So I'd concentrate more on how her hair settles once she lands (a bounce, a cascade, whatever). 3-Frame dash works for me on paper. Secondary motion is fine. If the player inputs a command during it, we'll just cut right through it to the run/jump/what have yous. Also I forgot to mention- Running while shooting... although I wonder if they tiled the torso with the arm out with the legs separate, or did a whole set for running while shooting... Ah well, GET TO WORK SPRITE MONKEY! Quote
The Coop Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 The widescreen does look better, but if it turns out to be a coding hassle, I'm fine with the standard TV ratio. Widescreen or "TV" screen, the amount of horizontal movement coding will likely remain the same. The movement coding vertically however, would be lessened with a widescreen play field. Wingless wants this in a "Keep It Simple Stupid" format (thus the single screen play field call), and artistically, I think large amounts of unused space will just result in a less pleasant appearance. And well, more space means more shit to draw up for us pixel artists... which is pretty much spuzz and I . Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Running while shooting... although I wonder if they tiled the torso with the arm out with the legs separate, or did a whole set for running while shooting... I just looked at the sprite sheet, and from the looks of it, the torso, legs, and closest arm remain unchanged between normal running and running while shooting. For normal running, the head twists left and right as he runs, while when he's shooting, the head remains straight (it's the same head as when he's just standing). And of course, the back arm is shooting, and does not change during the running animation. Also, something else to consider, CS, is whether you want to put in the extra effort to get 4Tan to shoot with only one arm (in other words, when she's facing one direction she uses the arm "further away" from the screen, but when she's facing the other direction, that arm is still used but is now the closer arm of the two). This is something that is not implemented in the X games, so it'd be some extra effort, spriting and coding, to get it to work. Quote
The wingless Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 I just looked at the sprite sheet, and from the looks of it, the torso, legs, and closest arm remain unchanged between normal running and running while shooting. For normal running, the head twists left and right as he runs, while when he's shooting, the head remains straight (it's the same head as when he's just standing). And of course, the back arm is shooting, and does not change during the running animation. ...wait... wait what? All I was asking was if they just tacked on the arm outstretched for X running rather than create an entirely new array of sprite just for running-while-shooting. Looks like they opted for the tried and true entirely new array of sprites, which was the question I was posing. Also, something else to consider, CS, is whether you want to put in the extra effort to get 4Tan to shoot with only one arm (in other words, when she's facing one direction she uses the arm "further away" from the screen, but when she's facing the other direction, that arm is still used but is now the closer arm of the two). This is something that is not implemented in the X games, so it'd be some extra effort, spriting and coding, to get it to work. Fuck that noise, son! You finna pay me? No? THEN DA BITCH GETS MIRRORED. Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 ...wait... wait what? All I was asking was if they just tacked on the arm outstretched for X running rather than create an entirely new array of sprite just for running-while-shooting. Looks like they opted for the tried and true entirely new array of sprites, which was the question I was posing. Ah, yes, I see that now. I couldn't quite understand what you were asking specifically about before... I've been staring at this stupid lab report for far too long, it seems. Fried my brain, it has. Quote
Fenrir Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Fuck that noise, son! You finna pay me? No? THEN DA BITCH GETS MIRRORED. bahahahaha Quote
Lancer Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 The whole fuss about widescreen is that the rectangular shape is generally more pleasing to the eye. It's also makes for better screen compositions, which is why movies are shot in widescreen. For more info, read up on the golden ratio (golden rectangle). Thanks for the links and the info. That makes more sense about Fullscreen to Widescreen for sprites. Thanks again. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 H-Hold on there, she shoots stuff out of her hand now? She should shoot something music related: music notes, sound waves, FL Piano Roll notes.... there must be a boss that keeps shooting out untss's, one untss after another. Midi-rip Man untss untss untss untss Each of 4-tan's weapons could be a different length of note: you start shooting 16th-notes with whole-rests in between, and after each fight you upgrade either your rest speed (whole-rest half-rest -> quarter-rest -> 16th-rest) or your shot length (16th-note -> quarter-note -> half-note -> the all powerful WHOLE NOTE!!!) Unless you're talking about technical design. Then, unless another Flash Master wants to jump in, it's dead simple son. DON'T tempt me... While we're on the topic of screen ratio, here's another thing to consider: where will the power bars be placed? Nothing more annoying than a powerbar getting in the way of the action! Might be best to have the powerbars inside the walls... which makes our fight space pretty small. I'm always a fan of having Player and Boss power bars of equal length, riiiight up close to each other, so you can watch in excitement as both power bars neck past each other, drawing closer and closer to the finish line... =D Quote
The Coop Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 While we're on the topic of screen ratio, here's another thing to consider: where will the power bars be placed? Nothing more annoying than a powerbar getting in the way of the action! Might be best to have the powerbars inside the walls... which makes our fight space pretty small. There's plenty of room to fight. This isn't one of Capcom's "vs" games Anyway, seems to me the power bars will be on the right and left, like every SNES "X" game. And even if they're placed along the top, there probably aren't going to be Marvel vs Capcom 2-esque super jumps. As Wingless suggested, she basically jumps as high as MegaMan does in the games. And that, leaves the bars well out of the way... be they on the top, or the sides. Quote
The wingless Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 H-Hold on there, she shoots stuff out of her hand now? She should shoot something music related: music notes, sound waves, FL Piano Roll notes.... there must be a boss that keeps shooting out untss's, one untss after another. Midi-rip Man untss untss untss untssEach of 4-tan's weapons could be a different length of note: you start shooting 16th-notes with whole-rests in between, and after each fight you upgrade either your rest speed (whole-rest half-rest -> quarter-rest -> 16th-rest) or your shot length (16th-note -> quarter-note -> half-note -> the all powerful WHOLE NOTE!!!) DON'T tempt me... While we're on the topic of screen ratio, here's another thing to consider: where will the power bars be placed? Nothing more annoying than a powerbar getting in the way of the action! Might be best to have the powerbars inside the walls... which makes our fight space pretty small. I'm always a fan of having Player and Boss power bars of equal length, riiiight up close to each other, so you can watch in excitement as both power bars neck past each other, drawing closer and closer to the finish line... =D Oh design by committee, how I've missed your clammy embrace Quote
chumble spuzz Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Fuck that noise, son! You finna pay me? No? THEN DA BITCH GETS MIRRORED. LOL Yeah, no way I'm doing that. It'd be pretty cool, but not as cool as getting this finished. On the subject of bullets, may I suggest the Nice-Buster? Think Ryu's Hadoken, but instead of flaming fists, flaming NWG face. Also, since she plainly doesn't have an arm cannon, how about power-hands? Like Force-lightning, except from the palm instead of the fingertips, and pellets instead of lightning. Lancer: no prob. Quote
The Coop Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 LOLYeah, no way I'm doing that. It'd be pretty cool, but not as cool as getting this finished. On the subject of bullets, may I suggest the Nice-Buster? Think Ryu's Hadoken, but instead of flaming fists, flaming NWG face. OOO! OOO! I wanna animate it if it's used Quote
friendlyHunter Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Nice Work Guy seems like a decent Dr. Light. Between each fight you'd meet up with his hologram, and he'd say "Nice Work", and then disappear. He'd also make a good Sigma... especially in giant wireframe head form. Let's get an official The Coop mock-up, go go go !! Also, since she plainly doesn't have an arm cannon, how about power-hands? What about: Fists of BONE-BREAKING PRESSURE! Like I'M DOING THIS AS HARD AS I POSSIBLY CAN!!! The bosses are CAVING IN around her fists. Which is basically a "Hadoken", but unleashed via punching. Kinda like Stinko-man, actually. Quote
chumble spuzz Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Coop, I'd love to see it either way. Though, I really can't think of anything better than that to use for the fully-powered up shot. In fact, I don't even want to try, because it's just not going to happen. Also, for the medium-powered shot (if we're doing the whole MMX shooting system verbatim), maybe a flaming pretzel or something...didn't have an awesome idea for that one. Also, also, I was wondering about Dr. Light: NWG, or DJP? I can picture DJP DJP-ing in the hologram. That would be sweet. NWG chuckling would be awesome as well. I CAN'T DECIDE WHICH ONE I LIKE BETTER!! edit: By the way, I did get some animation done tonight. I've got the win-pose almost completely updated to the correct design, and animating her hair isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Hooray! Quote
Dafydd Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Nice work guy can be Zero. Anyway, this is starting to sound more like an RPG than a Megaman game by now. Hey, what if the maverick levels all had graphics taken from the remixing tool that each judge uses? Malcom's level could use graphics from Reason, Zircon's (and others') based on FL and its various VST's, etc. Also, <shameless self plug>I think the OCR-styled power bar I made was pretty cool</shameless self plug>... Quote
friendlyHunter Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 ? Damn you, I should be doing homework right now! Sprite looks nice and thin on the dark background by the way... the toes on the boots could use more emphasis though, seeing as how they're supposed to be, well, boots with massive toes. Heighten the toes slightly and add a highlight, and they're good to go! [/nitpicking] nah, just kidding... I'm never done with nitpicking [Edit] By the way, what is with this comic, and why do I keep seeing it with different things in the word bubbles? And, does it have any potential for cutscenes? Quote
The Coop Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Nice work guy can be Zero.Anyway, this is starting to sound more like an RPG than a Megaman game by now. Hey, what if the maverick levels all had graphics taken from the remixing tool that each judge uses? Malcom's level could use graphics from Reason, Zircon's (and others') based on FL and its various VST's, etc. KISS, man. KISS I don't think we're aiming for a huge project. Unless Wingless gets that proverbial wild hair, this is supposed to be a simple game. TAN4 as the main character, some bosses and backgrounds, a bit of text, maybe an opening, some kind of ending, and simple "X" controls. It seems that the focus should be on Tan4, and her battle to make the world/site a better place for everyone. I know this isn't my project, as I'm just a spriter. But if I may be so bold, here are my current thoughts... - I like the idea of a sprite version of djp being used in a Dr. Light role for maybe the opening and/or ending stuff. - I love the idea of the Nice Shot (cue up that one rock song ). - I could see various programs being used as power up names after beating each boss, but not really as stage design ideas. - I also replug the simple story idea I wrote up here, sans the level ideas since this is single screen boss battle only now. I'd be more than happy to type it up as opening and ending text, and put possible conversation ideas between Tan4 and any bosses once they're agreed upon. The whole thing in my head right now would be pretty short, so it wouldn't be tl;dr stuff. Then it could be tweaked, adjusted, and edited to make it longer, shorter, and shifted as needed. - I really frown upon the idea of using the judges, or any individual posters in general, as characters or stage ideas. Only djp should be included, if the whole 'him as Dr. Light' thing goes over well with people. Beyond that, I think concepts and happenings given boss form would work better, and make more sense. I was the main writer and one of the spriters for the UnMod RPG, and I know first hand what happens when plans get too grandiose and diluted. More and more got added to that game, until it became such a daunting workload on all fronts, that people just dropped out from it left and right once they saw what was needed. I'd hate to see that happen here, especially since this was supposed to be a reasonably quick and simple idea. I hope I'm not coming off as pushy here, as that's not my intension. This isn't my idea, and I'm not the one that has to put all this stuff together via code. However, I'd like to hear what spuzz and Wingless have to say on everything that's been proposed. If they think the idea I wrote sounds like a good base to build on, then I'll do everything in my power to keep things quick and simple story-wise. If they don't like it and want to go with other ideas that have been put forth, then I'll simply keep my mouth shut and continue making the two backgrounds (which I'd hate to have to ditch) that I've got going unless I'm asked to help in the new short storyline at some point. What say you two? You were both in this project before I was, so it's your call I believe. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 More and more got added to that game, until it became such a daunting workload on all fronts, that people just dropped out from it left and right once they saw what was needed. I'd hate to see that happen here, especially since this was supposed to be a reasonably quick and simple idea. So true... And on that note, I propose some minor changes to the sprite (seeing as how it's such a major part of the game). It doesn't seem like there'll be a massive amount of frames either; I could even be the one to make these changes (once I have more free time in a few weeks). Left side is original, right side is edited: (I am getting WAY too hyped about this thread =p) Quote
Binjovi Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 - I like the idea of a sprite version of djp being used in a Dr. Light role for maybe the opening and/or ending stuff.- I really frown upon the idea of using the judges, or any individual posters in general, as characters or stage ideas. Only djp should be included, if the whole 'him as Dr. Light' thing goes over well with people. Instead of DJP himself, how about... ...Pretzel? Quote
The Coop Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Instead of DJP himself, how about... ...Pretzel? Even better Quote
OverCoat Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 By the way, what is with this comic, and why do I keep seeing it with different things in the word bubbles? And, does it have any potential for cutscenes? It's based on the Churuya 4koma Feel free to do more. Here's the two other ones I did: Also, yes! Quote
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