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they had a fruity beat slicer tutorial in there that let me know what the beat slicer was pretty much all about... do you really need a beat slicer if you manually program all of your percussion?


i dont make the samples, i mean i put them in arranged, like i dont ever "EVER" use the step sequencer, it just seems like cheating to me or something, i put all my percussion into the piano roll and i dont use i also dont use the playlist, i program everything into one full song... does this like eat up more memory or something?


Yeah, i just don't use it. If i do, i just use automation.. i record the scratcher in a certain pattern doing a certain scratch. The thing tht doesn't make sense to me is the fact that the scratcher is an effect and not a generator...i can see it as both..


yeah, i only use scratch samples if i need em. I dont really have much use for scratching but i want to make some old school run dmc type remixes, my main inspiration would be "It's like that" run dmc vs jason nevins i think. Also egyptian lover is an old school techno hiphop mix that is pretty kewl i want to imitate the style of.

i dont make the samples, i mean i put them in arranged, like i dont ever "EVER" use the step sequencer, it just seems like cheating to me or something, i put all my percussion into the piano roll and i dont use i also dont use the playlist, i program everything into one full song... does this like eat up more memory or something?

that's very time consuming, and very much a pain in the ass. if you wanna go on doing it that way, fine. but the step sequencer and playlist editor are there for a reason. it's about six-thousand times easier to do it that way. also... well... nevermind.


i actually find it to be a pain in the ass to have to switch between playlist and regular play to hear just one section, and then you have to move the playlist ummmm, playpoint (the line that tells you where in the song its playing) to where you want to hear, and in the playlist i will probably forget what little blocks are playing what... the playlist just seems too confusing to me, and i think it feels better to see my music in one big piece rather than a ton of little pieces i have to put together like a puzzle. I find the playlist more time consuming.

I guess if i used it more and got used to it, it could be better than one piano roll, i guess it comes down to personal taste.


Well I'm what remixers call a Beginner. I have just submitted a remix to ChronoTrigger that might come up in a few days if it makes it.


Tell me what you think.

I also want to know on FruityLoops when using the playlist (because I haven't really dived into the whole program yet) I will have a solo going, and once the solo stops, it stays in the backround the whole time, Like the strings on the end of Lavos1999. It actually made a cool effect on Lavos1999 but in some cases I do not want it there. Any Help?


uhhh okay i dont think i have the fruity scrather thing what version is it in i lookedd all over and cant find it i have fruity loop 3.0 full. am i just blind or is it not in this version?


actually i did have 3.0 before and i swear i remember messing with it one time, but not having a clue what to do other than put an instrument and scratch it back and forth, other than that it was useless.


Ok I need some help in FL, How would I go about in making a piano line into a decent electrical guitar sound? Is it possible?


I know. There's a VST effect somewhere called Warp or WarpVST or whatever. I found it on KaZaA, so I don't know if I had to pay for it or not. Please tell me if it could have been purchased.

ANYWAYS, once you get it and install it, start it up, put it in an FX channel, set it to "plexi" or something, it's the middle line. put the effect on a piano and it will actually sound remotely like a guitar. I think. Do it, it sounds cool!


Ech... this is a hard question to put into words...

I have written tracks for a song I am writing; some of my channels are .WAV's (each one is a different part of a drum kit). I want to get each of these channels and change what they play into soundfont sounds. If I simply add another channel that is the soundfont player, then I have to cut and paste every single note in every single .wav channel into the soundfont player -- so this is really not what I want to do. Does anyone know of a way to do this? All I can do right now is change the sound that the channel plays into a different .wav sound :(

If the question is unclear, let me know... otherwise, I hope to hear an answer from you guys soon.

- Rossodio


Ech... not quite. I have soundfonts, know how to manipulate them using the soundfont player, etc... The problem is that i have already written some music using a .WAV channel running through FX filters. I want to get these beats/notes and move them into a soundfont player channel, as opposed to having to cut and paste all the notes for all of my tracks manually. Does this make any more sense? Damn, I wish I could think of a better way to ask this. Ugh :(


You can move the midi information from one track to another. Get in piano roll for the track you want to copy. Click on the little piano icon in the upper left corner of the piano roll window. Edit-select all (or ctrl+A). Edit-copy. Then open piano roll for the soundfont channel you wish to move the data to. Click the little piano icon again. Edit-paste. This will move the midi data for the entire length of the pattern.

Don't know if that is what you are asking or not.

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