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It might just be me, but as Christmas and the holiday game season approaches, I'm feeling way behind on PC computing power when I shouldn't be. I'm currently running a 3 Ghz x86 processor, a 7800 GTX, and 1GB of RAM. Yes, I need a little more RAM, but that's not the issue.

The real question is: How many of you guys are DX10 / x64 capable, and how many of you are going / willing to upgrade if it becomes neccessary?

Crysis, Call of Duty 4, and UT3 all call my name...but if they don't support DX9, I won't be able to play them -- I personally can't afford a new mobo/processor and graphics card with college bills to pay.


I know I sure as hell ain't. I'm running about your same specs, with a bit more ram (about a gig and a half) and a nice graphics card from a year ago. I don't use my PC for gaming though. Its just for movies, music, and the odd college assignment. Oh yeah, and the typing of my books. If a really badass game comes out of the online genre... maybe... I just don't have the moola to upgrade.


i have a x64 processor, but theres no way in hell im upgrading to dx10 anytime soon. i have no intentions of buying vista or any of the games that require it. when developers make games worth my time and money maybe id consider.

Either the devs/vendors will create a patch to allow DX9/XP users to play them or simply isolate the user base.

well microsoft likes to forcefully make people buy their newer shit, so isolate user base it is.


I've pretty much given up on playing new games until I have the money to buy a desktop to replace/supplement my laptop. And that's not gonna be any time soon. It's not so bad, though, because there are plenty of older games I still haven't played.

At the rate I'm going, I figure I'll probably be playing Bioshock in about 5 years.

I've pretty much given up on playing new games until I have the money to buy a desktop to replace/supplement my laptop. And that's not gonna be any time soon. It's not so bad, though, because there are plenty of older games I still haven't played.

At the rate I'm going, I figure I'll probably be playing Bioshock in about 5 years.

Pretty much the same here.

I cant play PC games at all unless I uninstall my Norton A-V, because the bastard sucks all the juice out of my processor. :-(

My problem is that either I get a better car or a new PC.

My car is reaching the 100k miles and no A/C, so a better newer car would be nice.


My PC is 4 years old: Pentium4, 2.5Ghz, 1Gb of RAM and 128Mb on the Video Card. And I would just buy more RAM, but my manufacturer says that 1Gb is the limit for my [old] Mobo.

So ASA my time with Norton is over I'll definitely get rid of it and try a new Anti-Virus.

EDIT: Yet, I'm still undecided about the car. Because A/C is very much appreciated in the heat of Miami.

It might just be me, but as Christmas and the holiday game season approaches, I'm feeling way behind on PC computing power when I shouldn't be. I'm currently running a 3 Ghz x86 processor, a 7800 GTX, and 1GB of RAM. Yes, I need a little more RAM, but that's not the issue.

The real question is: How many of you guys are DX10 / x64 capable, and how many of you are going / willing to upgrade if it becomes neccessary?

Crysis, Call of Duty 4, and UT3 all call my name...but if they don't support DX9, I won't be able to play them -- I personally can't afford a new mobo/processor and graphics card with college bills to pay.

Right now a lot of games are going dual DX9/10 but there does seem to be a serious graphics difference between the two. I am building a rig with vista in mind. Unlike what some people think i don't think this is going to turn into an ME situation unfortunately. DX10 is vista only its stupid but its going to be the way it is i believe.

If you plan on upgrading my suggestion is to upgrade for the long term. If it turns out vista truly does suck i can just uninstall drop in XP and boot that up instead.


Even with the newer stuff, its pretty hard to get many of the new next-gen games coming out running good.

My PC has:

256MB Nvidia 8600GTS

AMD Athlon 64X2 5000+

2GB Ram

I just got the Unreal 3 and Call of Duty 4 demos today and I can't get them running at a constant smooth framerate at anything higher than 800x600. I can just imagine how Crysis will run.

My PC can actually run most older next-gen games very well though. Half-life 2, Doom 3, Prey, F.E.A.R., Company of Heros, Call of Duty 2 and Age of Empires III all run great with everything on high settings at 1024x768 resolution and 2x-4x Anti-aliasing. Bioshock runs pretty good too.

So, basically if you want to run Crysis, Unreal 3, and Call of Duty 4 at good settings you better be ready to fork over a lot of money. An 8800GTS and 4GB of ram would probably give you overall good performance. Also, don't worry about the whole DX10 issue. Most games support both DX9 and 10. Even games like Stracraft II and Rage which aren't even coming this year are going to support both.

I cant play PC games at all unless I uninstall my Norton A-V, because the bastard sucks all the juice out of my processor.

Why not try out AVG Anti-virus, barely notice it on my system and that's when I'm either playing anything, watching a movie, or anything basically.

Try toning down the texture detail a bit if you want to play in higher resolutions.

Texture detail is already pretty low for both Unreal 3 and CoD 4. Any lower and the games would look like utter crap.


Most definitely DX10 capable. Bioshock? I can run that baby at highest quality on 1680*1050. Crysis? Dunno, but I'm keen to find out!

To Hyperion: Yes, DX10 is the way it'll be. Vista isn't an ME already, and for one simple reason: It's stable. Yes, it's stable. Sure, I can crash it, but damned if I don't have to set my mind to doing so.

Even with the newer stuff, its pretty hard to get many of the new next-gen games coming out running good.

My PC has:

256MB Nvidia 8600GTS

AMD Athlon 64X2 5000+

2GB Ram

I just got the Unreal 3 and Call of Duty 4 demos today and I can't get them running at a constant smooth framerate at anything higher than 800x600. I can just imagine how Crysis will run.

My PC can actually run most older next-gen games very well though. Half-life 2, Doom 3, Prey, F.E.A.R., Company of Heros, Call of Duty 2 and Age of Empires III all run great with everything on high settings at 1024x768 resolution and 2x-4x Anti-aliasing. Bioshock runs pretty good too.

So, basically if you want to run Crysis, Unreal 3, and Call of Duty 4 at good settings you better be ready to fork over a lot of money. An 8800GTS and 4GB of ram would probably give you overall good performance. Also, don't worry about the whole DX10 issue. Most games support both DX9 and 10. Even games like Stracraft II and Rage which aren't even coming this year are going to support both.

For the record sites like newegg are incredible for saving money. Also if your mobo supports it and you are confident in it run SLI or crossfire. (crossfire seems to have made an edge though) 4GB of ram is solid stuff if your mobo can handle it.

Crossfire and SLI though can give you the performance of an 8800GTS while saving you about 50-60 dollars in the long term.

Its worth the effort i know that much. I will be running crossfire with a pair of ATI's latest cards. I am running a system nearly identical to what a friend of mine has and he has a 300 FPS rate on some games my cards are not quite as powerful so slightly less frame rate but other than that i am going to have sick performance.


I upgraded my PC a while ago, and I feel it was worth it. I had played through Oblivion running it at the lowest settings just to get through it, kind of a pain. Then I tried playing STALKER, it barely ran on low. So I decided it was time to upgrade. Running a 1.8 Ghz 6320 Intel Dual Core (which actually is a great buy), 8800 GTS (over my old 6800), and 2 GB of dual-channel RAM. Anyways, I was running Bioshock on max without any problems, and I'm hoping that I won't have to upgrade for a few years still. Don't have Vista though, so while I can run DX10, I don't.


Console games being comparatively as good looking (and definitely having a larger library) than PC games, I probably won't bother. For $500 for a GOOD video card, I'd rather plunge on a PS3.

I just need to play the newest Settlers and StarCraft 2.

Why not try out AVG Anti-virus, barely notice it on my system and that's when I'm either playing anything, watching a movie, or anything basically.

I still have like 6 more months of subscription, so it would be a waste of money if I change now. Even though I really want to :-(


Bought and built this monster myself

Intel Core 2 Quad

4 GB of DDR2

GeForce 8800 GTS

24 inch LCD screen (which also works as a 1080p TV btw...)

Everything else you'd expect.

Bioshock STILL lags at 1920x1200 max settings, hmm. Bumping it to 720p as I believe the 360 version runs at and it's perfect.

I'm so ready for Unreal Tournament 3.

And NOT upgrading any time soon!

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