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Most have said what I've thought of, but Batman Begins is one of my favorite especially the track Molossus.


Star Trek: Nemisis (I know people hate that movie, but I still like it),

Fifth Element (already stated, I know)


Leon The Professional (done by the same guy who did Fifth Element music)

The Incredibles



Ok, at last somebody mentions A Beautiful Mind...it was the first one I was going to bring up. Absolutely beautiful.

The score to GOLDENEYE is amazing. Moody and very unusual, it is so much fun to listen to.

The score (not soundtrack) to JAWBREAKER by Stephen Endelman is surreal and beautiful. How it ever got paired up with that movie is beyond me, but it is a hidden gem and completely unlike anything I've ever heard.

The soundtrack to ONCE brings me to tears. I love that music so much, particularly "Falling Slowly," "Mind's Made Up," and "Say It To Me Now" I defy you to find someone singing anything with nearly as much passion as the vocalists in this

The score to PAPRIKA is fantastic too, probably the most everything in this soundtrack than there is anything in all the others. Very random. "Parade" is incredibly moving and creepy too.

KIMERA has an explosive soundtrack that most of this community will appreciate...classic violin techno. Tell me that does not make you salivate in your giblets.

Both the soundtrack and score to WICKER PARK are beautiful.

And might as well mention the score to SOLARIS while we're here.

Which brings me to SUNSHINE, which is a crime against humanity that no soundtrack exists for it yet.

As for everyone's favorite Miyazaki, his favorites of mine are his work in ROBOT CARNIVAL, SPIRITED AWAY, PRINCESS MONONOKE, and PARASITE EVE. All of those are very moving listens.

HENRY FOOL has a fun soundtrack which is scattered throughout the cd against its moody score, which has ecchoes of 8-bit throughout. Hooray!

AMELIE and GOODBYE LENIN are Yann Tierson's masterpieces, and that piano takes me to someplace new every time I hear it.

ONE HOUR PHOTO and RUN LOLA RUN's soundtracks are worth mentioning

Of course THE FOUNTAIN has already been mentioned. It needs no explanation, it is the best current score by my estimation.

Lastly, this is a bit of a stretch, but it must be brought up. I /still/ listen to the Deep Space Bass soundtrack to TOONAMI. Fantastic techno remixes and those tracks just take me back to 4th grade afternoons of rushing home to watch Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z. Man. Awesome.

And just for fun I'm throwing in PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE, which has some haunting melodies but mostly some fun rock and roll that is only endearing if you've seen the movie. Which is hilarious.

Oh my God, QFE. That soundtrack is Jerry Goldsmith's finest work, with MAYBE the exception of the DS9 main theme.

He did the original movie theme (which eventually became the TNG theme) and the Voyager theme too, both of which are fantastic.

Almost all the Star Trek movie themes were good, First Contact being the best of them. But II, IV, VI, Generations, and Insurrection were also great scores.

Goldsmith also did Air Force One, which is another of my favorite scores.


Holy crap, I can't believe I forgot about this one. All this talk about Jurassic Park 12 got me thinking about the old Don Bluth films. The first (I put emphasis on 1st 'cause sequels just suck...most of the time) American Tail was awesome. The music put me in the movie and carried my heart through all of lil Fivel's hardships. Also, the Land Before Time (the first one. All sequels were absolute SHIT.) music was a true heartwrencher. It's music was truely magical and fantastic.

Also, I don't know if these were covered, but there you go.

Not a single mention of A Beautiful Mind? You disappoint me, good movie soundtrack thread.

yeah, its good, but its also pretty much the same thing played over and over again "ah AAH ahh - ah AAH ahh...etc"

As for everyone's favorite Miyazaki, his favorites of mine are his work in ROBOT CARNIVAL, SPIRITED AWAY, PRINCESS MONONOKE, and PARASITE EVE. All of those are very moving listens.


Not to be nitpicky, but Joe Hisaishi does the music for Miyazaki films, not Miyzaki himself. Hisaishi was also the one who did Robot Carnival and Parasite Eve.


My bad, I meant Joe Hisaishi but typed Miyazaki...probably not the first time it happened, I'm sure.

Also, the soundtrack for Sunshine has somehow leaked onto the web, but there's still no plans for an actual release.

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