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I opened Phantom Hourglass today. I charged my DS yesterday and the power's on red again. Sailing is fun, change in interface mechanics is interesting. I've died a couple times already. Good Zelda game.

My least favorite Zelda game is Minish Cap. Short dungeons, weak level design, GBA doesn't do music well, DID NOT like the sidequests.


The best thing Linebeck does is when he totally mocks you for becoming a Goron brother on the Goron island. I just love that they put an NPC in the game who's so blatantly negative in a good way.

The best thing Linebeck does is when he totally mocks you for becoming a Goron brother on the Goron island. I just love that they put an NPC in the game who's so blatantly negative in a good way.

lol, that actually was pretty funny. His presence in the game really adds a lot IMO.

Anyway, hoping to have enough time to beat the game today or tomorrow...then gotta go back and collect the rest of the stuff, like Strike911 was saying :-P. Great fun, this game.

lol, that actually was pretty funny. His presence in the game really adds a lot IMO.

Anyway, hoping to have enough time to beat the game today or tomorrow...then gotta go back and collect the rest of the stuff, like Strike911 was saying :-P. Great fun, this game.

So true! haha. Linebeck is awesome. I don't want to give away any spoilers but the one cutscene early in the game when he drops... someone... was really really funny.

I love Linebeck! Zelda never has had a really self-serving good guy and it's great breath of fresh air for the series.


I've beaten it.

The first half is way too easy. The second half is respectable difficulty. Way harder than Twilight Princess.

You get a LOT of rupees by the way.

EDIT: Phantom Hourglass support added to the ClanOCR Database in my sig.

Seriously, last night the wife and I scuffled over who'd get to play Phantom Hourglass when we both wanted to play at the same time. She also stole my DS in the process, so now I need to go buy myself a new DS. I love my logic.

That is so messed up... but I have used that loop before with my wifey.... so, I guess its just what us mens need to do to get by...


Finally got the time to beat the game...very fun. Every boss battle was unique and certainly not a chore to fight. Playing this really makes me wanna play Wind Waker again.


Just beat the game. A solid addition to the series, and not a bad sequel to what is probably my third favorite Zelda. Linebeck is quality, but I'm not going to call him over Midna.

There are a couple occasions where the controls could have been better (rolling is a pain,) but otherwise great use of both the touch and dual screen features. The difficulty on this game is weird; some of the battles are the easiest things ever (I'm looking at you first few bosses,) but the dungeons often seemed to wreck my hearts.

Only major caveat though is the music could be better. I really don't know why they got rid of the Windwaker sailing theme. I freakin' love that song. So epic. Still, all in all, a great game.

  • 3 weeks later...

My only complaint about Phantom Hourglass is that it can be a complete cakewalk most of the time. Although ironically it's the Zelda game which challenged me the most recently because of the Temple of the Ocean king dungeon, which can get insane at times. Loving that challenge!

Other than that, great game. Nice controls, cool puzzles, nice sailing. I also was very surprised about the storyline. While it's not as good as Link's Awakening (best handheld Zelda storyline, hands down), it did over some insight on connecting itself with The Four Sword series, the Minish Cap in particular. As a Zelda fan, I enjoyed that.

Now, to finish the game. :P

My only complaint about Phantom Hourglass is that it can be a complete cakewalk most of the time. Although ironically it's the Zelda game which challenged me the most recently because of the Temple of the Ocean king dungeon, which can get insane at times. Loving that challenge!

Other than that, great game. Nice controls, cool puzzles, nice sailing. I also was very surprised about the storyline. While it's not as good as Link's Awakening (best handheld Zelda storyline, hands down), it did over some insight on connecting itself with The Four Sword series, the Minish Cap in particular. As a Zelda fan, I enjoyed that.

Now, to finish the game. :P

Yeah, while some said in reviews that the Temple of the Ocean King was too repetetive, I thought it was one of the best elements to the game. Getting to go back with new items, trying to beat your time, and all that was really fun for me.


^I'm one of those guys that (so far) really doesn't care for Temple of the Ocean King. It's fun at first, but after a while it becomes annoying in its repetitiveness, particularly when some of the puzzles turn into childish fetch quests (find triangle, insert triangle into triangle shape hole, remove triangle, take triangle to different floor, insert into different triangle shape hole). Maybe I just haven't enjoyed it because the time limits have forced me to do the same floors multiple times. I'm only about halfway through, however, so I remain optimistic about the whole thing and the rest of the game is fantastic (except maybe the music, but that's another story...).

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