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Is there some sort of taboo on Banjo Kazooie? =p Nobody seems to be attempting tracks from it's OST, come on people there's some really nice material in it, and for Banjo Tooie too. It's awkward there's not a single post in the WIP section or the Request section even. Grant Kirkhope really did a good job on the OST, enough to crave for ReMixes. Attempting to do all sorts, including techno, trance, orchestra even. Bubblegloop Swamp is one of my really favourite ones, as well as Freezeezy Peak. Not to mention the track behind Gobi's Valley, and the one while we were toileting around in Mad House Mansion. There's good material within the Gold feather and Rubber running shoes theme... but there's always a chance of someone pulling a Vivaldi and doing all four seasons of Click Clock Wood.

I think the gibberish speaking bear, and the motor-mouth bird needs some love. =[



I couldn't have put it better myself. not only are there BARELY any remixies of it ,but the ones that I hear are never taken seriously,with the one here being the exception. I personally would like to hear a tribute to Gruntilda,in an epic/orchestral manner. but like you said nobody ever takes tracks from the OST seriously. What a shame, and with BK3 coming out in god knows when, it might be a nice thing to do if sombody made at least ONE really good remix.


I have to admit, Banjo Kazooie was the game that introduced me into the world of video game music. I remember Best Buy gave out the soundtrack and a N64 t-shirt for purchasing the game. So, I must concur, that this game deserves to have much more remixes. I remember some time ago that there was a remix project for it, did that die?


I listened through the soundtrack yesterday because I loved the game but couldn't remember the music, and I'm trying to pick a song for my next remix. Man. It's really silly and totally its own thing - I can see why no one has tried to do it. I think it suits the game well, but I won't be touching it either. I would love to see someone do something else from this soundtrack, especially Freezeezy Peak.


An epic, orchestral version of the Gruntilda final battle would rock.

As would a really spooky mix of Hall of the Zombie King, it's always good to see what remixers can do with really simple, repeating tracks from games :)

  • 1 month later...

i've been studying banjo kazooie music for a while now. i've attempted treasure trove cove with electric guitars and it never sounded right. i'm trying to learn piano now, so maybe one day i'll be able to finish my idea for a kazooie mix. i love the music, so it will be a priority. also, if someone wants to play piano, i could probably do drums and guitar for treasure trove cove and few others. unfortunately, i have not attempted the gruntilda song. whatcha think, anyone up for it?

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