anthonynemer Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 I got it ^^ aqnd started playing it yesterday night! And I have NO clue what the hell I'm doing at work right now!! (it's 9:24 am over here). SNAAAAAKE!! Quote
DJMetal Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 I intentionally hid the truth from myself so that I wouldn't go crazy from the wait. I had no idea until today that the US release is on the 12th. So now I only have to wait 2 more days! BWAHAHAHAHAH! DJ Metal Quote
anthonynemer Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 LOL! You bastard! haha 2 days vs. 3.5 year Cheers! Quote
Strike911 Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 I got it ^^ aqnd started playing it yesterday night! And I have NO clue what the hell I'm doing at work right now!! (it's 9:24 am over here).SNAAAAAKE!! <-- very jealous. >_< and man... I'm so excited for this game coming out. I just... *gasps for air* ... I had a blast playing the MGO beta. To think that about that type of gunplay in a single player scenario makes me really really much more excited (really, really). All the interaction with enemies and stuff. *nods* If I can just avoid another day and a half of spoilers I will have made it through the entire MGS4 launch unscathed! AND THERE BETTER BE SOME OCR METAL GEAR ONLINE PLAYIN' MEETUPS ONCE THIS COMES OUT... seriously... it'd be criminal if we didn't. In fact, a crime against humanity. Like concentration camps, torture, and Hanson. I would never wish Hanson on anyone. Quote
Global-Trance Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 A brief talk with my friend who works at a movie theater. (6/10/2008 12:10:52 AM) das madbat ya: guess who i met today (12:11:12 AM) das madbat ya: hint: he has a game coming out this week (5:52:41 AM) wuhoo2: what did you meet David Hayter? (11:11:44 AM) das madbat ya: yeah (11:12:01 AM) das madbat ya: he was going to go watch sex and the city (11:12:04 AM) das madbat ya: by himself (11:16:44 AM) das madbat ya: sigh LOL Quote
Dyne Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 AND THERE BETTER BE SOME OCR METAL GEAR ONLINE PLAYIN' MEETUPS ONCE THIS COMES OUT... seriously... it'd be criminal if we didn't. In fact, a crime against humanity. Like concentration camps, torture, and Hanson. I would never wish Hanson on anyone. Oh you know it. Mmm hmm! I can't wait man. I'm spending a large percentage of this weekend behind my controller on this game. The wide screen is ALL MINE. Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 Snake? SNAKE?!! SNAAAAAAAAKKKKKEEEE!!!!!!11one!1 Just had to do it. Quote
Strike911 Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 Right on. 28 hours until MGS4 is in my hands! We're almost at the 'one day left' milestone!!! Anyone else get the Limited Edition? Quote
Global-Trance Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I did. Couldn't pass up that sweet box. Quote
atmuh Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 so i think im going to start playing metal gear games since ive never played one ever in my life will i with my incredibly short attention span be dissapointed Quote
Global-Trance Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 so i think im going to start playing metal gear games since ive never played one ever in my lifewill i with my incredibly short attention span be dissapointed Depends. MGS1 and MGS2 didn't require too much skill to sneak... they upped the ante for that in MGS3 where sneaking around takes much more patience. If you like serious movies, then you will probably like it. Quote
atmuh Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 its not a matter of patience in sneaking around that would make me not like it its more about long boring cut scenes Quote
Necrotic Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 its not a matter of patience in sneaking around that would make me not like itits more about long boring cut scenes Only one way to find out, so go play. Quote
Strike911 Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 its not a matter of patience in sneaking around that would make me not like itits more about long boring cut scenes The cutscenes are all there to add to the story. They're important, and if you're the type of person that likes a really massive, twisting story then you'll enjoy them. The gameplay has always been fun but if you've never played a MGS title, getting into the mindset of being patient and sneaking around a fight instead of taking out everyone can sometimes feel a little unnatural, given how accustomed we are to just unloading machine guns and taking out entire armies. You cannot fight a winning battle against a large group of enemies in Metal Gear Solid for very long. You may enjoy it. Try the first Metal Gear Solid, give it a go. If you find that you're enjoying yourself then you'll most definitely want to try the others (as the gameplay just keeps getting better). If you don't like it, then you might want to try MGS3 and see how you like the gameplay there. I wouldn't advise trying MGS2 unless you know the story from the first game, because the whole concept of MGS2 relies on prior knowledge from MGS1 (not necessarily the story per se, but the experience of the original). Anyway, yeah, there are some long-ish cutscenes, long codec conversations, and coming from the same camp that dislikes long drawn out cutscenes, Metal Gear Solid is one of the few games that I actually enjoy playing through with its occasional long cutscenes and long codec conversations. Take that as you will. Quote
anthonynemer Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 its not a matter of patience in sneaking around that would make me not like itits more about long boring cut scenes We should crucify you upside down for defining the long cut scenes as "boring" lol Just like Strike911 said, the whole story is in the cut scenes. As you said, they're usually quite long, true, but if you are actually a fan of the MGS story, you'll be looking forward to these. That's why you should start with MGS1, either on PS or on Gamecube, get intrigued by the whole plot, it's just amazing! Or else, if you really don't care about the story or lack the patience of watching, just play directly MGS4. But you'll get only a few percent of the whole fun, and that will really be too bad. Anyways... whatever you do, enjoy Quote
Strike911 Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 18 hours, 57 minutes, and 23 seconds until the game launches. (You East coasters get it one hour earlier though! Darn Central time!) I can't believe the game is so close to being here! That was a really long 3 year wait! So damned excited. Quote
anthonynemer Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I already did 5 hours of gaming. Can't wait till I go back home in 2h 40 min!! Its just brilliant!! ^^ Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I think that Konami spoiled the whole game with all of it's trailers. If you look for them, the entire story is spoiled. I'm thinking that unless there is a mountain of content that they didn't show us, (which I don't think there is) it will be all too familar. Quote
blangwilky Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 Am i nuts for wanting to drop $600.00 just to play this game? I am a huge fan of the series... but only have the Xbox 360 right now. $600.00 is a lot for one game... but metal gear...... metal gear.... metal gear... I just may have to sell my first born child to play this. Quote
Strike911 Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I already did 5 hours of gaming. lucky! I'm very jealous, but I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it thus far. Makes me more psyched! $600.00 is a lot for one game Hey man, there are a ton of fantastic games coming out almost every month for the PS3 this year. While it didn't have that great of a first year to start with (man that was a slow year!), from here on out it looks like we'll see some pretty good titles coming out consistently. Metal Gear Solid 2 proved what the PlayStation2 was capable of back in 2001. MGS4 looks like it may be in that top spot for that catalyst effect too on the PS3. 8 hours, 36 minutes, and 33 seconds until Metal Gear Solid 4 is here! Quote
sae Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 I traded in my Wii and it's games/accessories for a ps3 this week just for MGS4. Can't wait!!! Quote
Strike911 Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 5 hours, 18 minutes, and 54 seconds until Metal Gear Solid 4 is in my hands! AND A QUESTION to anthonynemer... Konami said the game would run at 60 FPS. Metal Gear Online's beta did not run at 60 FPS unless you were looking straight down at the character or at the sky. Does MGS4 run at 60FPS like they said it would or no? Not a big deal either way... 60 FPS makes it look more like a next-gen game. 30 FPS makes it look more similar to a movie. ha. Quote
Global-Trance Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 I sadly can't pick this up until tomorrow evening thanks to job training early in the morning... BUT HAPPY SNAKE/SNEAK DAY AHEAD OF TIME EVERYONE! <3 Quote
sgx Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 I'm gonna get up at 630 in the morning and try to pick up one of the MGS4 80gb PS3's at walmart and get that $100 gift card. I don't really want a PS3 RIGHT NOW, but I want one sometime and this is a good deal. Quote
Dunnowhathuh Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 I'm so tempted to go and get the damn thing right now. 4 things holding me back though: aussie PS3 = expensive, aussie MGS4 = expensive, goin to Japan at the end of the year so I may as well get everything then (couldn't give a stuff about movies for the Blu-Ray player, I'd just have the PS3 for its games) and I'm kinda starting my final exams for the semester. Bah, I still want it now though. Quote
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