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I just sure wish the .EXE series didn't change all the designs of the RMs into something really gay.

Actually, blame CAPCOM. They were responsible for the character designs.


DMaster, I WAS blaming CAPCOM. I guess I should have said EXE game series. Neat concept, way to gay up the Robot Masters, d00ds.

And Schwaltzvald:

I mean the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

All things told, the cartoon succeeds in two ways:

1) It's so horribly cheesy and inconsistent as to be hilarious in every episode (gosh, what new cutting-related joke can they give to Cutman????).

2) The voices, ALL of them, are spot-on perfect.

As for the anime, I think we can all agree no matter how exciting the anime may seem, it will never top the masterpiece that is Mega Man X4's gripping scenes, like

I mean the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

All things told, the cartoon succeeds in two ways:

1) It's so horribly cheesy and inconsistent as to be hilarious in every episode (gosh, what new cutting-related joke can they give to Cutman????).

2) The voices, ALL of them, are spot-on perfect.

I just wished, even back then when it was new, that they kept the art quality high as they had with their

I actually have the entire series stored on a hard drive somewhere. Both "digitally remastered" and some that had to be recorded from old vhs tapes transferred to PC



Damn, he had some good movies. Paprika, Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers were personal favorites.

A current show I'm enjoying is Highschool of the Dead. The manga is slow as hell, so I suspect the show will quickly overtake it (barring any bullshit filler crap), though.

It has a nice opening credits theme, and the pacing is pretty decent. Fan service is just a bit too high for my tastes, but the zombies make it tolerable.

But for fuck's sake, they need to cut the jiggle-vision down. They did slow-mo tits flopping around because of rifle recoil for twenty seconds.

DMaster, I WAS blaming CAPCOM. I guess I should have said EXE game series. Neat concept, way to gay up the Robot Masters, d00ds.

As for the anime, I think we can all agree no matter how exciting the anime may seem, it will never top the masterpiece that is Mega Man X4's gripping scenes, like


Ok, My apologies. As for X4, I loved that game, especially the cutscene between Zero and Sigma.

A current show I'm enjoying is Highschool of the Dead. Fan service is just a bit too high for my tastes, but the zombies make it tolerable.

But for fuck's sake, they need to cut the jiggle-vision down. They did slow-mo tits flopping around because of rifle recoil for twenty seconds.

Oh please it's not that bad, or at least not as bad as Seikon no Qwaser (The Qwaser of Stigmata). :lol:

Also remember when Queen's Blade was on the US PSN video section before being pulled..? :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not generally a big anime watcher, but I just discovered and finally finished watching Haibane Renmei over the course of the last week.

Wow. Just wow.

There are very few things I've watched, animated or otherwise, that have played my emotions so well. Compelling setting, great characters, AMAZING music, and an interesting art style. I cannot believe that this never got finished. It ends on a good point though, which I guess I can't complain about, but it also left me curious about all the other questions that never got answered, and may never be.

I'm not generally a big anime watcher, but I just discovered and finally finished watching Haibane Renmei over the course of the last week.

Wow. Just wow.

There are very few things I've watched, animated or otherwise, that have played my emotions so well. Compelling setting, great characters, AMAZING music, and an interesting art style. I cannot believe that this never got finished. It ends on a good point though, which I guess I can't complain about, but it also left me curious about all the other questions that never got answered, and may never be.

Didn't it get finished? I remember the ending quite well. Unless you mean the manga it was based upon, but then it was still finished, as the creator ended the manga.

But yes,it's one of those shows that will stomp on your heart at the end. Fucking Haibane Renmei... you made me cry at the end. I hate you for it. :puppyeyes:


I just recently got through my first rewatch of Cowboy Bebop sinced it first aired here a few years back and realized how much better it is than I remembered (and I remembered it being pretty damn good). And I found this great (and currently incomplete) set of articles that I think fans of Bebop would find interesting.

Cowboy Bebop - Overthinking It

So good may be an overstatement, but it certainly is some kind of good... maybe crazy good with an emphasis on crazy.


to put it in the immortal words of ZeroPunctuation, it is DAMN GOOD. DAMN DAMN GOOD GOOD DAMN good DAMN damn.



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