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  Seattle OverCoat said:
Pro-52 (I don't have pro-53) has clearly marked automation. you can record pitch shift and modulation here.

Forgive my ignorance, but where is this located on 52? "event controller" is greyed-out on 53, and "enable CC to host automation conversion" in 52's menus doesn't seem to do anything. I tried just live recording while playing with the modwheel as well, and it's not working...


  Legion303 said:
Forgive my ignorance, but where is this located on 52? "event controller" is greyed-out on 53, and "enable CC to host automation conversion" in 52's menus doesn't seem to do anything. I tried just live recording while playing with the modwheel as well, and it's not working...


Hmm.. actually, I tested with the event editor, I didn't try live recording.

Umm.. oh well? :(


I have a very annoying problem, and if it was answered in previous pages, I apoligise for asking it again. I just do not have thte patience to read more than 20 pages of this. Anyway, my problem is that sometimes when I use VSTis, specifically Slayer and JunoX2, sometimes when I insert a channel and put another VSTi channel, the first VSTi channel will not give sound. I have tried to work around this but I need at least two VSTi channels in my remix, so I cannot seem to do so. Please help!


I have a question regarding violin soundfonts and vibrato.

I've just completed a Zelda remix using string instruments ( http://remix.overclocked.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=18862&start=0 ) and a Roland Violin solo soundfont as the lead instrument. This might sound like a bit of a picky question... but.. well, the soundfont I'm using has vibrato in itself (i.e. the samples were recorded with vibrato) but as you might know, it's not possible (on a real acoustic violin) to do vibrato when you are playing on an open string. For example, if you are playing the G below middle C (umm.. G3) that is the lowest note a violin can play (tuned properly of course). It's played on the lowest string, open, thus there can never be any vibrato on that note for violin.

I'm wondering if there's a relatively simple way, whether it involves getting a different soundfont or tweaking something or whatever, to make most of the notes have a delayed vibrato, but have certain selected notes flat. I don't think it's something that's too noticeable on a quick piece like the one I linked to, but I'm just wondering, you know, for future reference.

  Kimchi said:
I have a question regarding violin soundfonts and vibrato.

I've just completed a Zelda remix using string instruments ( http://remix.overclocked.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=18862&start=0 ) and a Roland Violin solo soundfont as the lead instrument. This might sound like a bit of a picky question... but.. well, the soundfont I'm using has vibrato in itself (i.e. the samples were recorded with vibrato) but as you might know, it's not possible (on a real acoustic violin) to do vibrato when you are playing on an open string. For example, if you are playing the G below middle C (umm.. G3) that is the lowest note a violin can play (tuned properly of course). It's played on the lowest string, open, thus there can never be any vibrato on that note for violin.

I'm wondering if there's a relatively simple way, whether it involves getting a different soundfont or tweaking something or whatever, to make most of the notes have a delayed vibrato, but have certain selected notes flat. I don't think it's something that's too noticeable on a quick piece like the one I linked to, but I'm just wondering, you know, for future reference.

i dont know anything about vibrato, but if that means where you hold your finger on the fret and like... wiggle it, to produce a wobbling sound, then cant you do the same thing without your fingers?

I mean, the tool used for violins to pull across the strings to create the sound, cant you move that hand pulling the tool to create vibrato, thus making any open string have the effect intended?

and i dont think there is any way you can make the vibrato delay on the soundfont if its built into the sound, but i could be wrong. The only solution i can give is to get a soundfont that has no vibrato at all and adjust it yourself by adding it in.

And if you can take out or delay the vibrato, its probably a lot easier to add it into a font then delay/take it away.

(sorry if im confusing or didnt help, just trying to help as much as i can)

  Xelebes said:
ok...how do you even extract a sfpack file to become a sf2?

get the sfpack tool... go on google and searhc for sfpack and you should find the program.

its just like a zip needs winzip, a rar needs winrar, etc.

  DM Lee said:
  Kimchi said:
I have a question regarding violin soundfonts and vibrato.

I've just completed a Zelda remix using string instruments ( http://remix.overclocked.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=18862&start=0 ) and a Roland Violin solo soundfont as the lead instrument. This might sound like a bit of a picky question... but.. well, the soundfont I'm using has vibrato in itself (i.e. the samples were recorded with vibrato) but as you might know, it's not possible (on a real acoustic violin) to do vibrato when you are playing on an open string. For example, if you are playing the G below middle C (umm.. G3) that is the lowest note a violin can play (tuned properly of course). It's played on the lowest string, open, thus there can never be any vibrato on that note for violin.

I'm wondering if there's a relatively simple way, whether it involves getting a different soundfont or tweaking something or whatever, to make most of the notes have a delayed vibrato, but have certain selected notes flat. I don't think it's something that's too noticeable on a quick piece like the one I linked to, but I'm just wondering, you know, for future reference.

i dont know anything about vibrato, but if that means where you hold your finger on the fret and like... wiggle it, to produce a wobbling sound, then cant you do the same thing without your fingers?

I mean, the tool used for violins to pull across the strings to create the sound, cant you move that hand pulling the tool to create vibrato, thus making any open string have the effect intended?

and i dont think there is any way you can make the vibrato delay on the soundfont if its built into the sound, but i could be wrong. The only solution i can give is to get a soundfont that has no vibrato at all and adjust it yourself by adding it in.

And if you can take out or delay the vibrato, its probably a lot easier to add it into a font then delay/take it away.

(sorry if im confusing or didnt help, just trying to help as much as i can)

Yeah, I was thinking I would probably have to find one without vibrato and add it in... Does anyone know of some solo string instrument soundfonts (like violin, cello, etc.) that come without vibrato? Also, how can one apply vibrato and such to a soundfont in FruityLoops?

As for creating vibrato on an actual string instrument: The finger wiggling is making the string length rapidly longer and shorter, which makes the pitch go up and down quickly. That's what vibrato is. Wiggling the bow won't do anything to change the pitch; The bow is just what pulls the string a little bit and lets it go back to it's original position very rapidly to create the sound. It's sort of the 'reed' of a string instrument, you might say.


oh, duh, i didnt even think of the fact that you actually bend the string with your fingers, which obvioulsy wouldnt work with the "reed" part.

My bad.

And i would say check www.thesounsite.net but they have been down for so long now i dont really think they are coming back.


Okay Kimchi.... solution.

Use a flanger with no feedback and a waveform (LFO) that is negative in polarity but same exact rate to that of the Tremolo... such that the flanger's high is the tremolos low and the flanger's low is the tremolos high.

I'll see if my friend Dave can score me up a VST that can do that... even to get the specific waveshape created (like hastened down-pull or hastened up-pull).


I think this has been addressed earlier in the thread, but I can't figure out how to send my downloaded soundfonts into a folder where I can access it from the browser. Any help would be appreciated.


Okay, I found the folder but can't figure out how to put the soundfonts in it. Do I have to save them directly into the folder or is there a way to send them there? Thanks for your help.


Uh, I made a song I want to submit, but I'm not exactly sure how do those tag things DJP was talkin about in the submission guidelines... the Title, Genre and whatnot. I'm not sure if I do this while the file is still .flp, or when it's the .mp3, so I wasn't sure if I should post this here or not. I did fill out the song info part in Fruity Loops, but I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to do something else.

Am I supposed to use an mp3 encoder, like DJP alluded to with that broken link, or was that just there so people could get their songs down under 6MB?

Thanks for any answers... I'm sure this won't be my last post here.


i have question regarding fruityloops, i made a big boo boo by accidently saving over a very long process of work in FL's it was an FLP file, i tried recovering it from easy data recovery but thats no help. Is there any other possible solution or am i screwed? i hate to put all those hours back in. :\


I'm having annoying volume problems. The volume controls just seem to do what they want, when they want. I have no control!

I got at least 10 more questions, but i'll save em' for yas :wink:


Volume just doing what it wants to? Try checking the track it's going crazy on. Look in the automation for the instrument. Make sure you do it in the pattern the instrument does that on, because each pattern has it's own automation. Maybe you accidentally recorded or drew in some volume changes in a pattern you didn't want them in.

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