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Haha, I checked out the demo and just wanted to say that the charging animation is ridiculously distracting. How would it even look when you're running?

Oh well, I'm sure you guys have something in mind already. MAKE IT WORK. [/timgunn]

  • 2 weeks later...

What's up? I haven't seen any posts for at least a week now. Did the project get dropped, or are people just bogged down with other stuff (i.e. finals, etc.)?

  • 1 month later...

Well, after the Fan Art Competition got revived, I've been in a bit of a drawing mood lately. I decided that I wanted to draw some anime girls in swimsuits because it's summer and all, so I went about doodling up a quick sketch of 4-Tan in a bikini. The thread was going to disappear fairly soon, so I felt I ought to use this as an excuse to bump.


This is still a WIP. Hopefully, I'll be able to do at least one for 3-Tan as well.

Omgzz Her Bewbs Are 2 Big

Yeah, I know. She doesn't look like any real girl I know!

Anyway, I doodled up that 3-Tan. I'll probably go ahead and work on the other two for fun. It's interesting trying to tie their swimsuits into their actual outfit designs.


Yeah, I know. She doesn't look like any real girl I know!

Anyway, I doodled up that 3-Tan. I'll probably go ahead and work on the other two for fun. It's interesting trying to tie their swimsuits into their actual outfit designs.


<3 OCR3-tan


Glad to see my work is appreciated! I finally added the last two girls, and made some tweaks and corrections to 3, and 4.


Click to enlarge.

Still a WIP. Hopefully, I can get them all fully colored and on a background. Actually, now that I think about it, this is the first image created in which all four versions are together. =O

Still a WIP. Hopefully, I can get them all fully colored and on a background. Actually, now that I think about it, this is the first image created in which all four versions are together. =O


I hope you can get them on a background too.

I clicked and it enlarged.

I bet it did!

Anyway, things will be moving slowly for the rest of the pic. Sketching is easy, lineart and coloring, not as much. I did do a quick color mock-up just to make sure everything is going to work out nice when I get it all finished up.


No enlargement here. I just roughed in the colors anyway.

I bet it did!

Anyway, things will be moving slowly for the rest of the pic. Sketching is easy, lineart and coloring, not as much. I did do a quick color mock-up just to make sure everything is going to work out nice when I get it all finished up.


No enlargement here. I just roughed in the colors anyway.

looks awesome man


This is just me, but the ages attributed to the 'chans' looks odd in spots. OCR4 would be the youngest (left), OCR3 would be the next youngest (mid-left), OCR2 would be next in age (mid-right, since she looks like she's a little older than the one to her right), and OCR1 would be the oldest (right). It's not intended as nit picky garbage, it's just something I noticed.


Heh. Have OCR1 be about 65, OCR2 in her early 40s, OCR3 in her late teens, and OCR4 at about 9 years old :lol:

This is just me, but the ages attributed to the 'chans' looks odd in spots. OCR4 would be the youngest (left), OCR3 would be the next youngest (mid-left), OCR2 would be next in age (mid-right, since she looks like she's a little older than the one to her right), and OCR1 would be the oldest (right). It's not intended as nit picky garbage, it's just something I noticed.


Heh. Have OCR1 be about 65, OCR2 in her early 40s, OCR3 in her late teens, and OCR4 at about 9 years old :lol:

was thinking the opposite, with the maturity of the site.


Eh, I'm sure there's a proper metaphor to describe the age changes. ...I admit though that I'm too lazy to really come up with it at the moment.

Either way. I'm loving that work, and 2-tan and 4-tan are my favorites of the four. The volleyball is a good detail, IMO. I can't wait to see the finished product. You could probably find a way to turn that into a wallpaper too.

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