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Amazing. The pickings have been a little slim around here lately, but OCREMIX has done it again. A full on CD remix of some of the best music to ever hit the video game world across its broad face.

And what remixes they are! Ah, it only makes me want to submit my mixes all the more. And why not? I've been listening to some of the most innovative music (I'm talking about the remixes) ever created, a pure mixture of music and talent that can only be found in the dedicated and the talented novice. The brilliance of talent, mixed with the insight and freedom of the relative novice... it's made for nearly a decade of great listening for me.

Whenever I go on a trip, it's your music booming in my Ipod. Whenever I switch on the keyboard and bang out a tune, it's your music inspiring me.

Thank you, OCREMIX.


You know there's this entire thread dedicated to people talking about the new album, right? It's in Site Projects. It even has the name of the album in the title. If you want to thank them for it, go there.

As for everything else, there's Reviews where you can comment on each song personally.


I would like to thank all the little people I stepped on to get this point. Without them, I would never have realized my greatness. It would still be there, of course, because I'm that good.

Actually, there is an appreciation thread in offtopic for this type of thing. Go post there. In other news, OJ is apparently in trouble for stealing his own memorabilia.

in b4 lock. so why is the torrent like 2.52 gigs? does the average OCr visitor download that big of files? cuz that's like a week of torrenting.

Answered elsewhere I think, but the torrent includes WAV files of all the songs so you can burn them to CD's without losing quality from mp3 compression.


Yeah, the torrent size is from the WAVs. Why WAVs over FLAC? Because not everyone has a player that comes with FLAC, and for those people it would require extra software simply to play the files... and/or to decode them so you can burn them to CD. Honestly, I don't think that's worth it. With the WAVs, you can immediately burn them and you don't need to worry about compatibility. Same reason we went with MP3 and not OGG.

Lock'd, Goez In "thank You" Suparthred Which Duz Not Load In Hybrid Mode Lulz
You're one of those people who occasionally release songs in alternative formats, which is a shame because I enjoyed several of your songs over at vgmix and here. :(

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