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Was looking forward to this game but didn't think to reserve it and apparently all of Seattle is sold out of it :-P. Hoping to get it when it gets restocked within the next several days.


I'm guessing it'll be a while before it hits Europe, but I definitely had an interest in it when we first learned about it.

IGN is going crazy over this title, but I'd hate to be dissapointed in the end.

I hear there's about 20 levels, of which some can take up to an hour to solve, so length wise, it should be decent, but I'm worried about re-play value, seeing how once you know how to solve a level, it is pretty much done and "spoiled". Even though there's supposed to be alternative ways of beating a level.


Got my hands on this game tonight...played through 3 levels so far, and am just now starting a 4th. So far, it's been a lot of fun...a little different than I had anticipated, but I really like it (for some reason, I had though it was going to be a little more open than confined to stages, but it's definitely not bad the way it is). I never played the oldschool adventure games like Monkey Island, so I can't comment on how it measures up to others in the genre.

The controls are reasonable, and the only time I got particularly annoyed with the controls was when doing that bell ringing rhythm minigame thing (I know I was on beat, but it didn't register each time). The music is pretty fun so far, though some of the sound effects and whatnot can get a little grating. Graphics are pretty nice and colorful; good presentation overall. All in all, it's been a good time so far, now back to the game!

The controls are reasonable, and the only time I got particularly annoyed with the controls was when doing that bell ringing rhythm minigame thing (I know I was on beat, but it didn't register each time).

Enough trial and error found me a solution to that. Bell shaking only registers when you hold the wii remote vertically, and thrust forward and back, NOT left and right.

I also had trouble with the fishing controls. Still have no idea how they work.


I died a couple of times fighting the ice boss. Apparently there are multiple ways the action can occur. Essentially, either Captain Rose attempts to flee and gets frozen, or she doesn't. I've beaten the boss if she doesn't get frozen, but can't win when she does. Ideas?



There are 3 statues in the upper part of the room, 1 on the left and 2 on the right. There is an empty spot where a statue has been destroyed on the left, place Rose there and grab a mirror from one of the statues (only one will give up their the mirror) and put it in her hands. You can then use her to deflect the light or whatever that stuff is.


Well I finally did get a chance to play a bit over the weekend and it's an absolute blast. I've gone back to a few missions to try and find some fun stuff to do. Here's one that's hilarious:

In the mission where you have to put the goblins to sleep with the soup, ring the bell and turn them into blocks after you get them to sleep. You can then pick up the block and drop it into the soup. Once the camera goes back to the normal scene, the block starts slowly sinking into the soup. Ring the bell to turn the block back into the goblin. The music that plays is so sinister. xD

Well I finally did get a chance to play a bit over the weekend and it's an absolute blast. I've gone back to a few missions to try and find some fun stuff to do. Here's one that's hilarious:

In the mission where you have to put the goblins to sleep with the soup, ring the bell and turn them into blocks after you get them to sleep. You can then pick up the block and drop it into the soup. Once the camera goes back to the normal scene, the block starts slowly sinking into the soup. Ring the bell to turn the block back into the goblin. The music that plays is so sinister. xD

Nice. Man, that didn't even occur to me to try the bell on the goblins lol.

On the last lvl of the 3rd area, and this game just keeps getting better. The boss fight levels have been really interesting so far...can't wait to see what's next!


Metroid Prime 3 landed last week. Next to WoW, i have no time for other games.

But seriously, the screenshots i've seen, make it seem....quite kiddy? Or are the looks deceiving in this case?


Everyone should own this game. It is the best third party Wii effort, bar-none. Get it now and support Capcom; a third-party Wii game that actually controls well is worthwhile, and I promise that given a few weeks, no one will be able to find the game.


Capcom's mistake was making it look "kiddy" even though I don't care. I loved the cel-shaded look of this game. I just got to the fishing part because I've been playing PW3.


I keep trying to convince a friend that this is actually a great game, however, he keeps saying it looks stupid and "juvenile". He then complained how the Wii wasn't getting enough "cool" (violent) games. God, some people....


It's unfortunate that people have such perceptions based on the visual style of games. I suspect that's why Psychonauts didn't do too well.

And another thing that's unfortunate is that the game's been delayed to sometime in 2008 in Australia. Looks like I won't be purchasing any games this Christmas.

(yes, I'm aware of Super Mario Galaxy, but I don't want to get it right away :P)


Stuck at the airship so far, finally got the map but couldn't escape(whats up with the frog and rose?). Most deaths so far goes to this one. I'm guessing I'm missing one little thing I could do before I steal the map.


I beat the second boss, at last, and I'm into the third area now. Really liking it, but my time is stretched between 2 other games as well: Dewy's Adventure and Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne.


Agh I finally figure out the airship and I accidentally pick up a totem on my way back out and drop the map without remembering to pick it back up. I was like FINALLY I'M THROUGH. Wiki: Where's the map?



So a friend just bought me this game for my b-day, and I hadn't heard much about it until about 2 days ago. She gave me a gift reciept, but between what folks are saying here and some of the reviews I've read it seems like I should give this one a shot (and it was a gift; on principle I should keep it). I'm gonna rip into it as soon as I get back from work tonight. Hope it's as fun as y'all claim.

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